Chang’an Small Restaurant

Chapter 34: candied haws

As soon as she opened her eyes in the morning, Shen Shaoguang felt something different, it was cold and it was too bright outside.

She pushed open a window around the quilt, and was hit by the cold air, Shen Shaoguang shuddered, looking out through the crack of the window, it was really white. After two days of gloom, the snow finally came down.

This is the third snow this winter. The first two races were both small and casual, and they stopped before they could get rewarded. A thin layer on the roof ridges and branches was very indifferent. Those that landed on the ground were trampled by horses. It became black mud, and the Chang'an people who had planned to enjoy the snow and have a feast had to give up.

This snow is really good. I don't know when it got up at night, the ground has been covered with a thick layer, and it's still splattering all the time.

Because they don't sell morning food, there is time in the morning, Shen Shaoguang wakes up A Yuan while slowly getting dressed.

Everyone got up, A Yuan went to the store in front to get hot water, Shen Shaoguang instructed her, "Look at what Yu Saburo is cooking today?"

A Yuan agreed in a crisp voice, and soon brought hot water.

"Said it was the mutton cake this morning!"

Shen Shaoguang nodded and smiled, "It's very suitable!" In this weather, it's good to eat mutton noodle soup in the morning, and it will be warm all over. The third princess Yu did a good job in arranging the food.

Put warm water into the mouthwash cup and washbasin, Shen Shaoguang first dipped in green salt and brushed his teeth, then washed his face, and A Yuan also finished washing.

A Yuan splashed the residual water, and Shen Shaoguang combed her hair.

Shen Shaoguang likes Hu clothes, and the few winter clothes he made this winter are all Hu clothes. Today's set is amber with variegated fox fur trimmed around the collar. If a person with darker and slightly yellower skin wears this color, his face will be like a soup, but Shen Shaoguang's face is white, and the material of ordinary Yongzhou brocade is actually wearing a lot of preciousness.

In order to match the clothes, Shen Shaoguang combed a simple and neat Uighur bun, and by the way drew a hard eyebrow. Looking at her little lady with flat shoulders, slender waist and long legs, wearing a Hu clothing with narrow sleeves and a tight waistband, A Yuan first praised: "It's so beautiful!"

Shen Shaoguang knew that there was nothing wrong with A Yuan, so she was somewhat immune to her rainbow farts.

"Better than Lin Shaoyin!" In order to increase the credibility, A Yuan used the contrasting rhetoric.

"..." Shen Shaoguang turned his head and taught her, "This is handsome, even more handsome than Lin Shaoyin!"

A Yuan nodded, and the vocabulary has expanded a little since then. But then he looked down at his belly, his face became depressed - even in this dynasty, which regarded fat as a beauty, A Yuan also exceeded the standard.

A Yuan's exercise is enough, but the problem lies in eating. Since he followed Shen Shaoguang, it was as if his breath was blowing, and his eyes became round.

Shen Shaoguang felt a little guilty: "How about you only eat 70% full from now on?"

A Yuan just wanted to nod her head, and remembered the aroma of mutton soup she smelled just now, pursed her lips, and asked Shen Shaoguang: "How about I start lunch again?"

Shen Shaoguang looked helpless, "Okay, okay."

When I got to the front, the soba was just right, steaming hot, with a delicious mutton flavor.

In no hurry to eat the noodles, Shen Shaoguang first took a sip of soup with a spoon, um, minced mutton in a soy pot, added a sufficient amount of pepper, fragrant!

The noodles are also good, wide noodles, very strong, Shen Shaoguang claimed that he couldn't do it, and if nothing else, he was not strong enough.

Shen Shaoguang praised it very much, and Yu San was indifferent, but seeing that a pot of soba was eaten up, even Shen Shaoguang, who usually eats less, also ate a large bowl , the other two goods even held their stomachs, and Yu San showed a complacent smile in the end.

There was a lot to eat in the morning, Shen Shaoguang stood at the door, looking at the snow without feet outside, and finally rested his heart to go out for a walk.

Yu Sandao: "I'm afraid Qu Dalang, who sells fish, will not be able to come today. I don't know if the meat and vegetable sellers will be able to deliver. Fortunately, it was overcast these two days, so I stocked up some vegetables. Meat, rice, grain, and charcoal are also sufficient."

Since the business has become more and more busy, Shen Shaoguang will not go to buy vegetables at home, but only pick two seasoned and honest vegetable vendors and meat merchants to send them, and the tofu shop also sends a plate of tofu every day come over.

"It doesn't matter, what do you do, it doesn't matter if it is out of stock occasionally, it's called hunger marketing..." Shen Shaoguang is fine when he is full, today's heavy snow will inevitably affect business, so he starts talking nonsense more and more.

A Yuan touched her stomach, but couldn't find the feeling of "hunger".

Yu San's expectations were not bad, the fish seller did not come, but the meat seller did. The meat is nothing but pork and mutton, which are usually good and good. The vegetable vendor who only has onion, garlic, sauerkraut, radish, and taro brought a surprise today—a small basket of fresh hawthorn fruit.

"This is a rarity!" Shen Shaoguang smiled first.

Hawthorn is sometimes sold on the streets in autumn, but the people of this dynasty seem to be very general about this, and there are not many people who buy it. Shen Shaoguang occasionally buys some and comes back to make hawthorn cakes. Hawthorn fruit has entered the medicine drink shop.

