Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 858 Water-based

As soon as the four children entered the palace, they were clamoring for the big brother to play, An Jing and Xiao Changyi could only take the four children to the East Palace.

But it was empty.

Ning Wenxian told them that because they didn't know when they would come, Su Muchen went to study in the study first.

Originally, Ning Wenxian wanted to send someone to call Su Muchen back, but An Jing stopped her, saying that she and Xiao Changyi would directly take the four children to the study to find Su Muchen, and then stroll around the palace.

And when An Jing and Xiao Changyi led their four children to the study, Su Muchen was studying strategy theory in it. The adults are also quite majestic and imposing.

Standing in front of the window of the upper study, Jing Jing first signaled her four children not to speak, then she looked at Su Muchen inside through the open window, and finally, she smiled at her husband.

As for her eyes, it was clearly written: Whether it was Emperor Xiyun or Su Chengyu, they all cultivated Su Muchen as a future successor.

Xiao Changyi didn't speak, just nodded slightly.

In the end, it was the Tai Fu who was inside who first discovered An Jing and Xiao Changyi who were standing outside.

When Su Muchen saw Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi, he was not so happy, but when he saw the four little guys standing at Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi's feet, his calm and calm eyes immediately lit up, full of joy.

Jingjing saw Su Muchen's reaction in her eyes. Although she had a smile on her face, she sighed deeply in her heart.

Born in a royal family, it's not really that good.

Then, Su Muchen took the four children to play.

After a while, Su Muchen brought his four children back to find An Jing and Xiao Changyi.

Su Muchen hesitantly asked An Jing and Xiao Changyi, and asked if the four little guys could live in the East Palace tonight and sleep with him.

And the four little guys all looked up at An Jing and Xiao Changyi with expectant faces. Obviously, they wanted to sleep with Su Muchen at night. No, to be precise, to play together.

Quietly looked at the five children as if they were brothers, and couldn't bear to disappoint the five children. After looking at Xiao Changyi, she nodded and agreed.

Then, Su Muchen took the four little guys to play happily.

An Jing and Xiao Changyi first went to Emperor Xiyun, looked at Emperor Xiyun, and then went to the East Palace to tell Ning Wenxian that their four children were going to live in the East Palace tonight.

Ning Wenxian was very happy: "Don't worry, brother and sister-in-law, Wenxian will take good care of Jing'er and the others, and promise to send Jing'er back to you tomorrow."

"Then trouble you."

The bamboo raft Xiao Changyi was ready, An Jing originally planned to sit down, but now, the four children have been entrusted to Ning Wenxian, An Jing and Xiao Changyi left the palace and went home.

Xiao Changyi and An Jing carried the bamboo raft to the river.

An Jing would not support a bamboo raft, but Xiao Changyi would. I saw Xiao Changyi holding a long bamboo pole and supporting it one by one. Then, the bamboo raft left the river little by little and walked towards the middle of the river.

Standing quietly on the bamboo raft, I was very excited to see the bamboo raft getting further and further away from the river.

Standing on the water and watching the scenery and standing on the ground watching the scenery, the feeling is really different.

"Xiang Gong, how is your water?" Suddenly, Jing Jing asked the person who was supporting the bamboo raft.

Xiao Changyi said lightly: "Fall from here, I should be able to take you back."

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