Episode 004: Don't Bet if You're Not Sure (1)

The principal's office followed as a courtesy.

The smell of coffee fills the tip of your nose.

It is the fragrance of Arabica beans hand-made by the director.

It doesn't suit my palate, who is accustomed to the sweet floral scent, slightly sour sweetness, and instant coffee.

like this school.

I shook my head.

“I will quit. Even if it is a verbal contract, a contract is a contract.”

Then the manager changed his words.

"contract. yes that's good But still, you've been good for 5 years, but if you leave like this, I think I'll be very sorry..."

it's not funny

Did the person you feel sorry for made that face before?

“Oh, and yet, Kim Jun-young’s salary seemed too low. I was going to upload it sooner or later, but I forgot every time in my old mind…”

many times? For the past three years, my salary has been frozen like a winter dynamic.

At this point, you should almost be suspicious of Alzheimer's.

Unfortunately, the one uploaded three years ago was only after almost living at the academy for the first two years, or giving out all the condolences.

'After that, for a while, you told me to shoot, and I also calculated the cost of the dinner party.'

In addition, the percentage that was raised at that time was about fifteen percent.

Considering the monthly dinner expenses, there was almost nothing left.

While the salaries of the teachers who came in later than me jumped from double to double my salary, I had to walk.

Meanwhile, the director continued to move his mouth.

“The number of students currently in charge is large and their skills are clear. I can give you 5 or so. If I was in charge of the high school, I would have been able to provide more with a ratio system... Instead, I will take care of the reinforcing fee and textbooks so that I won't be disappointed."

My current salary was about 20 million won in terms of my annual salary, so now it was said that I would raise it to 30 million won.

Obviously, if it had been two days ago, I would have bowed down.



Now I am not attracted at all.

Even if you are attracted to them, you can no longer work under a person with this mindset.

“Oh, of course, sooner or later, we could even make a place for you in the high school. It's too bad that our teacher's skills are only for middle school. After that, if you go to the ratio system, I'll take care of it, so think about taking a little break..."

At the manager's words, I thought for a moment.


high school. The flower of the academy and the fiercest battlefield.

different from middle school. It was a space of such cruel competition, where if one hundred went in, ninety people would die.

But at the same time, it was also the place with the most fatal attraction.

If you can survive, you can't compare to middle school.

The fruit is much sweeter than you might imagine.

There weren't that many people who didn't have that greed for someone who jumped to the floor.

“Finally, I will give you full rights to the class. In the future, the teacher can only focus on the class and leave everything else to the academy.”

But at this point, something strange happened.

Even if it was easy because I have a USB, it was incomprehensible for the director to try to catch me like this.

Aren't you the kind of person who can come out with such a low profile just because you've raised the grades of one middle school student?

However, looking at the face of the director and the way he speaks, it seems strangely desperate.

“Hmmm…”There seems to be something I don't know, but it was difficult to say prematurely because I didn't know it.

“And the teacher. During that time, you must have eaten a lot with the kids... Because there are also fellow teachers. If possible, continue working together...

What? What made the manager like this?


In this case, it is better to just show discomfort with your expression without saying anything.

After all, a thirsty person finds a well.

just as expected.

“Mr. Kim. please help me How the hell did you raise Yuna Kim's score? No, I couldn't even use my hands as all of the teachers who said I flew out all the time fell out. What about the tweezers that Yuna student did earlier?”

Is it because of that too?

After all, the secret to raising the grades of Yuna Kim, who was the commander of the 20th Corps, is that it will be easier to raise the grades of other students.

Sure, you'll want to catch me somehow for now.

Until I knew what method I wrote.

But I'm sorry.

Just because it tells you how to do it doesn't mean you can follow it.


In life, there are times when a word of silence is better than ten words like now.

I took a sip of the cooling coffee.

“Mr. Kim. I'm really curious. Hasn't this been the case in the last 5 years? Had I known, I would have been so sad.”

When the director had to ask one more question, he lifted his lips heavily.

"well? Is there any special way to do it? I must have been a better fit for Yuna than the teachers who said that I was nanda.”


“Then why are you so concerned about Yuna’s score all of a sudden?”

Then, the director made a puzzled expression on his face.

“That’s… Actually, right after Mr. Kim left, I got a call from the parents of Yuna Kim.”

Yuna Kim's parents were originally in frequent contact with the director.

Above all, Yuna Kim's older sister also attended this academy.

Her parents deserve a lot of interest in the academy.


The director looked at me once more, then lowered his head and let out a deep sigh.

“Actually, Yuna’s mother made a suggestion to me earlier if she had heard about her grades.”

“Any suggestion?”

“If Yuna’s grades do not drop until she graduates from high school, she suggested that the kindergarten run by Yuna’s mother would regularly promote our academy. You know. How influential the family is in this area . . .”

Publicity to parents of parents?

Well, there is certainly nothing more effective than word-of-mouth marketing among mothers of children on this floor.

The director seemed to be out of his mind because he was already seduced by the temptation of publicity.

No matter how much the meaning has faded today, Yuna Kim is still an active corps commander of the 20th Corps and a self-proclaimed troublemaker.

‘I think it’s too easy to see Yuna.’

Today, she only raised her Korean score, but it was clear that tomorrow she would average out with other subjects' scores.

What did you believe in making such a promise?

If I wasn't in this academy, and if I didn't have a rule breaker called USB in my hand, Yuna's parents' proposals were true, but they didn't work.

“So did you accept it?”

When I asked, the director answered with a sullen expression.

