Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 902 The lethality is very large...

Xiao Changyi really nodded: "Yeah." No one can compare to his wife.

Jing Jing immediately kissed Xiao Changyi happily.

Xiao Changyi was a little dissatisfied with her superficiality.

An Jing only thought it was funny, but she still leaned closer sweetly, and pressed her lips to his lips again.

But it was just to put her lips on his lips.

She didn't move on purpose, just stood there, keeping her lips against his lips, but the smile on the corner of her mouth was wide, it was clear that she did it on purpose, and she also showed that she wanted to see how long he could endure.

Xiao Changyi has no patience at all, this is his wife, why should he be patient? Seeing that An Jing stopped on purpose, he was not annoyed, and directly grabbed the back of An Jing's head, deepening the kiss.

After the kiss was closed, An Jing had already sat on Xiao Changyi's lap.

And Xiao Changyi was sitting on the chair in front of the desk.

An Jing hugged Xiao Changyi's neck, tried to calm his breath, and then motioned Xiao Changyi to look at the picture of Miao Dao on the desk.

Then, she carefully explained to him: "Master, this knife is called Miao knife, because it got its name because its slender blade looks like a seedling."

"This seedling knife is a weapon inherited from ancient times in my original world. It has great lethality."

"And this knife has always been held by the ancient Royal Forest Army in my world."

"When my adoptive father asked me what I was thinking about during the day, I hadn't actually thought of this knife, but I thought of it when I saw the guards next to my adoptive father. We can cast a batch of these knives and give them to each of the Imperial Forest Army. Send it out, what do you think?"

Xiyun also has the Royal Forest Army.

Xiao Changyi said, "Very good."

Saying yes to Xiao Changyi, Jing Jing is very happy, her husband is very obedient to her.

However, after thinking about it for a while, she vetoed her proposal just now, and changed her mind: "Let's not make a batch, let's make one first, let the knife maker make one for us first, and show it to the foster father." Look, let Yifu, the emperor, decide whether to build a batch."

No matter how you think about this matter, An Jing changed her mind because she felt that she shouldn't take the lead.

"Hmm." Xiao Changyi had no objection. This is indeed more secure. The old man can also feel more comfortable.

"This knife is so lethal," An Jing said again, "When the foster father sees it, I think the foster father will probably make a batch for the Imperial Forest Army."

"Hmm." Xiao Changyi thought so too.

On the second day, An Jing gave Meng Lanqing the structural drawing of the Miao knife, and asked Meng Lanqing to find a knife maker to make one.

When An Jing got the Miao Dao, it was two and a half months later.

As soon as Jing Jing got the Miao Dao, she first asked Xiao Changyi to show her a set of sword skills. After Jing Jing was very satisfied with watching, she went into the palace with Xiao Changyi and showed the Miao Dao to Emperor Xiyun.

When Emperor Xiyun saw the Miao Dao, his eyes lit up first, then the guard put down his own saber and played with the Miao Dao, and Emperor Xiyun's eyes became even brighter.

This lethality

"Quietly" Emperor Xiyun looked at Jingjing and sighed, sighing at the amazing genius, he didn't know what to say.

Su Chengyu happened to come here, and when he saw Miao Dao, his eyes became particularly bright, and he heard that An Jing had figured it out, Su Chengyu immediately cupped his hands at An Jing and said: "The talent of the emperor's wife is immeasurable!"

Jing Jing was modest with Su Chengyu for a while before asking Emperor Xiyun: "Father, that was my proposal?"

Emperor Xiyun immediately said: "This knife is so good, I naturally want to make a batch for the Imperial Forest Army. If it doesn't take a lot of time to make one, and the materials used are difficult to smelt, I want the whole army , give each one a pair."

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