"Yes, my Lord!"

Hou Tu flew to the Dark Demon Cult's base, drew her sword, and began to chant a spell.

Endless earth elements began to gather silently.

In the preparation stage, atomic solidification has no sound or light effects and will not alert the enemy. This is one of the reasons why Chen Yu likes to use atomic solidification.

Dark Demon Cult base.

Several level 200 third-level wizard bosses are gathering together to discuss the application of spells.

"The mutual promotion and restraint between elements can be understood as a kind of transformation."A wizard said

"For example, when water evaporates at high temperatures, it will form an upward heat flow, which is also a form of wind."

Another mage nodded,"Yes, ice with water attributes actually also has a certain earth attribute. Earth magic in terrain can also be cast on ice terrain."

"Understanding the four elements of earth, fire, water and wind through material transformation can indeed provide a theoretical basis for the fusion of spells of different systems. However, this theory is not yet mature and needs further study.……"

At this moment, several mages frowned at the same time and turned to look in the same direction.

"Everyone, I feel that the earth element in that direction is rioting!" A mage said with a look of fear,"I have never seen such a violent gathering of elemental power!"

"Yes, me too!" said another wizard,"Is there any great wizard experimenting with his own new spells?"

"No way, how could there be a great wizard in a place like the Horadric Kingdom? It shouldn't be possible."

"No seventh-level wizard had ever come here before. Now that the teleportation array has a problem, it is even more impossible for a wizard to come here."

""Let's go take a look?" a wizard suggested.


"Let's go together!"

Several mages just stood up and walked to the door, and they were shocked to find that a powerful earth element fluctuation was like a wave in a stormy ocean, attacking the entire cult base.

The speed of the element fluctuation was too fast, so fast that it didn't look like earth magic at all.

Wherever the fluctuation passed, all life suddenly fell into stillness.

Whether it was people, animals, or even plants, they all maintained the state at the moment they were touched by the element fluctuation, and there was no change at all.

A mage suddenly popped up in his mind, a description of a forbidden earth magic that he had seen in a book.

"This is forbidden——"

The mage had just finished speaking when a powerful elemental wave swept over him.

The word he had not yet spoken, along with his horrified expression, was forever frozen in this moment.

Outside the city,

Hou Tu sheathed the sword and flew back to Chen Yu.

"" Great!" Chen Yu praised her as usual, then took out a bag of melon seeds and distributed them to the elves.

Xiao Yan took a bite of the melon seeds, and a semicircular notch appeared on the shell.

She frowned while chewing,"Master, this thing doesn't seem to be very delicious!"

"laugh——"Chen Yu couldn't help laughing,"The outer shell must be thrown away!"

He personally demonstrated to the elves how to eat melon seeds, then cracked a melon seed and handed it to Xiao Yan.

Xiao Yan took the melon seed as if it were a long loaf of bread.

After taking a bite of the melon seed kernel, he showed a satisfied expression.

Chen Yu took out a set of tables and chairs from the holy soil, sat down with the elves, and then released the plant life army, shouting with a smile:

"Girls, eat as much as you can, today's food is good stuff that you can't enjoy normally!"

The plant life army rushed towards the Dark Demon Cult's stronghold like starving ghosts.

Countless terrifying thorny whips were waving, tearing the Dark Demon Cult soldiers into pieces in the blink of an eye.

Ferocious man-eating plants bloomed, swallowing a whole person in one bite.

The huge demonized earth dragon was pierced directly into its body from the weak point by the whips and roots to absorb nutrients.

The Dark Demon Cult's stronghold, which was originally heavily guarded and crowded with people, instantly turned into a scene of hell on earth.

And the youthful and beautiful plant life The lives are the terrifying evil spirits in hell.

Chen Yu and the elves ate melon seeds while enjoying this pleasant scene. From time to time, they would comment on which smart plant life won by IQ and got more food.

Unlike Chen Yu and the elves' relaxed state.

Delia looked at the stilled Dark Demon Cult in fear, her legs became weak and cold sweat ran down her body.

Boundless fear swallowed her.

Even the ordinary scenery around her seemed to have turned into a devil that chose people to devour, grinning at her.

"What! What on earth is this! What happened to this world?!"

Delia couldn't help but think of the scene when she met Chen Yu in the Dragon City.

Her people and army might be just like these people. In the stagnation of time, they became delicacies in the mouths of those evil spirits without knowing it.

Maybe even she herself survived because she was still useful.

"Is this the kind of scene he likes? If I am no longer useful to him, will it become like that?"

"No, I have never been useful to him. Maybe all he needs is a toy."

"Perhaps, he just enjoys my fear, enjoys my despair, and wants to see my painful expression at the last moment."

Delia secretly glanced at the cheerful atmosphere of Chen Yu and the elves, and couldn't help but become more terrified. She squatted on the ground with her hands on her head and trembled.

Of course, this is just Delia's imagination.

In fact, Chen Yu doesn't like bloody scenes at all.

The biggest ideological error between the two sides is that Delia regards the people of the Dark Demon Cult as real people.

In Chen Yu's eyes, it is just a humanoid points package and fertilizer for his little cuties.

Delia thought Chen Yu was enjoying killing lives.

In fact, Chen Yu was just enjoying the joy of opening the package.

Moreover, Delia is definitely safer in Chen Yu's hands than anywhere else.

When his own safety is not threatened, Chen Yu will do his best to protect her.

The quality of monsters in the Dark Demon Cult's stronghold is much higher than that of the Dragon City.

The plant life ate a buffet for three hours.

With a series of prompt sounds, the hidden force of the map, the Dark Demon Cult, finally came to an end.

【Kill the level 200 bronze boss, the Dark Demon Cult Bishop, and get +8000 points for the college entrance examination】

【Tip: Since you killed the ultimate boss of your faction alone, you will get an extra +50,000 points in the college entrance examination】

【Tip: Since you killed all the bosses of the Dark Demon Cult, the Dark Demon Cult has been destroyed.】

【Tip: You have completed the faction mission"Destroy the Dark Demon Cult", and your college entrance examination score is +50W】

【Tip: You have completed the faction mission"Expanding Territory", and your college entrance examination score is +5W】

【Tip: You have taken control of the Dark Demon Cult's area of influence and gained control over all monsters in the area (including BOSS)]

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