Change the Extraordinary

Chapter 728: Take away, red and blue!

Admittedly, buying two muscular brawns and going back to the door to hold your arm for a stop can definitely be a great deterrent.

Let Xiaoxiaoren dare not act rashly, and prevent troubles before they happen.

However, after seeing the fox girl in front of him, Sui Yu changed his plan decisively!

The brawny man or something looks majestic, but it is still not as eye-catching as the fox girl!

The fluffy big tail flicked, don't mention the eye-catching!

What's more, with the two fox girls in front of you, the fox girls around you can form a five-color team!

If you teach them some movements, and with the rainbow-colored smoke, five fox girls will appear in a gorgeous combination of movements...

That picture... must be very eye-catching!

It's a pity that Gladys, the former princess of the Principality of Liberty in the Canglan Empire, is not here, otherwise, the Fox Girl Group around her will be even more lively!

In short, after seeing the dangling big tail behind the two fox girls, Sui Yu paid the money decisively and bought the two fox girls.

Well, Sui Yu admits that he is the big tail of these two fox girls!

It feels very good!

If you take care of it again, it will be very comfortable whether you touch it or cover it!

After going through the formalities, the brother-gui boss sent two contract scrolls to Sui Yu under the reminder of the fat boss.

At the same time, he also very kindly claimed to arrange for manpower to press these two fox girls into Sui Yu's home.

In the end is a strong man who can survive in the life and death duel of the arena.

Even if the two fox girls are not extraordinary, but because they inherited the powerful fighting power of the orcs, their fighting power is still not to be underestimated.

However, for the kindness of Brother Xigui, Sui Yu waved his hand and said that he did not need it.

He even asked: "Can I help remove the shackles from them? This is so convenient for me to take them back!"

Hearing this request, Brother Xiugui was shocked on the spot: "Remove shackles? This is too dangerous!"

"Don't look at how honest they are now, but once they are shackled, if they get crazy, I'm afraid even I can't control each other!"

Well, the transcendental can gain system blessings after awakening to the system.

But this does not mean that the transcendent with system blessings can certainly crush the unawakened opponent.

At the very least, even though this brother-expensive boss seems to pay attention to exercise even after awakening the extraordinary, the basic physical quality is obviously very good, coupled with the increase of the extraordinary system, even if the level is only more than 20 levels, but the hard power I am still very powerful.

Those who have been waiting for more than thirty ranks are not necessarily able to beat him.

But still not confident to subdue the two fox girls.

Just right!

Originally, Sui Yu bought these two fox girls to help them maintain order in the store. This made Sui Yu think that his money is not in vain!

Especially when I thought of the two fox girls as slaves and raised their level to more than fifty levels, the fighting power that the other side had at that time...

Hey, hey, they seem to be in the store, so you don’t have to worry about security!

What's more, in addition to the two of them, there is also a wolf girl wooing, and with the loyalty of the wolf girl to herself, even if there are other ideas in the mind of the two fox girls, you can sit back and relax!


Okay, Sui Yu is happy.

But seeing Sui Yu's happy face, the brother and your boss couldn't stand it: "Really! Guests, I didn't lie to you! The two of them are really dangerous! Please don't take risks!"

Although the reputation of the slave trade is not very good, in this world, slaves are ultimately a legitimate business.

And the most important thing for these bosses who operate legal businesses is word of mouth!

In the unlikely event that a customer is in danger in his shop, how will this business be done in the future? !

Especially now that competition in any industry is very fierce, not to mention that the guests are injured. I am afraid that even if they are shocked, there will be a lot of peers who help propagandize and destroy their reputation!

Therefore, Brother Xigui's boss is very careful and cautious, trying to prevent anything that may affect his reputation.

Unfortunately, Sui Yu was obviously determined.

"Relax! I won't be in trouble! Give me the key!"

Sui Yu's attitude was very firm at this time: "Moreover, I have paid the money. Now that the two of them belong to me, what do I want to do with them, do I need to get the consent of others?!"

To be honest, if you don’t want to expose too much power to cause unnecessary troubles, especially now the Wangs have just encountered extremely serious setbacks because of their disguised golden heroes. True body.

Sui Yu actually wanted to use his bare hands to tear the seemingly sturdy shackles on the spot.

Seeing that Sui Yu's attitude was so firm, Xionggui's boss was helpless, and after glancing at the fat businessman, he could only reluctantly turn over his hand and take out the key of shackles.

At the same time, Xionggui boss personally helped Sui Yu to open the cage door.

Quickly enter the iron cage.

It seems to know that the owner has been changed. The two fox girls sitting with their legs leaning together in the cage slowly raise their heads, watching the rapidly approaching Sui Yu with numb eyes.

At this time, Sui Yu only noticed that the two fox girls seemed to be covered with wounds, and even had many old wounds on their faces.

Before being blocked by hair and clothes, I haven't noticed it yet. Sui Yu discovered this situation only now that he was close.

Well, from the way of covering the wound, the muscular brother and your boss do not look like a simple guy as they look. At the very least, the other party is really very good in details.

