Hear the words.

Fang Hu had no doubts in his heart that he could persist for such a long time and perform like this.

All of them show that Fang Yue has really started.

Four days, oh, no, three days to get started.

Superior qualifications!

"I was about to accept a disciple, but why did I accept a little genius?"

Fang Hu still didn't believe it, and unconsciously held his chin with his hand. Unfortunately, he couldn't hold his short beard, otherwise a few strands would be torn off.

"Huhu, Uncle Fang Hu, where are you and Ergou?"

In a daze, Fang Yue's clear voice rang out.

Fang Hu suddenly came to his senses. At this time, he was still holding down Fang Ergou, and Fang Ergou was holding down Shanmao.

The father and son seemed to be playing around.


Fang Hu hurriedly coughed to cover up his embarrassment, then picked up the two dogs and pressed them on the stone table next to him.

"Er Gou was disobedient today. His skin is itchy. If he doesn't practice well, he must be taught a lesson."

With that said, he spanked Fang Ergou hard several times on his butt.

The latter was confused at the moment and had no idea what happened to him today or why he was beaten inexplicably.

All I could do was shout, oh, oh, oh.

After hitting it a few times, it felt good, so Fang Hu continued to hit it a few more times.

Then he pointed to the teapot next to him, smiled at Fang Yue and said:

"Fang Yue must be thirsty. Drink this pot of tea."

"Thank you, Uncle Fang Hu."

Fang Yue grabbed the teapot, poured out a cup of tea, which was slightly bitter, and drank it all in one gulp.

After drinking the tea, Fang Yue put down the cup and was about to wash up when Fang Hu's voice sounded.

"Wait, drink the rest."

Hearing this, Fang Yue suddenly looked confused. Normally, he would drink a cup of tea after practicing.

Why do you want to drink one more drink today?

Isn't the other cup for Fang Ergou?

He looked at Fang Hu with doubts in his eyes.

"If you are asked to drink it, you can drink it. Today these teas are all made for you, and Ergou just drank them." Fang Hu looked at Fang Yue with a smile.

"Ah, Dad, when did I drink? Why didn't I know?"

Fang Ergou scratched his head. When had he drank herbal tea? Did you drink in the house just now?

Probably not!

"I said you had drank, so you drank. Why are you so stubborn!" Fang Hu snorted coldly and glared.

Fang Ergou immediately raised his head and said like a quail: "Oh, then I must have drank it. I have drank it."

Then, Fang Hu turned around and looked at Fang Yue with a smile, but he didn't pay attention to the resentful look in Fang Ergou's eyes at the moment after he drank the medicinal tea.

"Drink it quickly, otherwise the effect will not be good."

Fang Yue naturally knew that Fang Ergou must not have drank it. The medicinal tea that was supposed to be given to Fang Ergou today was given to him.

In the past few days, he also knew that this was medicinal tea, and it was definitely not an ordinary medicinal tea.

Although there is no herbal taste, this tea is very powerful.

After every exercise, the muscles and bones in the body are very tired, just as tired as when I followed my father and elder brother to harvest crops in the fields and did heavy work for several days in a row.

In this state, once he falls down to rest, he will not be able to get up without sleeping for three days and three nights.

But after drinking tea, this feeling began to slowly dissipate.

It is precisely because of this that he was able to fully recover the next day and carry out the next day's exercise.

This is enough to show that this tea is extraordinary.

Usually he gets a cup and Ergou gets a cup, but today they were all given to him.

Although I feel a little strange, I don't know why.

But for Uncle Fang Hu, he knew that Uncle Fang Hu would definitely not harm him.

So, I poured myself another cup of tea and drank it in one gulp.

After drinking two cups of tea, within a moment, a strange feeling emerged.

The tired and limp body and the uncomfortable feeling began to slowly dissipate.

"Well, not bad, practice hard these days. In a few days, follow me to Xiahe County."

Fang Hu patted Fang Yue on the shoulder and encouraged him.

"Well, okay, Uncle Fang Hu."


Ten days later, early in the morning.

Fang Yue only learned new words today, and because of his outstanding learning ability, he originally learned twenty new words a day, but now he has thirty.

As of today, Fang Yue has mastered nearly 600 words in total.

Able to speak and write, and understand basic meanings.

However, compared to the three thousand basic characters, Fang Yue is still semi-literate.

Literacy literacy has a long way to go, and we need to continue to work hard.

"Fang Yue, this is your first time traveling far away. There are some things I want to tell you on the way."

On the road leading outside from Daliushucun, Fang Hu led Fang Yue and Fang Ergou in a donkey cart, pulling dozens of skins, some animal bones, and some processed herbs.

There seemed to be a lot of cargo, filling most of the car.

Of course, there is also some dry food, bread, and a few gourds of water.

It is more than two hundred miles, and it takes three or four days to carry the goods.

These days I basically have to sleep in the wilderness at night.

The journey is a bit long, and in these days there are many people who can't survive.

When going out, you always need to be cautious.

Fang Hu has a lot of experience, and what he tells is very reasonable.

For example, don’t eat food given by others, don’t drink water if it is out of sight.

Keep important belongings with you. When you see an elderly person, child, or woman on the road alone, be especially careful and try not to contact them casually.

There are many such cases.

Along the way, if you see any edible wild fruits or poisonous grasses and insects, you will be taught on the spot how to avoid and deal with them.

"Also, if you encounter a Taoist priest wearing a Taoist robe, stay away from him."

Fang Hu finally emphasized.

"Well, I understand, Uncle Fang Hu." Fang Yue nodded.

What Fang Hu said was very practical, especially when leaving the hospital.

This era is not the world he used to live in. The wild in this world is the real wild.

Even on the official road leading to Xiahe County, you often encounter wild beasts.

It is possible that wild boars come down the mountain and tigers and leopards run rampant.

Besides, compared with wild beasts, people are more dangerous.

These days, if something happens outside, the disappearance of a few people is nothing. You can only blame yourself for your bad luck, which is really a headless case.

Even though Fang Yue had never been out of the house, he had heard these things from his father Fang Mu.

When the villagers in the village wanted to go to the county to buy something, they usually went together in groups of 20 to 30 people.

Even so, things had happened before.

It was said that only in Shanyang Prefecture, within a radius of 200 to 300 miles, there were no bandits and everyone could live and work in peace.


"Let's spend the night here tonight."

Seeing that it was getting dark, Fang Hu pointed to an open space in front and said.

It was close to the Xia River, so it was not difficult to get water for washing.

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