Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 874 How much surprise do you want to give me?

"Father, this arsenic is a poison. It is better for the government to control the seeds mixed with arsenic. Also, this arsenic is especially effective for beans and wheat."

"Well," Emperor Xiyun nodded, "I will let the agricultural institutes of various places manage and control the matter of arsenic seed dressing, so that it will be more beneficial to the people."

"By the way, imperial father, I have something to do." Quietly hesitated suddenly.

"What's the matter?" Emperor Xiyun asked. "But it doesn't matter."

Jing Jing thought for a while, organized the language in her heart, and said: "Royal father, I have been farming since I was a child, and I know some farming rules, but I see that the contents of the books instructing farming in the Agricultural Academy are not perfect. Compiling it may be more conducive to guiding farming."

Emperor Xiyun didn't immediately agree to rewrite it, but asked, "What farming rules do you know?"

Jing Jing lied without changing his face: "The twenty-four solar terms can not only be used as a timeline, but we can also use it to guide agricultural production."

At this moment, An Jing is very fortunate. When she successfully applied for the 24 solar terms, she took a closer look at the 24 solar terms, and the climate here is very similar to her original world. There are also 24 solar terms, but The system is not sound enough, it is only used as a yardstick of time, and it is not used to guide agricultural production.

As far as Jing Jing knows, the twenty-four solar terms are supplementary legislation that was formulated in the pre-Qin period and fully established in the Han Dynasty to guide farming.

It can be seen that the agricultural production here is not as good as that of the Han Dynasty.

Hearing that An Jing actually wanted to connect the twenty-four solar terms with agricultural production, Emperor Xiyun's old eyes lit up immediately, and asked anxiously, "How to guide?"

Jing Jing said: "It's very simple. It is to write down what farmers should do for each solar term in a book, so as to guide agricultural production. For example, before and after Xiaoman, Angua ordered beans, planted in early autumn, planted in summer, and harvested cabbage around the beginning of winter."

Emperor Xiyun looked at An Jing for a long time, and then sighed sincerely without knowing what to say: "Jing Jing, how much surprise do you want to give me?"

Quietly smiled and said: "I don't know if it's a surprise or not. I just know that I want to help the emperor's father relieve his worries. The emperor's heart is for the people. He wants them to eat well and dress warmly. He also wants the country to be safe and peaceful. Help the emperor, no matter how much we can help, Chang Yi and I will help the emperor."

Saying that, An Jing smiled and glanced at Xiao Changyi who was drinking tea next to her, as if he was the only one in her world.

Xiao Changyi likes the quiet look in his eyes, which makes his cold eyes soften and become warm.

Emperor Xiyun was touched and said: "You are all filial. Although I am the Son of Heaven, I have never felt that I am a blessed person, but now, I really feel that I am a blessed person."

Both An Jing and Xiao Changyi could hear the sadness in Emperor Xiyun's moving words. They didn't understand why and looked at each other, but neither of them asked the reason.

Some things are better left unasked.

And if Emperor Xiyun wanted to say something, Emperor Xiyun would take the initiative to tell them, instead of being sad like this, if they weren't careful, they might not have heard it.

"Quiet," Emperor Xiyun laughed again, "Since you are so clear about farming, then you are responsible for compiling and editing what kind of crops are suitable for the twenty-four solar terms to guide farming?"

"Success." An Jing quite readily agreed.

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