Ouyang Huang was stunned, with a confused look on his face.

Then, he figured out something and sighed in his heart:

「You have to know that this small bag contains the good things that the owner has saved for many years. Even the Qian family dare not ignore it.」

「He regards money as dirt? This guy is really a good person.」

「In order not to lose face for others, I changed an impossible request.」

「It seems that Zhi girl was right.…」

「Perhaps, what the patriarch is worried about is nothing..."

Ouyang Zhi, who was standing by, was also moved.

「An exotic magic stone that is nowhere to be found?」

「Are you afraid of hurting my self-esteem?…」

「Are you acting like a money-grubber just for me to see?」

「He is like this... If I had known yesterday, I should have been more passionate..."

When the two were discussing themselves in their minds, Qian Wuxian thought they were hesitating and added two more sentences,

"After all, the 'Exotic Magic Stone' is the foundation of your Ouyang family."

"How about this, in addition to agreeing to your request just now, I can guarantee that you will not die."



Ouyang Zhi said in disbelief,


"Protect Grandpa Huang from death?!"

Lying there, Ouyang Huang, whose face was as white as paper, almost popped his eyes out.


"Do you know what nonsense you are talking about?"

"My heart was broken into one third!"

"If it weren't for the 5th level strength, I might not be alive now..."

Qian Wuxian looked indifferent.

"Do you agree?"

Ouyang Huang shook his head helplessly.

"Not to mention that the 'exotic magic stone' cannot be found, even if it is found, who can keep it?"

"I'd rather leave it to you."

"Zhi girl's vision is indeed different…"

"I agree."

Whether it can be defended or not?

Zhi girl?

None of that matters. Qian

Wuxian just needs to hear the word"agree"~!

Without saying anything, he took out the"herbs" he had used before, as well as the magical"short wood".

After a moment

【Tip: You can make the"Erection Potion" through"Herb Fusion"’!】

Then, Qian Wuxian fed the potion into Ouyang Huang's mouth, and then skillfully placed the short wood against his heart.

Then, he stopped and frowned, feeling a little troubled.

Even with the help of the"erection potion", the heart was partially broken, how should he continue the operation?

Just now, he only thought that he could definitely save the person, but the specific method…

"What? Are you having trouble?"

A weak voice sounded, and Ouyang Huang said calmly.

"Yes, but not much."

"If you feel any discomfort later, please tell me."

Qian Wuxian's expression became serious, and at the same time, he pressed his other hand on his heart, and wisps of fine mineral sand flowed out...

He already had an idea in his mind.

The problem is indeed not big, isn't it just a broken heart?

Just make up for it temporarily first?

As for the supplementary materials, there are only mineral sand and gold sand at present. He chose the mineral sand of relatively better quality by default.

In the shocked eyes of others, the mineral sand adhered to the broken edge of the heart and gradually made the heart complete. Although it was a bit ugly, it was completed.

At the moment when the 'broken heart' was completed, Qian Wuxian was stunned.

【Tip: You have learned a new skill: Saori Repair’!】

【Hint: You made 'Artificial Heart (Half)' through 'Saori Repair'’!】

【Artificial heart (half)】:

‘The 'ore sand' and 'broken heart' have completed the initial combination, which is more powerful than before. When damaged, the ore sand will spread and form a thin film of protection.

(Note: There are some adverse effects of the initial combination, resulting in the main body with radiation effect)

Qian Wuxian was really confused.

I… just want to add something, how did it merge?

How can I explain this to others?

In order to save your life, I threw a pile of mineral sand in your heart?

At this time,

Ouyang Huang stretched out his hand and waved it in front of Qian Wuxian's eyes, trying to wake him up.

But after shaking it twice, it stopped.

"Oh My God!"

"The tendons in his hands and feet have recovered?"

Due to the obvious effect of the medicine, Ouyang Huang's tendons in his hands and feet have recovered.

He stood up in surprise and found that the hole in his heart had disappeared and the skin around the wound had closed and healed.

"I feel fully recovered!"

Just as I was about to thank him, I noticed a wave of radiation appearing, and it appeared right in my heart?


"Qian family boy, this mineral sand…"

Qian Wuxian recovered and lied with his eyes open.

"It is an organ strengthening"

"There are some side effects, radiation"

"Like this?"

Then, Ouyang Huang raised his hand and condensed a wind blade, but the color of this wind blade was slightly different from the previous one, half blue and half purple.

"Wow~? It also has a radiation effect!"

Ouyang Zhi's focus was not on this, and she hurriedly said,

"Wuxian, please take out the ore quickly!"

"There is radiation."

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew by, and Ouyang Huang instantly came in front of her.

"No! No, no!"

"I feel good about this! Very good!"

"The radiation level of a wind blade is equivalent to a simplified version of the weakness effect.…"

"What if it was a wind blade? What if it was an overwhelming wind blade?!!"

As he spoke, Ouyang Huang excitedly pulled up Qian Wuxian's arm.

"Can you add some more?"

Qian Wuxian:"… …"


After a long time,

Ouyang Zhi held the"purple ore" and led everyone towards the"core of the secret realm".

After the battle, everyone was a little tired and did not communicate much.

Qian Wuxian was thinking about one question, where is the exotic magic stone?

Along the way, he used his innate perception of"attracting wealth and treasure" to collect a lot of good quality radioactive ores along the way, and the most attractive"pulling" feeling overlapped with the route that Ouyang Zhi took?

After all, this"core of the secret realm" must be very valuable, and he could understand

「Could it be that the 'exotic magic stone' is very special, so my talent cannot sense it?"

Just as he was racking his brains to figure it out, 'Sister Ran' who was following him suddenly spoke up,



"According to what 'Grandpa Huang' said, the magic stone must be related to radiation"

"Then I have a guess…"

As soon as she said this, several people stopped and looked at her.

Sister Ran got Qian Wuxian’s look and continued,

"Could it be that... the exotic magic stone is at the core of the secret realm?"

"Or, the magic stone is the core?"

"Only in this way can the ore in the entire secret realm be produced."

In an instant, Qian Wuxian's somewhat confused mind was enlightened!

He was immediately excited~!

That's right!

The mines in the ore vein can produce once every three years. Rather than saying that the energy of the magic stone is spreading, it is better to say that the core of the secret realm is operating!

Then it can be understood why radioactive ores appear everywhere in the secret realm!

With the core running, it spreads throughout the secret realm!

Reasonable! Too reasonable!

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