107 A New Territory

‘Would you like to?’

The word ‘runaway’ flashed through Park Chul-hyung’s head, who was put in as a daily worker at hermit crab academy.


“Chul-hyung! Just bring me a box of silicone here!”


"Alba! Here's a sack of cement!”


"student! Tile here!”




This is because, among the construction sites that I experienced after taking a leave of absence from the military, there was no place where work was harder than here.

His legs, which he thought had been trained for the past three months, were already shaking.

‘Ah, give me some time to rest...’

Park Cheol-hyung rubbed his legs that were shaking helplessly and looked at the people who were busy working.



A plasterer applying cement with a trowel in both hands.

tang tang tang tang-

A carpenter driving a nail into a tree at invisible speed.


Even those who freely cut insulation the size of their own body.

I could see people immersed in their work.

"Phew. No, why are you working so hard?”

Park Cheol-hyung shook his head sharply.

The general public thinks that work at a construction site would be difficult and difficult, but in fact, if you have a certain level of awareness and savvy, it is rare that you have as much rest time as at a construction site.

A little work in the morning, then snack time.

And after working for a while, I smoked.

After that, it was at the construction site that lunch time came.

But that joke didn't work here.

For some reason, the people at the site were not eating snacks or smoking cigarettes, but they were working ferociously without saying a word.

“Ah, really?”

Park Chul-hyung sighed and said.

It was half sincere and half grievous.

Because if it was really like this, I thought I would collapse at any moment.

But then.

“Let’s eat rice!”

A large man came up to the floor with Cheol-Hyung Park and shouted.


"OMG! Gaza! let's go eat!"

“Chief, why don’t you eat slowly today?”

“Are you oiling today?”

The faces of those who seemed to be about to collapse at any moment were lit up with anger.

Park Cheol-hyung tilted his head, looking at the people he liked more than necessary.

‘Isn’t eating rice something you’d like that much?’

The result of Park Chul-hyung's three months of experience at the construction site.

Construction site Bob was actually there.

The food from the hamba restaurant that has run out of food or has no sincerity.

Whenever I ate such foods, I used to feel more like I was filling my stomach than I was eating rice.

So he couldn't understand the attitude of people who like lunchtime.


‘Yes, even if it’s fried, let’s eat rice and fry.’

A guy called curiosity grew up in Park Chul-hyung's heart.I wondered at what level of meal people would react like that.

and after a while.

He could see why people reacted that way earlier.

A liver restaurant on the first floor of Hermit Crab Academy.

‘What is this? Such a nonsensical thing...'

Park Cheol-hyung couldn't come to his senses.

It was because on the table where he was sitting, a scene he could not have imagined unfolded.


The meat is cooked with a fragrant smell of oil.

From pork like pork belly, pork belly, and pork belly, to chicken marinated in various seasonings.

Meats dripping with freshness just by looking at them were dancing on the fire, and beside them, side dishes such as grilled fish, stew, fresh kimchi, Myungnamul, and various salted fish were enticing people with their neat offerings.

acid seaweed.

The king's Surat-sang had a wide variety of food spread out in front of his eyes, making it difficult to know where to start with chopsticks.

‘No, this is lunch?’

Park Cheol-hyung looked around.


People laughing and talking and having a good meal.

And in the kitchenette located on the other side of the restaurant, I caught my eye on the chefs constantly preparing food.

“No, what day is it today?”

Park Chul-hyung asked the person next to him with an expression of disbelief.

Then, the person next to him, who was holding chopsticks to the grilled sashimi, opened his mouth with a grin.

"Why? for rice? Are you fine?"

Then, she puts a small dot of back sign, puts it in her mouth, and puts on a happy smile.

It was as if she was eating the food her mother made.

Seeing this, Chul-hyung Park opened his mouth with an absurd expression.

“Isn’t this… just good enough?”

It was Park Chul-hyung who had already experienced various construction sites for three months, but he had never heard of a construction site providing such meals.

Luckily, he had some grilled pork belly for lunch at a place that was a little bit better, but this was different from that.

No, considering the unit price, the food was of such quality that it would cost tens of thousands of won per person.

But then.

“Is it that hard? is not it?"

The person sitting across from Chul-hyung Park said.

Well, looking at the amount of work in the morning, it was enough.

Because there was so much work that I finished in the morning the amount of work that would otherwise have taken me until the afternoon.

'I didn't have time to put on one ass.'

But even so, it's a meal like this...

For some reason, I was reluctant to bring chopsticks to the food and wait.

'Come to think of it...the daily salary is different, but it's 30,000 won more than that...something is suspicious...'

Seeing Chul-hyung's serious expression on his face, the person next to him smiled and opened his mouth.

“Aren’t you going to eat? Would you like to move faster in the afternoon? Can you fall?”

Hearing those words, Park Cheol-hyung's complexion changed.

‘No, you were busy in the morning, but you’re busier than that?’

My arms and legs were trembling just by working all morning.

But you're moving busier than you are now...

‘I’ll just pretend to eat and jump.’

In an instant, a concrete escape plan stood in his mind.

Of course, it was a waste to give him another 30,000 won, but when he heard that he was going to have a hard time in the afternoon, the motivation he had left seemed to disappear.

‘Yeah, I eat a few points in moderation, and pretend to go to the bathroom and bounce around.’

With a determined expression on his face, Park Cheol-hyung slowly picked up the food.

'Well, what should I eat first...'

Soy sauce crab caught his eyes,

For a moment, saliva pooled in Park Cheol-hyung's mouth.

‘Yeah, let’s go eat crabjang or whatever we eat.’

Cheol-hyeong, who picked up the soy sauce crab with chopsticks, took it to her mouth with a determined expression.

and after a while.

