After he finished talking to the two, Long and Ou rushed out, and he formed a picture in his mind...

After realizing a skill, he sank directly into the sea.

Just when he came to a place not far from the"Legacy Manta Beast", he received another prompt message,

【Tip: '招财进宝' senses that money can be received, do you want to absorb it?】

At this moment, Qian Wuxian discovered through his innate perception that this stretch of sea was actually filled with"silent seawater"! Is there any need to think about this?!


Absorb like crazy!

【Tip: Silent sea water, absorption successful!】

【Tip: Silent sea water, absorption successful!】

【hint:…… , absorption successful!】

【hint:… …】


A sea of water!

This amount is much larger than the gold mine!

At the same time.

The 'Relict Manta Beast' and the two humans on the sea surface felt the drastic changes around them.

The entire sea area suddenly sank rapidly, even though the sea water outside this area was constantly rushing in, barely keeping up with the sinking speed!

But what the hell is this?!

This piece of sea water disappeared out of thin air?

Long and Ou had the same guess in their minds...

This should be done by 'Qian Wuxian'!

—— Create an opportunity for him!

The two of them moved even more frantically!

At this moment,

Qian Wuxian, who was standing in the sea, had a bold idea!

He had said before that he wanted to kill this sixth-order sea beast, but if he really wanted to do it, it would be harder than climbing to the sky.

But now it's different!

He clearly felt that as more and more of the 'silent sea water' disappeared, the strength of the 'relict manta ray beast' would become stronger and stronger, as if the restrictions were lifted. The two people in the air had begun to have difficulty coping...

This means that the 'silent sea water' has the same suppressing effect on the 'relict manta ray beast'!

In the eyes of the 'relict manta ray beast', the disappearance of the sea water is a relief, but in the eyes of Qian Wuxian, this is the greatest capital for killing sea beasts!

Qian Wuxian looked at the water surging around him,

「Since gold mines can be turned into gold sand…」

「"Is there any other change?"

He suddenly had an idea, and as his mind was turning, a magnificent picture emerged in his mind... turning the sea between several islands into frozen land!

This is his summary of that"ability"…

【Tip: You have learned a new skill: Ice Age’!】

【[Ice Age]:

Change the form of the"Silent Seawater", stimulate the extreme low temperature, and open the extreme cold form!

In the extreme cold form, all the"liquid" that the"Silent Seawater" touches can be frozen. The larger the range of the released"Silent Seawater", the larger the frozen area!

—— Attached with Silence effect.

(Note: The freezing time is determined by whether the mind control is released.)

【Tip: One of the job transfer tasks, 'Develop a new skill system' has been completed!】

Sure enough, it works!

I didn't expect that something close to the physical form could also be transformed!

Qian Wuxian was extremely ecstatic!

The next moment!

The sea water around him flowed rapidly, and the whole person rushed out of the sea.…


On the sea surface.

The Relic Manta Beast was already crazy with joy! The suppressed seawater was constantly decreasing. Even if it was only level 6 now, as long as it was not restricted and exerted its full strength, it would not be as passive as it was just now!

When the seawater restriction completely disappeared, it slapped the sea surface with its tail and flew directly into the air, even being able to stay in the air for a short time!

The battle situation was reversed in an instant~!

Look, the two little flies have been chased and beaten by it~

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