The Demon God's clone has died, but the battle in the Horadric Royal City is not over yet.

The monster army under Chen Yu is attacking the walls of the royal city like a tide.

The Horadric army is also fighting desperately.

The defense system on the wall has been activated, and countless war machines are roaring, releasing powerful attacks.

Some candidates who witnessed the Demon God's clone being killed immediately turned back to attack.

They knew that the magic dragon camp was powerful and it was almost impossible for them to defend the royal city.

But before the ultimate mission fails, every bit of money earned is a bit of money earned.

The ranking competition is coming to an end, and as long as enough points are earned, it will not be a loss even if they die.

Chen Yu sat in the back, leisurely commanding the cannon fodder monsters to go forward and die.

The four original elves gathered together to discuss the experience of using domains and forbidden spells.

They benefited a lot from doing their best to fight the Demon God's clone.

Even Xiaofeng, who has a more withdrawn personality, took the initiative to join the discussion

"Why does something seem wrong?"

Chen Yu stared at the four elves, feeling as if he had forgotten something.

"Wait, why are there only four?"

Chen Yuqing counted the number of people.

Xiao Miao was sent to the Supreme Holy Land for recuperation.

Xiao Guang, Xiao An, Hou Tu, and Xiao Feng were all present.

"Hey, where is Xiao Yan?"

Xiao Yan's condition is the best among the Pokémons, not injured or exhausted.

However, the distance has become very far.


After a long while, with an excited shout, the little iron man crashed into Chen Yu's arms like a cannonball, almost knocking out his overnight meal.

Chen Yu grabbed the little iron man expressionlessly and immediately did a 360,000-degree windmill pen spin.


The little iron man split in half, and Xiao Yan, whose eyes turned into mosquito coils, stumbled out and fell into Chen Yu's palm.

But the next second, Xiao Yan shook his head and resurrected on the spot with full energy.

"Where is the devil? Where is the devil? Where is the devil? I want to have a good fight with it!"

She looked around excitedly, looking for the trace of the devil boss.

"Dead." Xiao Feng answered concisely,"I killed him!"

Although Xiao Feng had a blank expression, Chen Yu always felt that she seemed to be showing off.

"You killed him?"

Xiao Yan stared at Xiao Feng with her eyes wide open in disbelief.

Then, her chubby little face puffed up, filled with unwilling emotions.

"Don't worry, there's another one!"

Chen Yu couldn't help but pinch Xiao Yan's puffy little face and said with a smile.

"Really?!"Xiao Yan was full of anticipation.

Xiao Feng had killed a strong enemy, and she felt that she should also have such a record, and she couldn't be outdone by the stupid Xiao Feng.

"Of course."Chen Yu nodded.

At this moment, in the Horadric King City, another red beam of light rose.

Not far behind the Dragon Legion, there was also an extremely thick red beam of light.

The beams of light melted in the air, interweaving into a strange and chaotic pattern, exactly the same as the ritual formation for summoning the Tear Demon God before.

"Look, isn't it coming?"


Horadric City

"Coming again?"

The examinees who had just calmed down their fear and started to earn points were suddenly numb. The

Tearing Demon killing incident had just passed.

Fortunately, the BOSS in the opposite camp took action and solved the Demon's clone, otherwise who knows how many people would have died.

The Demon's clone had only exploded for less than 20 minutes, and the Demon's ritual began again!

A small number of examinees directly ran back to the city and teleported to the ruins of other main cities.

Most of the examinees believed that the BOSS in the opposing camp easily killed the previous Demon's clone, so the upcoming one should not be a problem.

As long as you are careful and don't get close to the Demon's clone like the people on the city wall before, you can stay and earn some more points.

Outside the city wall of the royal city, at the edge of the battlefield where the two armies fought.

Su Miaoyue looked at Lu Pingping, who was shrouded in a red beam of light, and was speechless for a long time.

Lu Pingping showed a smile that was uglier than crying,"Yueyue, I said I don't know what's going on, do you believe it?"

"Do you believe it yourself?" Su Miaoyue's mouth twitched, and she spread her hands to Lu Pingping,"Hurry up and take it out, do you want to die?"

"Really not! I just brought in something that someone gave me, and I gave it to Chen Yu before!"

Lu Pingping was almost crying, and she searched her body again and again, but she couldn't find any items similar to the magic ritual objects.

"Yes! That’s right! Someone must have buried something here, and I happened to be standing on it!"

Lu Pingping thought she had discovered the truth, and hurriedly stepped back a few steps, trying to avoid the red beam of light.

Then, as she moved, the red beam of light followed her.

It was obvious that the light source was definitely on her.

""Follow me!"

Su Miaoyue hurriedly pulled Lu Pingping back to the royal city.

Along the way, the candidates who were still staying in the royal city to try their luck saw Su Miaoyue running with a red beam of light, and they all tried to avoid her.

Returning to the room of the Adventurer's Guild in the royal city, Su Miaoyue slammed the door.

Then, he glared at Lu Pingping with gritted teeth and said,"Take it off!"

"Take it off, what are you taking it off for?" Lu Pingping pouted, crossed her arms across her chest, and acted like a frightened quail.

"Take off your clothes! Quickly!" Su Miaoyue said angrily

"Oh, oh."

Lu Pingping was at a loss and could only follow Su Miaoyue's instructions. She took off her clothes one by one and handed them to Su Miaoyue.

"Not this one"

"This is not it."

Su Miaoyue took the clothes and threw them out.

The red beam of light still did not move, still following Lu Pingping.

"Um, are you still taking it off?"

After only three palm-sized pieces of cloth were left on her body, Lu Pingping asked a little embarrassedly.

"Why are you wearing such a bold outfit for an exam? Someone who doesn't know would think you're going to meet someone tonight."

Su Miaoyue looked at Lu Pingping in surprise.

"Oh, isn't this just to be prepared? There are so many super talents and super rich kids in the ranking competition. What if one of them is blind, ahem..."


Su Miaoyue was speechless. She thought she could no longer discuss this kind of issue with Lu Pingping.

It was more important to understand the magic god ritual objects.

In desperation, Lu Pingping had to peel off the last few pieces of material.

Finally, after taking off a blood-stained Band-Aid, the red beam of light moved away.

"This works too? Where did you get it from?"

Su Miaoyue twisted the edge of the Band-Aid with two fingers, dumbfounded.

"Uh, this……"Lu Pingping said awkwardly:"I bought this during the new product promotion."

"At that time, the seller introduced it to me, saying that this model has a large suction cup, and it is dry and automatically sterilized throughout the process."

"I figured that the ranking dungeon had something to do these few days, so……"

"Oh, by the way, as a trial product, they also gave me an endorsement fee……"

Su Miaoyue was stunned:"The ritual objects can glow, didn't you notice it before?"

"No." Lu Pingping laughed dryly,"You know, we rarely eat, drink, defecate or urinate when we enter the dungeon. The last time I took off my pants was a few days ago when I was taking a shower. There was nothing unusual at that time."

"So... you haven't changed it for a few days?" Su Miaoyue couldn't bear to look at the blood-stained Band-Aid anymore, and quickly threw it into the trash can.

Lu Pingping could only confess honestly:"It has a large absorption capacity and it can automatically sterilize, so... I haven't changed it since I put it on."

"You are amazing!"

Su Miaoyue held back the word"MMP" in her throat, not knowing whether to say it or not.

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