The person who does it is neat and tidy,

Originally there shouldn't be any flaws, but now there are traces here.

Could it be that the thief was injured?

Thinking of this, Fang Yue couldn't help but think of the wanted Chen Cheng'an.

Since Chen Chengan has fled to the nearby area, it is very likely that he will appear in Daliushu Village.

"Could it be Chen Cheng'an?"

Fang Yue glanced at the faint trace, then looked at the direction the other party left and couldn't help but think.

Forget it, whoever he is.

Since he stole instead of robbing, it means that the person has not yet treated human life lightly.

So as long as the other party 'doesn't cross the line', he will naturally not care.

As for reporting to the Yamen, should we report it just because the tenant lost two chickens?

The Yamen didn't say whether he paid attention to him or not. If someone came and found nothing in the end, wouldn't it just cause trouble for himself?

"Sir, did you see anything? The chicken thief killed that day was so abominable."

Fang Atong saw Fang Yue standing by the chicken coop, just standing there.

He waited for a while, but he was too anxious, so he couldn't help but ask.

But after he said the words, he regretted it. How could he talk to the scholar like this? The young master didn't ask, so he asked the young master first. Isn't this unruly?

But Fang Yue didn't care, or he didn't realize it at all.

He replied: "That person is not from our village. He should have gone far away by now."

From a time perspective, it has been two hours.

Even if he walked, he could travel dozens of miles, let alone the chicken thief suspected of being Chen Chengan, who had martial arts skills, and would have fled far away.

"Ah, what can we do! It's hard to raise chickens, what can we do? My mother-in-law still hopes to use eggs to replenish her body."

Fang Atong did not doubt what Fang Yue said.

They had searched all over the village but couldn't find it. Some people in the village even suspected that his family had eaten the chicken, and then started shouting in the village to catch the thief.

However, similarly, the surrounding villagers also did not doubt what Fang Yue said.

Fang Yue was Mr. Wu Xiucai, the largest landowner in the village besides Liu Ju's family.

What he said is definitely correct.

"Really, I didn't expect that our village would be attacked by outsiders."

"Oh, everyone has to be careful these days and don't give thieves a chance."

"Hmph, if I catch that thief, I'll beat him to death!"

The surrounding villagers were also talking a lot, but after a while these people started to praise Fang Yue again.

"However, the young master is still capable. After just a short while, I realized that the chicken thief had already escaped!"

"That's right, that's right. This is the first martial arts scholar in the history of our village. The daughter of my third eldest sister-in-law has a pretty face, so she should be worthy of the young master."

"The daughter of your third eldest sister-in-law? Bah, her waist is as thick as a bucket and as black as the coals in the stove. How dare you talk about it here."

"Having a thick waist is good for childbirth, and having dark skin is good for working. Why can't I say that?"

It's just that the village women around them are talking and they don't know where to go.

Fang Yue, who was standing next to him, was confused and couldn't stay any longer.

Left here immediately.


Because warriors suspected of being Chen Chengan were haunting Daliushu Village.

Fang Yue told his parents, brother, and sister not to leave the village in the near future, otherwise they would stay at home.

Although they were a little confused, seeing how serious Fang Yue was speaking, they all listened.

In the past ten days, Fang's father and Fang Cheng, who couldn't help but go to the fields to do farm work, were sorting farm tools at home.

Mrs. Chen no longer went to the Liu family to help cook, nor did she go out to the village to chat with the neighbor women.

My elder sister Fang Lan stayed at home quietly, and of course she was still used to having an abortion. In her words, she couldn't sit still if she didn't do anything.

Seeing that the whole family is so simple, even though life has gotten better now, life is basically the same as before, and not much has changed.

Life is good like this.

Fang Yue was very satisfied. This was exactly what he wanted and what he wanted to protect.

"A ten-stone bow and arrow is as powerful as a firearm. It can penetrate an adult tiger within thirty feet."

"I'm afraid that even a warrior who has mastered the three concepts of martial arts and has bronze skin and iron bones would not dare to fight with his flesh and blood body."

Fang Yue didn't go out for more than ten days, but he specially made this ten-stone bow at home.

Of course he wanted to make a stronger bow, but he found that among the materials he could find currently, there was no material with such high strength.

If the power exceeds ten stones, it will be damaged after just a few uses.

Even a ten-stone bow and arrow will break after fifty shots.

After making the bow and arrow, Fang Yue put the bow and arrow on his back and went out.

It’s been a while since I went hunting in the mountains.

Besides, more than ten days have passed and nothing happened in the village.

Maybe Chen Chengan has fled to other places and is no longer near Daliushu Village.

Therefore, Fang Yue's life returned to normal.

You have to hunt when you should, and you still can’t afford the secret medicine needed for cultivation just by relying on the small amount of rent from the tenants.

Only by keeping hunting and harvesting well can you guarantee a monthly dose of the secret skin-removing medicine.

"Ah, no wonder the Wei Dynasty did not ban martial arts, no wonder the boxing gym did not have such strict control over martial arts techniques. Because, as long as you master the secret medicine, it is equivalent to mastering the path for martial artists to rise."

Walking on the quiet mountain road, Fang Yue thought about his hard hunting in the past few years, and most of the wealth he earned in the end had to be sent to the martial arts gym.

It's just that things in the world are all like this.

The strong prey on the weak, and it seems that he spent a lot of money in exchange for secret medicine, but he also became stronger through practice.

After a few hours,

Fang Yue came to a hut near the 'line'.

This was built by him to store some supplies and rest during hunting.


"No, there's someone inside!"

However, just when he was about ten feet away from the hut, Fang Yue's eyes shrank slightly.

He found that the mechanism originally arranged on the door of his hut had been opened by someone.

And he also sensed that there was someone in the wooden house.

Fang Yue immediately bent his bow and drew his arrow, staring at the hut cautiously, and slowly retreated several feet to keep himself at a relatively safe distance.

"Ahem, Brother Fang, don't be nervous, it's me."

A weak voice came from the house, and it was obvious that the people inside had also discovered him.

But the man didn't show his head, and obviously didn't believe Fang Yue.

"Why did Brother Chen get here? Forget it, this is not my business. Considering that we have known each other for a long time, Brother Chen should leave here quickly and leave Xiahe County."

Fang Yue said in a deep voice, but the bow and arrow in his hand was always in an activated state.

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