"Why don't we go back."

"If someone discovers this, he will not be beaten to death."

It was a dark and windy night outside the Fang family's house.

A man was hesitant. If he fell in, he wouldn't be able to look back.

In the countryside, if you are caught stealing, you will be whipped.

If it is serious, they will be sent to see an official.

If they are caught stealing food from Fang Wuju's house, it will only become more serious.

"Huh, it's now this time. No one is allowed to retreat. Anyone who retreats will die."

"We are getting our own food back!"

Fang Juye had a sinister look on his face and stared at the person who just spoke, with a dangerous light in his eyes.

Now that the time has come, what if someone quits and turns them in?

Therefore, anyone who dares to withdraw now must die.

"Don't think too much. Fang Yue is crippled, and there are only two men left in the Fang family. There are so many of us, even if we are discovered, we can still leave."

"Besides, as long as we do this, we won't have to go hungry this year. Besides, we are going to get our own food back."

Fang Juye also knew that if they formed a temporary team, it would be easy for them to break up.

Always give them some confidence.

Immediately, these people helped each other, climbed over the two-meter-high wall, and jumped into the Fang family's house.

"Huh? What a big dog, the yard is so big!"

Fang Juye jumped into the fence and looked at the yard in front of him.

There is a pavilion on the ground paved with blue bricks, and this yard alone is actually bigger than his home.

"Fang Juye, look at the path you are leading. Are we jumping into the courtyard where Fang Wuju lives?"

When the Fang Yue family built this house, several people from around came to the Fang family to help.

I still have some understanding of the layout of the Fang family, and I know that there are actually three courtyards in the Fang family compound.

The Fang brothers each have their own courtyard, and Fang's father and mother have their own courtyard.

The place where they are now is the west courtyard where Fang Yuefang Wuju lives. Only in this courtyard has a martial arts training ground been built.

The features were obvious and he was recognized immediately.

"Huh, of course I know, but the wall here is best climbed over. How could you guys get in so easily in another place?"

"Besides, what do we have to fear from a crippled loser? If he is discovered, it will be a big deal for us."

Since Fang Juye was beaten by Fang Cheng, he has developed deep resentment towards the Fang family.

Of course, you would definitely not dare to ask him to go against the Fang family openly.

But if he is cheating, sneaking around, doing dirty tricks behind his back, or doing harm, he will not hesitate to do it.

"Okay, I don't want you to go head-to-head with the Fang family. We should be careful and we won't be discovered. Just take the food and leave. There is so much food in his house, if there is any less, we will definitely not be discovered."

Fang Juye also calmed everyone's emotions, and then led them to lurk carefully in the direction of the granary.

"It's so late, where do you want to go?"

In the dark night, a cold voice suddenly sounded.

Fang Juye and others, who were walking towards the granary along the shadow of the wall, immediately froze.

They were discovered.


I don't know who shouted, and they all started running around like headless flies.

There were even two men who didn't know which direction they were going in. They bumped into each other and fell to their knees.

"Stop whatever you are trying to do. He is alone, a useless person. What are you afraid of!"

Fang Juye quickly realized that the person speaking was Fang Yue.

In the past, they would not have dared to let out a fart in front of Fang Yue.

But now, Fang Yue has been abolished.

He is just a useless person, what are they afraid of!

"You guys are shoulder to shoulder, why can't you test a cripple? We have all been discovered by him, let's kill him together, otherwise no one will be able to escape tomorrow."

Fang Juye was instigated again.

Sure enough, following his words, everyone who had reacted actually rushed towards Fang Yue's location.

When people are extremely nervous, their brains often stop thinking and will execute orders mechanically.

This is the case for these idle men in Daliushu Village at the moment.

They just wanted to kill Fang Yue.

But they didn't notice that Fang Juye was one step behind them. He was leading the team from the front to being at the back.

Fang Juye seems to be loud and high-profile, but if things really come to a head, he becomes cunning and naturally refuses to take the lead.

After all, it was Fang Yuefang's martial arts competition.

If there was an accident, he would definitely be the first to escape.


The sound of stones breaking through the air sounded.

The next moment, a man who was running suddenly felt a black shadow coming from in front of him. He had no time to dodge, and then he was hit and flew up.


Immediately, Fang Juye heard another muffled sound, and saw that the four idlers who had come with him were knocked out like gourds by something.

Go quickly!

Seeing this scene, Fang Juye didn't know that it must be a warrior.

Who else but the martial artist has such great strength? Could it be that the better?

