Chaos Emperor System

Chapter 1447 Change the rules

"Quiet, quiet!" The old man tapped the ground with his cane, and the noisy crowd fell silent instantly.

The old man took out a black ball, and he lightly threw the ball into the air, and then a dark portal appeared. The old man pointed to the dark portal and said: "This gate is a barrier gate. The world behind the door is a world full of monsters, in that world, the flow of time is different from ours, ten days there is worth one day here, and it is a good place for monks to improve their strength."

"For this Paradise Street Conference, the Yuwen family specially contributed this World of Warcraft as the standard for selecting talents in the first round."

"Everyone who participated in the Tianjie Conference this time will have a token in their hands when they go in. Killing monsters and monks can increase the number of tokens in their hands. After ten days, which four people have tokens in their hands? Whoever has more cards can be promoted."

Someone from the player booth asked: "Does that mean that you must kill the monk to get the token?"

The old man shook his head and said: "No, as long as the monk is willing to hand over the token in his hand, he will be automatically sent back to the competition venue, which also means that he abstained and lost the qualification to participate in this competition."

Immediately afterwards, someone asked: "Then there are six sub-venues. Is the World of Warcraft that each venue goes to the same one, or is it different?"

The old man stroked his beard and explained: "In order to avoid the premature collision of the elite monks in the major venues, the Yuwen family contributed six different World of Warcraft, so you are not the same, but different, so don't worry about competing with other venues. people meet."

Then everyone raised some questions, and the old man answered them one by one.

Finally, the old man looked at the quiet venue and said in a deep voice, "Do you have any questions? If not, the competition will officially begin!"

Then everyone passed through the gate of enchantment one by one.

Before leaving, Ye Hao glanced back at the direction of the auditorium. There, there were two people waving their arms to cheer for him, so in this match, he must advance and not lose.

Ye Hao glanced at the dark gate of the enchantment, suddenly felt dizzy, and then saw a huge monster sleeping in the ground, he shook his head, and entered the gate of the enchantment without noticing anything abnormal Door.

Soon, only the old man was left in the middle of the field.

The old man waved his arm, and the enchantment gate turned into a black ball and he put it in his sleeve. He stomped his feet, and then four huge screens appeared in the center of the field. The picture behind the world.

Ye Hao felt dizzy for a while, then opened his eyes and found himself standing by a river.

Immediately afterwards, he heard the old man's voice: "The direction each of you teleports to is random, and I will call you back after ten days. During this period, life and death will be your fate, boys, I wish you good luck. "

Ye Hao looked at the clear river and murmured, "This, is it the beginning?"

bang bang!

Not far away, there was suddenly a fierce fighting sound, Ye Hao's heart moved slightly, and he ran directly to the source of the sound.

Before he got close, he saw two thin men attacking a dragon in the river.

Ye Hao felt the aura of the two of them carefully. The Spirit Emperor was at the sixth level, and his strength was not particularly strong. Then he looked at the dragon, the Spirit Emperor was at the seventh level, and couldn't help being surprised.

Hey, what the hell kind of place is this? Why is there a flood dragon in a small river, and the strength of that flood dragon is actually the seventh rank of Linghuang.

At this moment, Jiaolong was fighting with those two people, and he didn't notice a fisherman who was about to make a profit standing on a tree not far from them.

About half an hour later, the two teamed up finally dragged down the Jiaolong who was slightly stronger than them. Just when they were about to kill the Jiaolong, the huge Jiaolong suddenly fell to the ground and landed heavily on the shore .

Immediately afterwards, a mechanical voice sounded in their minds.

"Ye Sangao will reward 20,000 battle tokens for killing the seventh-rank flood dragon."

Hearing this, the two were stunned, who is Ye Sangao? Shouldn't they have killed this flood dragon?

Ye Hao slowly retracted the flying sword, came directly behind the two of them, stretched out his hand and looked at them with a smile on his face.

The two of them thought about what happened just now, and instantly understood.

"You are Ye Sangao?"

"It was you who snatched our flood dragon?"

Ye Hao nodded slightly.

"Stinky boy, you dare to steal our things, you really don't know how to live or die."

"Kid who doesn't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth, go to hell!"

The two were furious, raised their weapons and attacked Ye Hao.

Ye Hao didn't dodge or dodge, he pushed out with a palm, and the two fell to the ground.

When Ye Hao came to them and raised his palm to push it out again, the two plopped on their knees and offered the battle order in their arms.

Ye Hao accepted the war order with a smile and put it in the space ring.

At this time, the flood dragon lying on the shore also turned into a ball of spiritual power and disappeared.

The two eliminated by Ye Hao came directly to the center of the field where they had just participated in the competition at the same time as the battle order was taken away. As a result, everyone laughed.

The two quickly got up and left in disgrace.

Wu Wenyong couldn't help laughing at the scene of the two leaving in embarrassment and Ye Hao receiving the war order.

And Bing Yi frowned, because there was a leaderboard on the big screen, and Ye Sangao, who had 10,02 battle orders, was at the top of the list.

If it's just the rankings, it's not particularly worrying. The key is that as long as they are in the top ten, their strength and geographical location will be marked on the map, and everyone can follow up according to the location of that person in a planned way. Kill and intercept.

Seeing a big red dot on the map, Ye Hao couldn't help being a little confused.

I didn't say this when I talked about the rules just now.

Outside the court, the old man slapped his head and said, "Oh, I forgot just now, add it now."

Ye Hao wanted to cry but had no tears, because he now has the most tokens, so his red dot on the map is the largest, and his position is the most obvious.

And his mark on the leaderboard is the fifth rank of Linghuang. In the eyes of everyone, this is a big fat sheep, so he believes that many, many people are already rushing here, ready to hunt him down, so he left quickly On the shore, moving to another place.

At this time, in the bamboo forest of Yu Mansion, the Banished Immortal watched with great interest the scene of Ye Hao fleeing in embarrassment in the projection and couldn't help laughing.

Yu Yingluan on the side frowned and asked, "Isn't it good to modify the rules like this?"

The exile immortal sneered at the corner of his mouth, and said: "We made the rules, so we can change them if we want to. Besides, don't you think this is very interesting? Hahaha!"

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