Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 854 Are You Tired?

Even Emperor Xiyun and Su Chengyu had intentions to let Ning Wenxian walk with them more.

And looking at Ning Wenxian's meaning, she should also want to have a good relationship with them.

If they didn't accept Ning Wenxian's things, they might even make Ning Wenxian mistakenly think that they were taking her in the face.

What's more, Ning Wenxian is a crown princess, and there are many good things, and these things given to them are really nothing to Ning Wenxian.

As for the things Ning Wenxian gave them, they could usually use them, so it could be seen that Ning Wenxian was really worried, afraid that they would not accept them so they would send some things that they could use at ordinary times.

Besides, why is this Ning Wenxian also their younger brother and sister, they didn't provoke them, they just wanted to have a good relationship with them and become closer.

Therefore, An Jing accepted what Ning Wenxian sent.

As for Xiao Changyi, it doesn't matter, An Jing can accept it if he wants to, or not if he doesn't want to, he doesn't care.

"Niangniang kissed her, which aunt is she?" At some point, the little guy An Yiyun had already walked over to Jing Jing, with a little finger pointing out that he didn't know Ning Wenxian, his little eyes were all blank, and he asked in a milky voice. Who is Jing Jing Ning Wenxian?

An Jing immediately pressed An Yiyun's little hand pointing at Ning Wenxian, "Yun'er, you can't be so rude, this is your second aunt, not your aunt."

"Second Aunt" An Yiyun bit her finger, looked at Ning Wenxian, and called Ning Wenxian in a milky voice.

"Yun'er is really good." She said Yuner quietly just now, so Ning Wenxian knew that this should be the youngest of the four children, An Yiyun.

Quietly smiled and said, "Take this opportunity to meet me and the other three children of your royal brother."

With that said, An Jing asked Su Yijing, Su Yixing, and An Yiqing, who were still playing next to Xiao Changyi, to come over and introduce them to Ning Wenxian one by one.

This is the first time I have met the four children. Ning Wenxian had prepared red envelopes long before coming here. Just when Jing Jing introduced the four children to Ning Wenxian, Ning Wenxian took it from Bizhu. A red envelope was given to each of the four children.

"Go in and sit down."

As soon as Jingjing proposed this, Ning Wenxian smiled.

Seeing that Ning Wenxian agreed, An Jing said to Xiao Changyi, who was still making bamboo rafts there, "Xiaogong, Wenxian and I are going in, look at the children."


As soon as she heard Xiao Changyi respond, Jing Jing led Ning Wenxian into the courtyard and then to the main room.

Quietly brewed tea.

After pouring a cup of tea for Ning Wenxian, An Jing opened her mouth again and said with a smile: "Jinger and Chener are very close together, every time they go to the palace, Jinger and the others have to go to Chener, the big brother to play with. ."

Ning Wenxian didn't dislike the simplicity of the house, but sat down opposite An Jing with a generous and dignified manner, and when she heard An Jing said that Su Yijing and the others had a good relationship with her son, she smiled and said, "His Royal Highness has already told Wen Xian. Now, Chen'er and Jinger get along so well, Wen Xian is very happy."

Seeing that Ning Wenxian was clearly happy but still smiled so 'properly' instead of being as casual as she was, Jing couldn't help but blurt out, "Aren't you tired like this?"

The decent smile at the corner of Ning Wenxian's mouth froze instantly.

An Jing realized that he seemed to be asking something that shouldn't be asked, which should be considered very rude, so he quickly smiled: "Wen Xian, I'm from a farm family, and I don't know much about etiquette. If there is any offense to you, don't be I don't care about going."

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