Quietly prepared a few kites. Meng Zhuqing hoisted a kite and handed the kite string to Su Muchen. Then, Su Muchen trotted with the kite while the four little guys followed Su Muchen. , the five children all had a great time.

Quiet and they watched, they were all very happy.

Although Emperor Xiyun and the others came here in micro-service, they still brought several guards by their side.

Emperor Xiyun looked at the house in front of him, although the house was simple, but the surrounding scenery was unusually beautiful.

Quietly smiled and said, "If the emperor has time in the future, he can come here often."

Before, they lived in Qilin County, which was very far away from the Imperial Capital. Unlike here, which was much closer, Emperor Xiyun could come at any time.

Emperor Xiyun nodded.

Noticing that Xiao Changyi was cutting the bamboo tube, and the bamboo had just been cut, Emperor Xiyun couldn't help but ask curiously, "Yi'er, what are you doing?"

Xiao Changyi was silent.

Emperor Xiyun was silent. He had forgotten that it would take two days for his family to speak to him.

Immediately, he looked at Jing Jing and asked Jing Jing this question.

Quietly watching the interaction between Emperor Xiyun and Xiao Changyi, it was only funny. Sometimes she really felt that her husband was actually a child.

When Emperor Xiyun came to ask her, she immediately smiled and said, "I want to make bamboo tube rice for you to try. If you need fresh bamboo tube, I will let Chang Yi cut it."

"Bamboo rice?" Emperor Xiyun, Su Chengyu, and Ning Wenxian all looked like they had never heard of this kind of rice.

Quietly smiled and said, "I fooled around and found that it was delicious, but because I need to bake it in a bamboo tube, I called it bamboo tube rice."

Emperor Xiyun, Su Chengyu, and Ning Wenxian had never been in the kitchen, so they didn't know how to cook, but they didn't need to know how to cook, they just had to wait and eat.

Thinking like this, even if they didn't understand Jing's words, they were relieved.

A fire has been set up in the open space not far in front of the yard. Xiao Changyi is roasting bamboo rice there, while Jing Jing is roasting whole lamb on another fire on the side.

Not far from the fire, there were two tables, many stools and chairs. Emperor Xiyun, Su Chengyu, and Ning Wenxian were sitting there, drinking tea and chatting while watching the beautiful scenery around them. The new continent looked at An Jing and Xiao Changyi as they cooked the meals very skillfully.

But don't say it, it's delicious.

In the royal family, they have never eaten anything good, but the roasted whole lamb made by Jingjing and the bamboo rice made by Xiao Changyi are really fragrant and mouth-watering.

Even, the five children were attracted and stopped playing. They squatted beside Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi, watching the roasted whole lamb and roasted bamboo rice, their little noses all sucking the fragrance that wafted out, and they were all greedy. No way.

Emperor Xiyun didn't know how many times he swallowed his saliva, but after this time, he couldn't hold back and asked, "Jingjing, why are the things you and Yi'er make so fragrant? The royal chef in the palace also makes them. I have roasted whole lamb, but it doesn't seem to be as fragrant as your roast."

He said with a quiet and hearty smile: "It's just seasoned with some uncommon seasonings to make it so fragrant."

Emperor Xiyun laughed immediately: "You are so good at eating, Yi'er is really good."

Su Chengyu also smiled: "Father, the vermicelli made by the sister-in-law and brother-in-law last time was delicious. My son is still greedy, but unfortunately the sister-in-law and brother-in-law didn't do it."

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