Time passed slowly.

In the dark space, a pale green human-shaped shadow floated beside Chen Yu.

""Have you figured out where this is?" Chen Yu asked the World Tree Will.

The World Tree only has a real human form inside the trunk.

Outside, it can only appear in the form of a will body.

"This should be a space-time rift." The World Tree replied

"The nature is similar to the void outside the Supreme Holy Land. Space does not really exist and time has no meaning."

"Master, the binding force on you is primarily for protection rather than for binding."

"Ordinary creatures, in this environment, without space to carry them and time to pull them, will instantly disappear."

"So outrageous? But why am I fine now?"

Chen Yu tried to move his body and found that there was no difference from the outside world.

"I don't know." The World Tree replied,"It seems that time and space, even matter and laws, have no meaning to you, my master."

"Master, you exist in the world, yet you are beyond the world. There is something unique that supports your existence."

"Indescribable, incomprehensible……"

"I understand."Chen Yu nodded,"You can go back."

"Okay, Master."

The pale green figure disappeared.

In the dark space, Chen Yu was the only one left.

The World Tree was indescribable and incomprehensible.

No need to think too much, it must be the Daluo Dao Fruit.

As for his own supreme status, Chen Yu himself only had a vague understanding of it, except for the part mentioned in the talent introduction.

Just like the Supreme Holy Land, there are many functions that are not explained in the passive skill introduction.

These things can be studied slowly later.

Now I have to hurry to the world of the potential trial task, otherwise this game will collapse.

"Wait, how can I get in?"

Relying on the soul connection, Chen Yu can clearly feel that the position of his real body overlaps with that of the virtual body.

Moreover, no matter where the virtual body moves, it will overlap.

This dark world, or the time-space gap, seems to have a thin film that blocks him from the world.

He instinctively thought that he could break through this barrier and descend to the world where the virtual body was.

When the time came, he felt at a loss.

It's like a word you were very familiar with, but you suddenly forgot how to write it when you picked up the pen.

This feeling of suffocation makes people very uncomfortable.

"Do you want to break this film?"

Chen Yu called the World Tree again.

However, the World Tree said that she was powerless.

The World Tree can extend to endless time and space, and it is instinctive to grow in gaps and voids.

But the World Tree cannot sense where Chen Yu's virtual body is.

The virtual body cannot communicate with the Supreme Holy Land to let the World Tree start from there.

In the world of the trial mission, time has been passing. It has passed the night and is approaching dawn.

The virtual body observes the movements of the town.

Some people have been carrying sacrifices to the square in the middle of the town where the statue of the demon god is placed.

If the stalemate continues, the little saint will burst into gold coins soon.

"What should I do?"

Chen Yu was somewhat helpless.

He tried to break through the barrier with the World Tree Heart, but he couldn't penetrate it at all.

It was as if the world over there didn't exist at all.

"Is it possible that the only way is to let the virtual body fight?"

Chen Yu was unwilling to accept this.

Last night, he gave up thinking that he could cheat.

Now he was told that he couldn't even enter the examination room? What the hell!

""Puff~ Ho ho ho~"

At this moment, a sound that seemed to be unable to hold back laughter came into Chen Yu's ears.

The sound quality was crisp and quite pleasant.

"Who is it? Are you polite?" Chen Yu said unhappily.

I am here to worry, and you are watching the joke?

But then he realized what was going on.

What was this place?

A gap in time and space!

There was no time, no space, no matter, no law.

Who could laugh here?

And laugh so that he could hear it?

At this moment, another voice sounded.

However, compared to the laughter just now, this time the voice was very serious, like a huge bell, deafening.


"The law is random"

"Follow your heart"

"Heart follows desire"

"Desire arises with thoughts"

"One thought brings the world to life"

"One thought and all the heavens are destroyed"

""In the myriad universes, only I am real."

This voice echoed in Chen Yu's mind for a long time.


Chen Yu seemed to understand something.

Some power that could not be explained at all, but should belong to him, was aroused.

"So this is ah——"

Chen Yu stretched out his finger and tapped it lightly.

A wave spread out from his fingertips.

The next moment, Chen Yu's figure disappeared from the dark space.

Potential Trial World.

The virtual body blurred slightly, and then became real.

"Really coming."

Chen Yu clenched his hands.

The moment he descended, his virtual body disappeared, as if it had never existed.

His soul will also returned to normal.

He had no idea where the two voices in the dark space came from.

But he could feel that they were"the same kind of people" as himself.

They didn't show up, it seemed that they just happened to see that he was in trouble and gave him a hint on how to solve it.


Coming to the world of the trial mission, Chen Yu tried to communicate with the Supreme Holy Land. He was ready to summon his own plant army, destroy these fallen ones, and get the saint.

However, the next moment, he found that his plant life army had no way to come here.

After being summoned, the location where the plant life appeared was not the world of the potential trial mission, but the space-time rift.

Even the world tree and the way back could not penetrate the time rift to reach this world.

Only through the connection with Chen Yu, some weak power was transmitted.


Chen Yu called out the attribute panel.

The information box on the attribute panel was like a TV with a bad signal, constantly flashing, and from time to time a group of mosaics or garbled characters would burst out.

After more than ten seconds, it gradually stabilized.

Even though it was no longer flashing, the entire attribute panel was still in an illusory and transparent state, as if it would disappear at any time.

Fortunately, it can still be viewed and used normally.

Through the attribute panel, it can be seen that his current state is the same as his self-perception, very normal.

Because of the suitable environment, the"Abyss Magic" that was consumed before is gradually recovering.

The only problem is that he came to this world and could not bring any external objects. Everything that does not belong to this world will be blocked by the space-time rift.

It's as if this world is locked by something and cannot have any communication with the outside world.

He was able to come in because he cheated with the"Daluo Dao Fruit".

In addition, one of Chen Yu's big trump cards was also directly frozen.

""The Abyss of Love" is now unavailable.

Chen Yu couldn't help but complain:

"My dear, you still don't love me enough. Didn't you promise to help me out no matter when and where I am? Why doesn't it work now?"

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