Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 932 They Will Protect You

And even if she really wanted to cure her son, she couldn't help it.

She really can't help it.

If so, how could she not treat their son?

Usually, if their son doesn't play too crazy, and play for a while and rest for a while, they can't really feel that their son is weak, but once they do something that takes a lot of energy, they can feel it after a while. Differences between him and a healthy child

Seeing her little son crying into a pitiful little boy in her arms, it was so painful to be quiet.

Although Xiao Changyi had no expression on his face, he felt extremely uncomfortable in his heart. He squatted down and touched the little head of his youngest son in his wife's arms.

Seeing that his daughter-in-law was choked and unable to speak, he slightly pursed his lower lip, and then said in a low voice: "You are a younger brother, so it doesn't matter if you can't be like your older brothers. When your older brothers grow up, they will protect you." .”

"Ke Kesu" An Yiyun was still crying, crying out of breath, crying out of breath, "Yun'er really wants to be like the brothers"

Seeing that An Yiyun was crying so hard, Su Yijing, Su Yixing, and An Yiqing stopped striding around and surrounded him in displeasure.

"Yun'er, don't cry, don't cry." As soon as An Yiqing came around, he wiped An Yiyun's tears with his small hands, "Brother will protect you, it doesn't matter if you can't tie the horse, brothers will protect you yours."

An Yiyun was still crying: "Daddy said, let Yun'er and brothers grow up to protect mother, Yun'er should not be protected by brothers, Yun'er should be like brothers, protect mother and father, Uncle Zhuqing said, take Wu If you practice well, you can protect your mother and father, woo woo"

This time, An Jing and Xiao Changyi felt even more uncomfortable.

Their children are sometimes misbehaving, but sometimes they are really sensible.

Before An Jing and Xiao Changyi could speak, Su Yixing took An Yiyun's little hand and said in a childlike voice: "Yun'er, be obedient, Yun'er hasn't grown up yet, you can protect her when she grows up." Mother and father are gone."

It was rare for the little guy Su Yijing to speak: "We are all still children."

An Yiyun still didn't stop crying, and asked, "When will Yun'er grow up?"

This question is extremely naive, but it can especially touch the softest part of Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi's heart.

"Yun'er, let's not be in a hurry," An Jing immediately said to appease, "You and your brothers are still children, the babies of your father and mother, so babies should not grow up in a hurry, you have to take your time, and eventually you will grow up." One day, you will all grow up. At that time, when you grow up, you will be able to protect father and mother."

After all, An Yiyun was still just a child, so the point was blurred, and he completely forgot that he was crying because he couldn't practice martial arts like his brother.

At this moment, he only knows that as long as he grows up, he can protect his father and mother. As for whether he can practice martial arts well, he doesn't care anymore.

"Hee hee," An Yiyun finally laughed, but tears were still flowing, "Then Yun'er is going to grow up."

An Yiqing immediately corrected in a childlike voice: "Growing up slowly! Mother said that we are her and Daddy's little ones, and little ones can't grow up in a hurry, we have to take our time."

As soon as An Yiyun heard his third brother's words, he immediately changed his words: "Then Yun'er will grow up slowly!"

Seeing that An Yiyun finally stopped crying, An Jing breathed a sigh of relief.

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