Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 916 No one cares about you!

Jing Jing didn't even bother to say that Gong Juechen was shameless, she just smiled slowly: "If you want to be knocked out every day by my guards, you can go live in my house."

"Quiet," Gong Juechen wailed immediately, "How can you be so cruel?!"

An Jing shrugged: "No way, I just found out that this way can cure you who don't want any face."

Immediately, Jing Jing didn't care about Gong Juechen anymore, and pulled her husband to go outside.

Rather than talking nonsense with Gong Juechen here, it's better to go back to the palace and take care of the children.

But Gong Juechen chased after him.

As soon as he caught up, Gong Juechen said in a very low voice: "Quiet, I have something I want to ask you. I don't know if I have misunderstood it."

Looking back at Yan Yao who was still standing at the door of Meng Zhuqing's room, Gong Juechen continued to whisper, "My lady seems to care more about Zhuzhu than me, look at her, she always stands there, but she doesn't care I"

As he spoke, Gong Juechen looked resentful again.

An Jing looked back at Tuoba Yao, and said angrily: "I never cared about you!"

Immediately, Jing Jing softened her tone: "As for whether she cares about Meng Zhuqing, I don't know. But what I know is that Meng Zhuqing became what he is now because of her."

"Zhuzhu was cut down for her in such a state of life and death, as expected, they had an adulterous affair." Gong Juechen looked hopeless.

Quiet and angry: "Can you not pretend? You don't like Yan Yao at all, you don't care if she has adultery or not."

"Obviously I like her"

"Yes!" An Jing became even more annoyed, "You like other people's faces!"

Gong Juechen immediately said pleasantly: "Those who know me are quiet!"

Jing Jing felt that Gong Juechen was tired of pretending like this, and talking to Gong Juechen who was pretending like this made her even more tired. Therefore, she always felt that she didn't want to say a word to Gong Juechen.

I really didn't want to say anything more to Gong Juechen, so I quietly pulled Xiao Changyi and continued to leave.

Gong Juechen was not annoyed, he still followed An Jing and Xiao Changyi, and said with a smile: "Jing Jing, Chang Yi, don't rush to leave, I haven't finished my sentence yet."

Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi ignored Gong Juechen and continued walking forward.

Gong Juechen didn't care, and continued to follow them, while following, he also said: "You say, if Zhuzhu and Yaoyao really have an affair, what should I do?"

"One is my buddy and the other is my wife. These two people hooked up together. I wanted to kill both of them, but I was afraid that if I couldn't kill them, they would kill them instead."

"I have no strength to restrain a chicken."

"Furthermore, if I kill them both, who will bully me so much in the future, it will be difficult for me to meet a girl as good-looking as my wife again."

"No no no, my wife may not be a girl anymore, they have been together for so long in Nanyan, lonely man and widow, woohoo" Gong Juechen pretended to cry twice, "Maybe the two of you have already done what I should have done with you." That shit my wife did."

An Jing originally didn't want to talk to Gong Juechen, but Gong Juechen was so wicked, she couldn't help but, An Jing turned around and scolded Gong Juechen: "Gong Juechen, do you think everyone is like you? Now you are not only destroying people’s reputation, but also destroying their reputation! If your words spread, how will Yanyao gain a foothold in the imperial capital in the future?!”

She is not from here, she may not care, but Yanyao is from here, she does not believe that Yanyao would not care about her reputation at all.

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