Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 904 How dare you play such a trick with me?

At this time, Prime Minister Li could only bite the bullet and said in a sensible way: "Prince Yi's actions are suspected of restlessness, and the ministers are also afraid that Prince Yi will rebel, which will be detrimental to Xiyun and the emperor."

Emperor Xiyun sneered and said: "I encourage you to speak up and speak up, but you are living more and more and going back. How dare you play these little tricks with me?"

After a pause, Emperor Xiyun was furious: "It's true that I love Prince Yi, but I haven't been hurt to the point of discriminating between right and wrong because of my love for Prince Yi! Are you saying that I am stupid?!"

The people kneeling on the ground were even more frightened. They all turned pale, and shouted again and again: "I dare not wait, the emperor calms down! The emperor calms down! The emperor calms down!"

"Prince Yi has opened many rice shops because he has objections?" Emperor Xiyun sneered again. "So since he opened the first rice shop, he regularly showed me the account books of the rice shop to tell me that he has objections? How impatient he is!"

The people kneeling on the ground had no idea that Xiao Changyi would show the account books to Emperor Xiyun regularly, and they were all stunned.

Emperor Xiyun looked coldly at the people kneeling below, and after a long while, he said again: "You didn't fully understand, so you played together. I should have severely punished you, but because you are for Xiyun, I will open it." On the one hand, I will punish you with half a year's salary and copy Xiyun's regulations five times."

Forget half a year's salary, and copy Xiyun's regulations five times?

Xiyun Law is a very thick book, when will they finish copying it five times?

Everyone kneeling on the ground was wailing in their hearts, but they could only kowtow to thank the emperor: "Thank you, the emperor, for your kindness, long live the emperor, long live, long live!"

When Prime Minister Li came back early, he saw his daughter came back to visit him at her mother's house, and he couldn't help but sighed, "Wuyu, you and Youbao are right, father shouldn't be in this water."

"Father, what do you mean?" Li Wuyu didn't understand what Prime Minister Li was talking about for a while.

Prime Minister Li sighed again: "Father and other officials played the story of your master master opening many rice shops."

Li Wuyu immediately became anxious: "Father, are you alright?"

Her master has said that if this matter is reported, they will not be the ones who have trouble. Those who have something to do, aren't they the ones mentioned above.

Prime Minister Li shook his head and said: "Fortunately, we are also for Xiyun, the emperor did not punish severely, only punished father and others with half a year's salary and copied Xiyun's laws five times."

Seeing that her father was not in danger of life, Li Wuyu felt relieved, and then asked curiously, "Father, why are they all right?"

Prime Minister Li said that Emperor Xiyun had known about the rice shop for a long time, and that he would even check the rice shop's account books regularly.

"No wonder" Li Wuyu understood. "Father, don't do this again in the future."

Prime Minister Li sighed again, "Father is also for Xiyun. In fact, I respect Prince Yi very much, but I saw a lot of high-ranking people and gradually changed. I am no longer the same as before. I am afraid Prince Yi has also changed."

Li Wuyu, silent. She can't guarantee that her master will be like this all his life, apart from being silent, she can only remain silent.

"Father's performance today can be regarded as participating in Prince Yi's book. I hope that Prince Yi is still as magnanimous as before. If he doesn't care about father, he will naturally not implicate you."

Li Wuyu said: "Father, you are doing it for Xiyun, you have no selfish intentions, if you turn your anger on me because of this, master and master, I will admit it, and I believe that the baby will have the same thoughts as me."

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