'It's so delicious...'

Park Cheol-hyung's face melted.

To be honest, it was more delicious crab stew than her mother made.

‘I’m sorry, Mom.’

From then on, Cheolhyung Park's chopsticks began to move non-stop.

All of a sudden, the thought of eating quickly and running away disappeared from his mind.


There was someone looking at him with a happy expression on his face.

That person is right there.

The owner of the hermit crab academy and the person who ordered the fancy table.

It was Junyoung.

He smiled contentedly as he watched the people enjoying their meal.

But then.

“Isn’t that too much?”

The work group leader who was sitting opposite Junyoung said.


When Junyoung asked, the head of the work group opened his mouth with a worried expression.

“No, I thought it would cost too much money to provide lunch and dinner like this every day. If it's because of what I said last time, it's okay now, so starting tomorrow, I'll just go to the hamba restaurant..."

Ah, I was wondering what you were talking about...

Come to think of it, I remembered that the last time I talked to the construction company employee and asked the class manager to do the construction work, the class manager said that.

‘It’s ok if you can prepare a delicious meal at every meal!’

Since the remodeling cost was reduced by 50%, the conditions were simple enough to be a bit embarrassing for Joon-young, who had the intention of accepting even if the class leader called for a rather high condition.

But when I think about it, it was a pretty important condition.

Due to the nature of physical labor, if you eat poorly, your efficiency will decrease.


“Ah, given the travel time and things like this, this is better. It’s cumbersome to come and go.”

Well, in the case of a hamba restaurant, you can find a good place if you search well, but once you get there, you can't ignore the time it takes to get there.

Therefore, Joon-young did not hesitate to accept the conditions of the class leader and decided to open a restaurant in the academy.

After all, there were a lot of empty classrooms.

“Isn’t it to your taste?”

Joon-young asks with a questioning expression on his face.

The class leader waved his hand as if he wasn't in a hurry.

"no. that's never You are a thief if you make such a noise while eating this delicious food. I just thought it wouldn’t be too burdensome for my successor.”

“Ah, then you can build it better than that.”

“It’s not natural. do not worry. I will make it better than any academy in this area.”

The class leader nodded his head as if to believe only in himself.

Joon-young looked at him and smiled slightly.

Then he slowly opened his mouth.



“When will the construction be finished? I think I will be able to schedule before the academy if I know the approximate date.”

Junyoung said with a serious expression.

Now that the construction has progressed to some extent, it was time to think about things like before the academy.

So even if the exact date is unknown, I had to know the approximate date.

"Let's stay still..."

Hearing Jun-young's words, the class leader began to count his fingers, carefully organizing his thoughts.

Due to the nature of field work, where the amount of work per day differs depending on factors such as personal condition and weather, there was no word that said it could be possible immediately.

after a while.

After finishing the calculation, the class leader slowly opened his mouth.

“If I tighten it a little bit more, do you think you can finish it faster in a day or four? In fact, more than that is possible, but then the quality of the finish seems to be very poor... you know? What am I talking about?”

Jun-young nodded his head at the class president's words.

Perhaps it means that if you reduce the air beyond that, the quality may deteriorate.

“That’s fine.”

Joon-young decided to be content with being able to pull the air for the expected four days.I've endured it well so far, but I didn't want the quality to deteriorate after only a few days.


Joon-young clenched her fist.

It's not really far now.

Just a few more days to go to this huge academy.

He was able to make this castle, which he had to look at before, completely his own.

* * *

a few days later.

For the past 7 years, a large number of people have gathered in front of the old Jeongbon Academy, which was called the ruins or abominations.

No matter how crowded it was, the vacant lot enough to fit 5 school buses was full of people.

Then the people passing by stopped and started looking towards the academy.

It was because the building, which had been rumored to be an abomination in the neighborhood, had changed dramatically in just a few weeks.

And then.

“Now then, let’s start the signboard opening ceremony.”

Said the presenter, who was seated on a small podium next to the building.

Then students, parents, and members of hermit crab academy.

Everyone gathered in front of the academy looked at the academy building with expressions wet with emotion.

Most of them were people I had been with since I first started the academy.

“If you would like to participate in the opening ceremony, please come up to the podium.”

Following the speaker's words, some of the people who had been seated got up and headed for the podium.

And he grabbed the white string on the podium.

who participated.





I am the owner of this academy.

Holding the white line and looking towards the empty lot, I could clearly see the faces of the people sitting in the seats.

Kim Yu-na is making a slightly gloomy expression because she couldn't participate in the opening ceremony.

Park Il-han, who must have been busy attending college, attended the event.

Park Soo-Han and Kim Ja-Young, who are very close yet clinging to each other.

Lee Ah-rin, Lim Yong-seok, Lim Dong-hoon, Lee Hyung-sik, Lee Yeon-jin, and many other people were looking at me and the members of Hermit Crab Academy.

My heart was pounding.

people in front of me.

and the people next to me.

Finally, to my academy behind my back.

this moment.

It seemed that I would never forget this time.

“Now, when I give the signal, I want all four of you to pull the rope at the same time.”

Said the moderator, who confirmed the people on the podium.

Then, people's expressions were low in expectations.

Now was the last moment.

I slowly waited for the presenter's mouth to open.

"ruler! one."



“Pull it, please!”

Following the host's words, I pulled the string hard and the white cloth covering the signboard fell off.


[Hermit Crab Academy]

A signboard shining brilliantly in the noonday sunlight appeared in front of the people.


People's applause rang out.

1st basement level, 4th floor above ground.

This huge academy, boasting a total capacity of 500 people, was completely in my hands.

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