Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 975 She, So Different

Both Su Chengyu and Emperor Xiyun were used to An Jing and Xiao Changyi showing affection from time to time, and they didn't feel anything at all.

Dongfang Tianyang, on the other hand, felt that An Jing's behavior was really bold. While surprised, he was very appreciative and interested.

This princess seems to be very different from other princesses.

As soon as Jing Jing finished calling Xiao Changyi, she turned over on the white horse. As soon as the horse felt that there was a person sitting on its back, it immediately seemed to be frightened, and ran wildly, trying to throw Jing Jing off.

Seeing that the horse seemed to be crazy, Xiao Changyi seemed to have no expression on his face, but his heart was so high that he even forgot to breathe. He just looked closely at An Jing, fearing that An Jing would be hurt.

Dongfang Tianyang just looked at everything on the shooting range as a joke.

An Xin also raised it. She heard Emperor Xiyun say that this horse is wild, but she didn't expect it to be so wild. She could be thrown off by it if she was a little careless.

However, the wilder the horse, the harder it is to tame, the more it arouses a quiet desire to conquer, and she wants to conquer it.

The horse was crazy, An Jing couldn't sit still on the horse's back at all, but An Jing tried her best not to let herself fall off the horse's back.

Suddenly, the horse raised its front feet and turned to the sky. An Jing was almost thrown off, but luckily she grabbed the mane on the horse's neck. The mane was quite long, so she held on tightly. But it hurt the horse under her body, and the horse's reaction became more violent, and it would be thrown to the right for a while and then to the left.

But after a long time, Jing Jing was still lying on its back, her legs were tightly clamping the horse's belly, and her hands were only grasping the mane.

At this moment, although An Jing was a little tired, she was full of fighting spirit, and she had a posture that the more you wanted to throw me off, the more I would not let you throw me off.

At this moment, the quiet bloodiness was completely aroused.

As a result, at this moment, in the eyes of everyone, the tranquility of taming the horse at the riding and archery range is particularly eye-catching, shining, and dazzling.

Xiao Changyi's heart never let go after An Jing got on the horse, and he kept holding it. Seeing that An Jing always saved the day, he was both happy and scared, and his hands under his wide sleeves were tightly clenched into fists.

Seeing that the horse was so crazy, Su Chengyu and Emperor Xiyun were very worried about An Jing even if they didn't want to worry, they were afraid that An Jing would be thrown off and trampled to death. They were thrown off, but they didn't feel relieved or relieved at all.

At this moment, they had only one thought, no matter whether the horse could be tamed by the warrior An Jing, they just hoped that nothing would happen.

Dongfang Tianyang originally looked at Jing Jing taming the horse as if he was watching a joke, but the more he watched, the brighter his eyes became. He has never seen a woman like An Jing, even if she is lying on the back of a horse, even if she is still taming the horse, but he feels that it is not the horse that is wild and rebellious, but the princess An Jing .

This princess is really different from other princesses.

Dongfang Tianyang thought so.

Although the appearance of this princess did not surprise him like that of Tuoba Yao, but the words and deeds of this princess amazed him very much, so amazing that no woman could compare to this princess.

At this moment, Dongfang Tianyang only felt that An Jing had a deep attraction, which attracted his attention and made him look at her, but he wanted to move away, but he couldn't move away anymore.

Just look at her, watch her, nothing else.

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