Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 878 Not Simple

With that said, Su Chengjin looked at the young man who followed him, and the young man immediately stepped forward and respectfully handed over the gift of thanks to Xiao Changyi.

Xiao Changyi didn't answer.

The atmosphere was suddenly a little awkward.

Quiet but used to it, he smiled and smoothed things over and said: "You thanked the wrong person. It was Gong Juechen who was willing to heal you when he saw that the fifth prince was growing well. It has nothing to do with us. You should give this gift to Gong Juechen. "

Su Chengjin smiled and said: "The palace doctor has the palace doctor, and these are for the emperor's brother and the emperor's wife. The reason why the palace doctor is willing to live in my mansion to treat me is because the emperor's brother and the emperor's wife asked Vice General Meng to come to my mansion to protect them." Doctor Gong, only Doctor Gong is willing. I am sincerely grateful to Brother Huang and Sister-in-law, I hope Brother and Sister-in-law will not be too polite, so I will accept it."

Xiao Changyi's refusal to answer just now represented Xiao Changyi's attitude. He didn't want Su Chengjin's thank you gift.

Jing Jing knew that Xiao Changyi would not accept Su Chengjin's gift, and she also felt that Su Chengjin's sudden arrival was not really just to thank them, so, seeing Su Chengjin insisted on giving the gift, Jing Jing smiled and said: "Fifth Prince, you I also said that it is Gong Juechen who is being protected by Vice General Meng in your residence, so this gift should not be given to us, but to Vice General Meng."

Without waiting for Su Chengjin to say anything else, An Jing turned to Meng Zhuqing and said, "Meng Zhuqing, the fifth prince gave you a thank you gift, you should take it quickly."

Meng Zhuqing immediately took a step forward and accepted the generous gift from the boy.

Originally, he wanted to have a good relationship with Xiao Changyi, Prince Yi, but not only did Prince Yi not say a word to him, but the gift was delivered to someone else. Su Chengjin's smile froze slightly.

However, Su Chengjin recovered quickly, and smiled knowingly: "Chengjin can't delay the matter of the emperor's brother and his wife, then Cheng Jin will leave first, and you, the emperor's brother and his wife, go to the editorial seminary."

It wasn't until Su Chengjin left that An Jing said to Xiao Changyi: "My husband, I think he looks like he really wants to have a good relationship with us."

Xiao Changyi snorted coldly: "The intention is not right."

Jing Jing nodded in agreement: "I also think it's not simple for him to come to thank you suddenly. You see, he has been detoxified for two months. If he really wanted to thank him, he would have come a long time ago. Why did he wait until now?"

Xiao Changyi didn't say anything, but motioned for Quiet to get on the carriage.

Seeing that Xiao Changyi didn't want to talk about Su Chengjin, An Jing stopped talking about Su Chengjin, but got on the carriage obediently, and then entered the imperial capital and went to the Editing Academy.

Afterwards, Su Chengjin came two more times, once to see the four little guys, and once to invite An Jing and Xiao Changyi to his house for a meal, but unfortunately, Xiao Changyi didn't even say a word to him, Naturally, I didn't go to his house for dinner.

Seeing that Xiao Changyi never paid any attention to him, Su Chengjin couldn't help admiring Su Chengyu for being able to deal with Xiao Changyi and let Xiao Changyi stand by his side.

Originally, Su Chengjin really wanted to have a good relationship with Xiao Changyi, but after the three visits to the door, Su Chengjin couldn't bear to look for Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi again.

Even though Tao Guogong reprimanded him later and wanted him to come to Xiao Changyi again and work hard to build a good relationship with Xiao Changyi, Prince Yi, Su Chengjin just didn't want to come again. In the end, Tao Guogong had no choice but to let Su Chengjin not come.

For Su Chengjin, Jing Jing didn't take it seriously, so Su Chengjin stopped coming after three visits, Jing Jing didn't think it was strange, she only thought Su Chengjin retreated in spite of the difficulties.

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