Or maybe Fang Yue's family is guarded by warriors?

But whatever the reason.

No matter who did it.

You have to go now, or it will be too late!

At this time, Fang Juye was extremely grateful for his choice just now and hid behind the team.

At this time, he ran to the wall in a few steps.

When people are extremely frightened and nervous, they can often burst out with stronger strength than usual.

Although he didn't have enough to eat, Fang Juye climbed up the wall in a single bound.

But at this moment, another sound broke through the air.

Fang Juye, who had just climbed up the wall, had not had time to rejoice that he was about to escape.

I felt a pain in my body and fell out with a scream.


"What happened?"

"What's wrong, who was shouting just now? Is there a burglar in the house?"

Fang Juye's screams woke up everyone in Fang Yue's family.

Soon Father Fang, Mother Chen, and Fang Chengdu came to Fang Yue's yard.

"It's nothing. Several thieves came into the house and they were all knocked down. Let's tie them up with ropes first." Fang Yue said in a calm tone.

At this time, everyone in the Fang family saw people lying on the ground in the corner of the courtyard wall.

Father Fang and Fang Cheng immediately fetched ropes and tied up the men.

"Xu'er, my son, are you okay?"

Taking advantage of this time, Chen quickly came to Fang Yue's side and examined Fang Yue up and down by the light of the lantern.

See if Fang Yue is injured. After all, Fang Yue can't stand up now. Don't suffer a loss against so many people.

"Mom, I'm fine. Your son and I are a martial arts scholar, so it's nothing to worry about just a few thieves."

Fang Yue comforted Mrs. Chen.

"As long as it's okay, it's okay." Mrs. Chen checked carefully and confirmed that Fang Yue was really okay, even his clothes were not torn, and then she felt relieved.

At this time, Fang's father and Fang Cheng also tied up the thieves.

"Bah, these people with dirty consciences are here to steal food. After they were discovered by Brother He, they were ready to attack him."

"Bah, it's really shameful. It's a pity that our family paid them more for their work before!"

Fang Cheng was indignant and clenched his fists tightly.

An honest farmer, how could he have thought that these people were actually from the village, and in the past two years, he would always ask these people to do any work at home.

Their family pays a lot of wages, and they also take care of the food.

How could it be possible in other people's homes?

Outsiders, who would not say that the Fang family is benevolent and righteous.

"Oh, by the way, there was a wall jump just now, but it shouldn't have gone very far."

After being inspected by Mrs. Chen just now, Fang Yue didn't even have time to tell Fang Cheng that there was another one outside the wall.

However, the man was beaten in the end and must have been seriously injured.

When Fang Cheng heard that there was another one, he rushed out immediately.

If you want to hurt his brother, you must not let him go.

"Xie'er, what do you think we should do with these people?" Fang's father frowned, being honest and honest. He had never encountered such a thing before.

According to the rules, one of these people's arms should be broken.

But, in this day and age, if you do this, these people will be dead.

Besides, there were a lot of people this time.

If it is handled too harshly, other things may happen.

Country people often unconsciously side with the weak side, but they don't care so much about who is the evil person.

"Let's dig ten wells in the village as a penalty." Fang Yue said.

Nowadays, the water shortage is becoming more and more serious. Several wells in the village have dried up, and there are not many left.

Since these people have made mistakes, punish them and do something good.

"Well, that's it."

After deciding how to deal with these people, Father Fang asked Chen to go to bed first.

By the way, I went to calm the hearts of Fang Lan and Fang Cheng's wives and told them not to worry.

As soon as Mr. Chen left, Fang Chengcheng came back dejectedly.

"Brother, let the ball run away!"

When Fang Cheng just went out, he only saw a staggering figure outside the alley, and he immediately chased after him.

But that person also discovered him and naturally sped away.

In the end, Fang Cheng chased for a while but failed to catch up.

Thinking it was not safe at night, I came back first so as not to worry my family.

"If that bastard Fang Juye dares to appear in the village in the future, I will have to break his hand." Fang Cheng said angrily.

Those people just explained what Fang Juye had instigated.

But I didn't expect that in the end, I let this guy run away. How could I not be angry.

"Okay, brother, it's okay, just run away."

Fang Yue smiled and said that this time he was not prepared to kill anyone and wanted to capture them alive.

Otherwise, that Fang Juye must have died on the spot.

He was lucky to be able to escape. He wouldn't hold back next time he saw her.

This happened.

Naturally, everyone in the Fang family could no longer sleep, so they all stayed alert and waited until dawn.

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