“Yes it was. It's a no-loss offer. And she was given a clue by the parents of the students of Yuna, and that was . . .”

The director stopped his mouth and spared his words.

“He said he was going to meet Jun-Young Kim once.”


why me

* * *

As I left the director's office, I touched the USB in my pocket as usual.

She said, 'I can't say for sure how long she will attend, but at least until the end of this semester, I will teach at this academy. Instead, she believes that the director will keep what she said. You know that if she doesn't keep her promise, she'll go out mercilessly.'

She eventually decided that she would accept the director's offer.

No matter which academy you go to right now, or set up a study room at home, you are confident that you will make much more money and networking than you would at this academy.

However, it was true that he was still a little uneasy.

It's been less than two days since I got this USB.

It didn't seem bad to stay at this academy until I could really trust this USB.

Moreover, I heard a lot about this and that while I was there for 5 years, and there were quite a few Shin Se-jin colleagues, so I wanted to repay the debt...

‘Well, the salary has also increased a lot.’

When I'm thinking this and that in my mind,

“Sir Kim. How do you feel about your life?”

A noise you don't want to hear cuts through the gaps in your thoughts.

stinky frog. This is Park Hoon

“Because I was really lucky. I admit it. admit it No, how did such a porok explode there? Yuna, I think she wrote it down on the day she spent 10 years on. Is not it?"

Park Hoon's sarcastic voice seemed light as usual, but the poison in it was thicker than usual.

I ignored him as usual.


“Hey, Mr. Kim, are you ignoring me right now? It's scary. No, it seems like you just became a first-team instructor just by raising your middle school score a little bit. I don't know if I'm going to Daechi-dong like this?"

The quarrel, which was originally once or twice tuk-tuk, is getting longer today.

I responded briefly with annoyance.

“You look bored.”

In response to my good value for money, Park Hoon's face gradually turns red.

"boring? huh really Where do high school teachers get bored? Do you know what middle school I am?”

It's Park Hoon, who rushes to death.

I slowly turned my head to look at the other classroom.

This is because I wondered if it would be a nuisance to the students studying.

But, seeing my gaze treatment, Park Hoon was even more passionate. He seemed to be ignoring it.

Well... that's right.

“How are you? Look at your confidence that you made 60 points for each 20 points.”


“Look. Kim Jun-young. When you enter high school, you're not as good as the kids you learn from me. No, I don’t know what to do with fake classes every day.”

That's interesting. Still, I was a little curious about the level of high school lectures. Because I was also thinking of moving to high school.

In order to do that, I think I can use a little bit of this guy named Park Hoon in front of me.

By the way, when using a guy like Park Hoon, there was a way to do it.

For example, when posting a question on the Internet.

[Who wins the battle with the Paladin Love Wizard?]

If you ask a question like this, you won't get an answer after a hundred days.

but the same question

[Isn't it the angle that the wizard slaps the wheel?]

It has to be given a provocative title,[Crazy bastard! Paladin is better haha ​​Calm down.]

[Sounds far off haha ​​The wizard has been nerfed, so I can't even follow the paladin's toes.]

[Maggot = Wizard <<<<< Overwhelming Wall <<<< Paladin]

This is how the correct answer runs.

That's why I didn't ask Park Hoon, 'What's the difference between high school and middle school?'


“High school or middle school, there or something.”

I just said one word.

Then, Park Hoon's already torn eyes and eyebrows soared almost vertically.



As steam rises from a heated pressure cooker, he begins to shake his mouth explosively.

“Look, Master Kim!!!”

Soon, Park Hoon began to spit out everything about high school in staccato.

‘When preparing for high school transcripts, you need to understand not only textbooks, but also the tendencies of teachers in each school.’

‘That’s why public schools are more difficult. It’s private, and the guy who used to gossip keeps doing it, so the problems are similar and the preparations are decided.’

‘But in the case of public schools, things get complicated. This is because we can easily prepare for our exams only when we know which teachers are newly appointed every year.’

'If we do not understand how the newly appointed teacher addressed the problems at the previous school, we have no choice but to die for a year.'

‘Besides, in the case of schools in the city where transportation is convenient, teachers with full experience are often appointed.

‘When a highly motivated starting teacher starts sprinting with full creativity for the infinite development of children, the children will die and I will die. And preparing for the entrance exam..."


Learning the world of high school from Hoon Park, he nodded his head over and over again.

Indeed, he was a good teacher.

Come to think of it, apart from what he is learning now.

Over the past three years, he has been beaten by Park Hoon a lot.

Until just yesterday, I was just a prop that made his school life enjoyable.

But now things are very different.

After pouring out his anger for a long time, Park Hoon drove a stake.

“I assure you! When Mr. Kim comes to high school, he says he will explode! Teacher Kim too! Even the grades of the children Kim teaches!”

I just tilt my head with a smile on my face.

Then, Park Hoon, who is not satisfied with my reaction, gradually grows the board.

“Looking at the walls of the high school, the walls look ridiculous. Shall we bet?”


When I showed interest, Park Hoon opened his mouth with a fishy smile.

“The high school kids have exams soon. How about looking at the expected problem? Next month’s paycheck!”

Is it a hit rate fight?


When I pat my chin and say nothing, Park Hoon puts out a threat.

“Don’t be confident.”

He is making the assumption that I refuse to bet and roll his tail.


I said with a smirk.

“I get my paycheck next month, and the rest of this year’s salary is added. How are you?”

I'm starting to get serious about this situation.

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