Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 965 Red Rain?


Looking quietly, I slowly regretted it.

"Xianggong" at this moment, I really can't bear to be quiet. The four children in her family are now like orphans who have been abandoned, and she feels very uncomfortable seeing it.

She could only look at Xiao Changyi, hoping that Xiao Changyi would allow her to regret and let the children still sleep in their room.

But how could Xiao Changyi make her regret it.

I only heard Xiao Changyi looking down at his four children, and said calmly: "I just let you live in another house."

"Why do you want to change it?" An Yiqing asked, his mouth became more constricted.

Xiao Changyi said without changing his face: "You guys have grown up, whose child still lives in the same room with his parents when he grows up?"

Jing Jing: "" Well, Mr. Xiang, in your eyes, our little kid has already grown up.

An Yiyun Nuonuo said: "But mother said, we are still children, and we are still the babies of father and mother."

Quietly sniggering. Mr. Xiang, let me see what else you can do.

Xiao Changyi said: "No matter how old you are, in the eyes of your parents, you are all children."

"Is that so?" An Yiyun bit his finger, doubting himself.

The other three little guys were also the same as An Yiyun.

An Jing both snickered and sighed in her heart: Master. Mrs., you are like this, I am embarrassed to regret the house split.

"It's scary, Yun'er is scary." An Yiyun opened his mouth again, frowning his eyebrows with a very scared expression.

"What are you afraid of? Father and mother are right next door to you, and there are maids in your room to wait on you all night." After a pause, Xiao Changyi continued: "Usually you live in your parents' room, and your bed and your parents' bed are not screened. Is it separated, now it’s just separated by a wall.”

Quietly snickered even harder. It's rare for her husband to say so many things, just to let the four little guys sleep in separate rooms with them, haha, it's really rare, she will remember it for a lifetime

Taking advantage of the four little guys being surrounded by him, Xiao Changyi led the four little guys into the room.

As soon as he entered the room, Xiao Changyi also said: "The layout here is similar to that of father and mother's room. If you are thirsty or hungry at night and have something to do, just tell the servant girl to serve you."

An Yiyun suddenly hugged Xiao Changyi's right leg, raised his face, and said with a smile: "Yun'er doesn't want to be called maid, Yun'er wants to be called father and mother."

So did the other three children.

Seeing that their children do not object to sleeping in separate rooms, and they are still so cute, Xiao Changyi didn't object, "If you want to call, you can call."


Because there is a maid in the room guarding all night, the four little guys have nothing to be afraid of, but An Jing and Xiao Changyi still coaxed the four little guys to sleep before leaving the room where the little guys slept.

Jing Jing went back to their own room with Xiao Changyi, and joked: "Sister, today is really rare, you have talked so much, and you are so patient, if I don't know what you are for, I really want I thought it was raining red."

For An Jing's joke, Xiao Changyi was not angry, but took An Jing's hand and continued to go back to the house.

As soon as he entered the room, while Xiao Changyi closed the door with his backhand, he also pressed An Jing against the door, and his thin lips covered An Jing's lips the next moment.

His hands on her body, his lips, his breathing, and his reactions are all undoubtedly interpreting—only you can make me what I am now.

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