Hong Yanyan was so delighted, she forced herself to buy most of the baskets."

"Hawthorn promotes blood circulation and removes blood stasis. Happy ladies are not suitable to eat more. You go back and tell the owner of the pit—"

The vegetable vendor hurriedly thanked the owner of the cellar. Unexpectedly, the little lady asked: "How much does he have? Can you buy more for me?"

The vegetable vendor was suddenly suspicious, what Mrs. Shen just said was not for the fruit of others, right?

Yu San smiled "sneeringly" and returned to the kitchen with a basket of woks and radishes.

The vegetable vendor hurriedly smiled: "This is on the little old man."

Shen Shaoguang, who was suspected of stealing food from a pregnant woman's mouth, bought this fruit, and poured it into a warm water basin with a humming tune. This fruit is really good. The ones I have picked are big and full, and there are no insect holes.

"Does the little lady want to make hawthorn cake?" A Yuan asked with a smile. The little lady said that the hawthorn cake helps digestion. I think it is because everyone eats too much, so I need to do this to help.

"What's so delicious about hawthorn cake?"

The name is a delicious snack, and Yuan is looking forward to it.

Shen Shaoguang asked them to cut vegetables, meat and noodles to prepare lunch, but he took the knife to pick cores, stuffed bean paste, and put on bamboo skewers for half a day. Sugar-coated haws.

Candied fruit has a place in the heart of every child born in the 1980s and 1990s. In that era when there were not many kinds of snacks and pocket money was not enough, ice cream in summer and candied haws in winter were the two major levers in the snack industry.

When the weather was freezing cold, someone was riding a bicycle with a grass handle tied behind it, "Tangdun—"

The shiny transparent candy skin is still surrounded by candy thorns.

About the name of this thing, it is called "Bingtanghu'er" not far from the capital, another classmate said that her hometown called it "sugarball", no matter what it is called, everyone mentions it A mouthful of saliva up.

Let it cool down a bit, and when you bite into it, it's crunchy and just fine.

If the heat is not enough, it will stick to the teeth;

Give it a try, the sugar is ready, roll the candied haws in the pot, and drop it on a large flat plate smeared with oil next to it, and the beautiful candy thorns will come out. superior.

In a short while, the grass handle was full, and there were twenty or thirty strings.

Red and bright, bright and beautiful. Not to mention A Yuan and A Chang, even Yu San turned his head to look.

Shen Shaoguang instructed A Yuan: "Let's take it under the eaves to cool down first, avoid some wind and snow, and it will be delicious when the candy is cool."

A Yuan went out holding the straw handle as if he had received the imperial edict.

After a while, the proprietress and the guys in the store all ate the candied haws. Really talented in eating.

Shen Shaoguang held the candied fruit, and stood in front of the door to eat and enjoy the scenery, the snow was vast, the white walls and black tiles, the pedestrians and horses, and two little ladies holding umbrellas, More like an ancient picture scroll, or a legend.

Who thought that the carriage had just passed, but it stopped again, and an acquaintance walked out of the car, Lin Shaoyin.

Didn't go to court today? Shen Shaoguang calculated, oh, the days of resting. Still going out in this weather?

Lin Yan went to see the illness of Su Zhen, a doctor from the Fourth Sect of Guozijian, in the morning. The old man was very ill and was very ill. Going in the afternoon might be a taboo. Go out the door regardless of the wind and snow.

In such rainy and snowy weather, I had just left the patient's bed with a gloomy cloud, and suddenly seeing this leisurely and even lively scene, Lin Yan's frowning brows finally loosened, and the corners of his mouth slightly twitched. Tilt up, this little lady Shen is really good at having fun...

"Lin Langjun - is this going out to enjoy the snow? Really elegant." Shen Shaoguang greeted with a smile.

"Not as good as Mrs. Shen." Lin Yan replied with a smile, turning his eyes to the candied fruit in her hand.

"..." Is this an irony, a joke, or an ironic joke? Shen Shaoguang looked at the back of Lin Yan's head, but he didn't expect such a serious Lin Shaoyin to speak like this...

"We haven't come out for lunch yet, but we can order some hoto for Mr. Lang." Shen Shaoguang put aside the half bunch of candied haws that had not been eaten yet, and came to greet the poor waiter guests.

Lin Yan pondered.

"Would you like to eat a candied haws as well, and think slowly?" This question was purely a pushback, to avenge his "less than" just now.

Lin Yan looked up at Shen Shaoguang.

Shen Shaoguang responded with a polite and attentive smile.


"..." Shen Shaoguang paused, nodded, and said with a smile, "Langjun wait a moment."

Then it was the weird time when the five people in the house were eating candied fruit each.

After three or three mouthfuls, he led Ah Chang, who wanted to touch another one, back to the kitchen. Ah Yuan took another one and went to the kitchen. Shen Shaoguang was the proprietress after all. More than they can hold, behind the counter, and then eat her half bunch of candied fruit.

It is Lin Shaoyin, after all, he is a high official who has passed the scientific examination and stood in court.

It was the two little ladies who broke the strange atmosphere. Judging from the green silk umbrella, Shen Shaoguang saw those two outside just now.

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