Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 924 Even You Are Bullying Yourself

Meng Zhuqing was speechless for two seconds before saying calmly: "Brother, you are really a little violent."

Meng Lanqing suddenly turned serious, stared at Meng Zhuqing for a long time without blinking, and then said abruptly: "Princess Yao always came to see you in your room at night before, if I hadn't ordered the nursing home to keep silent, Ren Yaojun When the Lord came in, she had already been captured by the nursing home."

Once or twice, maybe the guards of the General's Mansion can't find it, but Yan Yao always comes, so it's hard not to be found.

Meng Zhuqing twitched her heart, but said with a smile on her face: "I was in a coma for so long before, but it was because of something in Princess Yao's house, Princess Yao was grateful, that's why it happened."

Meng Lanqing continued to stare at Meng Zhuqing, and after a while, said again: "Ever since Princess Yao came to see you that night when you woke up, Princess Yao never broke into the General's Mansion at night again."

Meng Zhuqing still smiled and said: "Brother, didn't I tell you just now that Princess Yao is grateful to me, and Princess Yao thanked me several times in the night when I woke up, and since I am awake, there is nothing serious , Princess Yao will naturally not come to see me at night again."

Meng Lanqing stared at Meng Zhuqing's unrevealed expression for a while, then sighed: "Zhuqing, I used to think you were easy to bully, but now, I think you are even more bullying. Even you bully yourself yourself."

The smile on Meng Zhuqing's face froze at first, and then returned to normal, as if the stiffness just now was just an illusion.

Meng Lanqing didn't say anything, and patted Meng Zhuqing's shoulder again before walking out.

Meng Zhuqing stood with his back to the door, and after a while, he said in a low voice: I didn't bully myself, I just hope she is well.

Standing there fixedly for a long while, Meng Zhuqing walked to the bronze mirror, and tried to put on the silver mask that Dai Meng Lanqing had just given him in front of the bronze mirror.

The silver mask was very thin, and the design was exquisite. Once he put it on, it just covered the horrible scars on his face, and it also added a lot of mystery to him.

Meng Zhuqing was very satisfied with this mask.

On the second day, Meng Zhuqing rode to Prince Yi's mansion with a simple burden on his back.

His grandfather is now living in Prince Yi's Mansion, and Prince Yi's Mansion has many rooms and many courtyards. It is a very trivial matter for him to live in a small courtyard.

Meng Zhuqing agrees that his father moved into Prince Yi's mansion and dispatched a group of dead soldiers to serve as guards in the mansion, so that he doesn't have to worry all day long because his father lives in a remote and unsafe place accident.

"Second Master Meng." The gatekeeper knew Meng Zhuqing, as soon as he saw Meng Zhuqing approaching, he hurried forward and took the reins of the horse from Meng Zhuqing's hand.

Meng Zhuqing let the man lead his horse into the stable of Prince Yi's mansion, without saying anything, he dismounted and went into Prince Yi's mansion.

And as soon as he entered Prince Yi's mansion, he happened to meet Tuoba Yao who was about to leave Prince Yi's mansion.

Meng Zhuqing's fingers immediately trembled slightly.

He knew that she was temporarily staying in Prince Yi's mansion, but he didn't expect that he would meet her so soon.

He just entered the gate of Prince Yi's mansion

really fast

almost caught off guard

Fortunately, he quickly regained his composure, cupped his fists at Tuoba Yao respectfully and said: "Princess."

Even though Meng Zhuqing was wearing a mask, it was still easy for people to recognize him. The mask didn't cover his entire face, but only covered the scars.

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