If someone else wanted to buy a pair of fox girls, and they saw their wounds at this time, I am afraid they would regret it on the spot.

Of course, if you are an ordinary person, if you dare to repent, your boss will probably show the bodybuilding pose to the other side.

However, Sui Yu will not regret it!

Just injured!

After the upgrade, the resilience will naturally be greatly improved, for ordinary wounds, just minutes.

In addition, he has Su Xiaolei's recovery magic scroll and Su Xiaolei's recovery potions refined by full-level pharmaceutical technology.

Sui Yu didn't believe it anymore, this kind of injury could not be cured!

That is, Sui Yu could feel from the empty eyes of the two fox girls looking at themselves.

Although the two fox girls survived the arena successfully, the mind seems to have become very numb, empty, and cold.

Even, even the spirit seems to have only the instinct to fight!


No, seeing Sui Yu reached out to them, the two fox girls immediately instinctively sounded a low warning sound.

From the figure, these two fox girls are obviously grown up.

But Sui Yu can feel that their minds are similar to children.

It seems that these two fox girls were also raised by human beings from a young age, and they have not run away!

However, the animal instincts of the two seemed good.

Although he didn't have that kind of power, he still easily felt the strong man's breath from Sui Yu.

Therefore, although they issued a low warning, even if Sui Yu's hand touched the shackles on them, the two fox girls still dared not make any attack.

On the contrary, because of fear, the body seems to have begun to tremble.

"You will be called red and blue in the future!"

Speaking, Sui Yu easily lifted the shackles of the two fox girls with the key.

In the process, the two fox girls were holding each other and trembling, even if the shackles were lifted, they still dared not move.

Seeing this scene, let your boss finally relieved.

Sui Yu didn't know, but Brother Xiui knew.

The reason why the two fox girls who survived from the arena has never been sold is because they are full of aggression.

Before, I almost wounded a guest who wanted to buy it back as a guard!

That's still in shackles!

Now, these two fox girls are so honest...

To be honest, Brother Xigui is really confused.

"Don't..." Brother Xiugui's eyes shine!

In the end it is the man who has handled many orc slaves, he knows these orc slaves very well!

Therefore, he naturally knows that half-orcs, especially those half-orcs who have been deliberately captives since childhood, have suppressed the development of spiritual intelligence, so the intuitions belonging to beasts have become very powerful!

Therefore, in the face of opponents, there is no need to even play, just rely on perception, half orcs can roughly estimate the strength of both sides.

Especially like these two fox girls who can survive the arena.

The reason they survived was because they relied on keen perception and cooperated with the fox girl to choose the most appropriate combat plan even though she was suppressed and still had a clever mind.

This is how we survived from the more brutal arena for Orcs!

Well, thinking about the reason why the two fox girls are so honest at this time, Brother Xiugui's mind is almost there.

"It seems that I still underestimated this little white face! This guy is also a very powerful strong guy!"

Just when Xionggui's boss judged that Sui Yu should be very strong, Sui Yu also brought two fox girls with collars with their surnames written on them.

Then, in order not to be obtrusive, Sui Yu pulled the chains on the collars of the two fox girls, and easily pulled the two fox girls up.

At this time, the two fox girls could not see the winner of the arena.

Don't mention how helpless these two are when they hug each other.

And seeing this scene, it further confirmed the brother and your boss's guess.

As a result, the boss who was still quite imposing just now changed his face instantly.

While rubbing his hands, he nodded and introduced his business scope to Sui Yu, hoping that Sui Yu could take care of his business in the future.

At the same time, I promise that the next consumption will definitely give Sui Yu a discount!

Well, after understanding that Sui Yu is a strong man, Xionggui boss obviously intends to continue his business for a long time.

Respect for the strong!

For the strong, it is actually very easy to make money!

As long as a good cooperative relationship is established with the strong, there will be many more opportunities for making money in the future!

Therefore, it is no hesitation that Brother Xigui promised to discount the promise, lest Sui Yu will not continue to cooperate with him next time!

In this regard, Sui Yu naturally gladly said that he would give priority to this side when he needed the Orc slave again.

In any case, Sui Yuyuan's plan was to build on his own orc slaves and build a fighting force that could be completely controlled by himself!

At the same time, this combat power will also be used as the biggest card for you to master your own power in the future!

Now that money is not abundant, the experience value is about to bottom out.

So after buying two fox Sui Yu has no plans to buy Orc slaves.

However, in the future, it is absolutely necessary to deal with this group of slave traders who are full-time engaged in orc slaves!

So, a few words were politely added, and friends were added through the system, after determining a stable channel for buying Orc slaves in the future.

Sui Yu didn't stay much, and just left with two fox girls named Honghong and Blue, who stepped away!

Now there is no time for Sui Yu to waste!

There is still a rush to open the shop!

And before that, Sui Yu still needs time to make various preparations for the two newly purchased fox slaves!

It is best to be able to truly gain the trust of the other party, rather than relying on the power of the strong to oppose the other party to obey oneself, as it is now.


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