Chaos Emperor System

Chapter 1209 The Panicked Old Demon

"So there must be an old devil in the Dishatian Demon Cave, and those two boys are still walking deep into the Dishatian Demon Cave!" Zhang Tiecheng said, looking at the crowd.

"Those two dogs, knowing that there is an old devil in the Disha Tianmo Cave, dare to go deep, are they looking for death?"

"It seems that those two dogs are really looking for death! If you disturb the old devil, they must die!"

"It's just that I didn't expect that there would actually be an old devil in this demon cave. It seems that we have to discuss it."

When everyone heard Zhang Tiecheng's words, they all had serious expressions on their faces.

From their point of view, if there is an old devil in the demon cave, Ye Hao and Su Lie must surely die.

But they have to think about it for the Earth Fiend Sect.

It's just that what they don't know is that the old devil they fear is about to face massacre!


"You bastards, hurry up and get out, and if you dare to go deeper, the old devil will make your life worse than death!"

Three days later, the old devil's voice sounded again at this moment.

But if you listen carefully, you can hear tension and fear in Lao Mo's voice.

You must know that in the past three days, the old devil has made several voices.

At first, it was full of disdain.

But with the cultivation base of Tianyin Spirit, he broke through to the second level of Spiritual Venerable Realm yesterday, but the old devil sensed the danger from Tianyin Spirit.

So this time, the old devil was not calm at all, and completely panicked.

He was originally an ancient demon, tens of thousands of years ago, but he was a top existence in this ancient demon realm.

Later, he was seriously injured and fell asleep here using a secret method. Now he has been awake for decades, and his cultivation has only returned to the second level of the Spiritual Venerable Realm.

It is still impossible to leave from this earth evil demon cave, but he believes that he will be able to cultivate beyond the spiritual realm in a short time, and then he can try to leave here.

When the time comes, the world will be washed with blood, and everyone will be told that the Demon Emperor is back.

Originally relying on the earth evil black energy in the earth evil sky demon cave,

He believed that even the peak of the Spiritual Venerable Realm would not be able to enter this Demon Cave.

So I am extremely safe, I can break through the peak of the spiritual realm and leave here with peace of mind.

But how could he have imagined that there would be such an evil thing as the spirit of the sky.

Not only is there no fear of Sha Hei Qi, but the Sha Hei Qi that can be absorbed can improve one's cultivation.

And it was absorbed so fast, and the cultivation base improved so fast.

This made him extremely envious and jealous.

In his opinion, the speed at which he recovered his cultivation was already very fast, and he would definitely throw off some geniuses, not knowing how many times.

But at this moment, compared with the spirit of Tianyin, it is not even as good as Papa.

"What kind of evildoer is this!" The old devil was completely flustered at the moment.

"I think we can talk!" The old devil said in a discussion tone, his tone lowered a lot this time.

"Hmph!" Ye Hao snorted coldly when he heard the old devil's words.

You know, the old devil's threats for these three days have never stopped.

Now I know I'm afraid, it's too late!

For this kind of old demon, Ye Hao naturally knew that he must not let it go. Of course, he is not the kind of orthodox priest who kills demons and eliminates demons for the people of the world.

But he knew that the old devil had not yet escaped from his predicament, and his cultivation was already at the second level of the Spiritual Venerable Realm.

If you let the old devil go, let him recover, and wait for his breakthrough, he will definitely suffer his revenge.

Ye Hao wouldn't make a fool of himself, besides, this old devil was the strongest boss he had encountered so far, so how could he let it go.

And if it weren't for this old devil, there would be no Earth Demon Sect.

Without the Earth Sha sect, the Vajra King would not have accidentally obtained the cultivation technique of the Earth Sha black energy, and would not have allowed Zitian Shendi and others to be tortured by the Earth Sha black energy.

Although he didn't know how the Earth Sha sect obtained the method of cultivating the Earth Sha black energy.

But he knew that he must be inseparable from this old devil.

So this hatred, he naturally blamed the old devil.

If the old devil knew what was going on in Ye Hao's mind, he would probably vomit blood angrily.

"The master is still a thousand meters away, and he will see the old devil!" At this moment, the consciousness of the spirit of Tianyin spread to Ye Hao's mind.

"Can you still improve your cultivation?" Ye Hao asked the spirit of Tianyin.

After all, the spirit of Tianyin's cultivation level is the same as that of the old devil at the moment, both of which are at the second level of the spiritual realm.

If Tianyin's spiritual cultivation is at the first level, it will be easier to deal with the old devil.

"This subordinate doesn't know, but it should be possible!" Sky Yin Spirit also said with some uncertainty.

"Then continue devouring." Ye Hao also became a little nervous when he heard the spirit of Tianyin say this.

However, he is still full of confidence in the spirit of Tianyin.

After all, it must not be a problem for the spirit of Tianyin to crush the same level.

What's more, the old demon is still deep in the Earth Demon Cave, and has no intention of coming out.

Ye Hao believed that the old devil must have been subject to some kind of restriction, unable to leave the depths of the evil cave.

Although the Earth Demon Cave is only a thousand meters away, the black energy behind the Earth Demon is becoming more and more intense, and the absorption of the Heavenly Yin Spirit has also slowed down.

Of course, this is only compared to the beginning, when entering the Dishatian Demon Cave, the absorption speed is slower.

After all, the Earth Sha black energy that entered the Earth Sha Heaven Demon Cave at the beginning was less than one percent of this.

Therefore, the speed at which the spirit of the sky and yin absorbs the black energy of the earth is not slow at all.

A full day passed, and all the black energy of Earth Shade in Earth Shade Heavenly Demon Cave was absorbed by the spirit of Heavenly Yin.

Everyone also came to the deepest part of the Earth Demon Cave.

Seeing the deepest part of the Dishatian Demon Cave, Ye Hao was a little surprised that it was a little different from what he had imagined.

Because it is a circular pool, which is said to be a pool, but it is the size of a football field.

The water inside is also as black as ink, emitting some black air continuously.

If Ye Hao's guess is correct, the pitch black water is probably formed by the condensed black energy of the earth.

Being able to condense the black air of earth evil into water, Ye Hao couldn't help guessing that there must be some kind of treasure here.

And in this water, there are some plants that grow like lotus flowers.

Surprisingly, in this pitch-black water, these lotus flowers grow pure and flawless!

"Could it be that this is the antidote that can relieve the black energy of the earth?" Ye Hao couldn't help guessing.

Just when Ye Hao was about to use the system to check the lotus, a voice sounded: "Boy, you are here for the antidote to the evil spirit of the earth, right? Take this evil lotus away, I will not follow the old devil!" You care about the crime of trespassing here.

"It seems to be true!" Hearing this voice, Ye Hao was also delighted. After all, he had finally found the antidote to the evil earth energy that he had been looking for for a long time, so how could he not be happy.

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