Chaos Emperor System

Chapter 1483 Everything Is Alright

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Wu Wenyong looked suspiciously at the ruined temple, and asked, "Is my family inside?"

The guard glanced at Wu Wenyong, and said impatiently, "Go in."

Wu Wenyong hesitated for a moment, but pushed open the gate of the ruined temple.

After Wu Wenyong entered the temple, the guard drew out his double knives at his waist with a stern expression, and followed closely behind.

Immediately afterwards, Wu Wenyong walked through the courtyard of the ruined temple to the temple, and saw his parents and younger sister leaning together in ragged clothes under the statue of the ruined temple.

His complexion was yellow and unkempt.

Wu Wenyong's tears flowed down instantly, and he cried loudly: "Father, mother, Yue'er, I am here to take you home."

The three people under the statue did not show joyful expressions, but opened their eyes wide and trembled all over.

Wu Wenyong saw fear in their black pupils, so he turned his head suddenly, and a burst of white light flashed in front of his eyes.

Cliff Valley, ruins.

Yu Wenshu rubbed the Jade Buddha Stone in his hand, turned to look at Ye Hao and said, "Okay, I've finished asking the questions I want to ask, and you will regain consciousness in an hour and go back to the inn."



Yu Wenshu snapped his fingers, Ye Hao's body trembled, and he fell into a coma again.

Yu Wenshu took a satisfied look, and left with everyone.

After half an hour, Ye Hao slowly opened his eyes, and after confirming that there was no one around, he yawned lazily.

At this time, Ye Hao didn't have the dull look before, and his eyes that were still somewhat empty were completely clear at this moment.

Ye Hao frowned, and kept muttering: "The red pupil? The key? What kind of mess is this?"

"However, it sounds like Yu Wenshu has made a lot of preparations for that day. Can we beat him with just a few of us? I think it's a bit confusing. We still need to find another ally."

Then Ye Hao took out the parchment in the interspatial ring bestowed by Emperor Qingshan, and murmured: "Fortunately, this parchment was taken out, otherwise this secret might be known by Yu Wenshu."

Ye Hao narrowed his eyes and said viciously: "Yu Wenshu, if you take my space ring today, I will make you repay it twice in the future."

Ye Hao put away my Dao sword, looked in the direction of Qingluo Peak, and said thoughtfully: "I don't know what's going on with Wu Wenyong, I hope everything goes well."

Qingluo district, ruined temple.

Just as Wu Wenyong turned his head, two sabers flashing with cold light came at him head-on.

In desperation, Wu Wenyong crossed his arms, and two silver-white wristbands flashed between his wrists.

The saber struck Wu Wenyong's silver-white wristband. Wu Wenyong took two steps back to stabilize his figure, looked at the guard who was full of fighting spirit and said coldly: "Didn't Mr. Shu agree to let me go? What are you doing?"

"Hmph." The guard snorted coldly, and said in a hoarse voice: "That's right, Mr. Shu promised to reunite your family, but he just asked you to go to the underworld to reunite."

"Impossible. Yuwenshu has an agreement with me. He promised that as long as I help him complete that matter, he will keep his promise."

"Heh, you can call Mr. Shu's name directly?" The guard showed disdain and said, "Come on, kill them."

Suddenly, two guards from the shadow department appeared from behind the statue, both of the eighth rank of the Linghuang, and attacked the three trembling under the statue straightly.

Wu Wenyong snorted coldly, a spear appeared in his hand, and swept across, hitting the two guards against the wall.

The guard with two knives turned cold, and said, "Ninth rank of Linghuang? I really underestimated you."

"Yuwenshu really thinks highly of me." Wu Wenyong stood in front of the three of them with a spear in his hand, and said coldly, "It's just to deal with me, but he even sent two masters of the eighth rank of the Linghuang and one of the ninth rank of the Linghuang. interesting."

"Death is imminent, so much nonsense!"

"Oh, is that so?" Wu Wenyong looked at the double-knife guard with great interest.

The double-knife guard sneered and was about to charge forward.

Suddenly a black Fang Tian painted halberd struck from behind him, the guard was startled and dodged to the right, unexpectedly, two throwing knives emerged from the ground, entered from the bottom of his feet, and flew out from his shoulders.

The guard knelt on the ground with weak legs, looked at the two figures standing at the door, and could not rest in peace.

The other two people from the film department saw that things were not going well, so they left.

Standing alone at the door, with a cold snort, he stepped forward, picked up the Fang Tian painting halberd stuck on the ground, and threw it with all his strength at a figure who wanted to escape.

Not to be outdone, the other took out the javelin in his hand and stared at another figure.


Two screams came from the wall behind the ruined temple.

At this time, Wu Wenyong, who covered his sister's eyes, let go of his hands, and thanked the two people walking towards the courtyard: "Thank you, Brother Xiang Chong, and Brother Lu Fang for your help."

The three people standing behind Wu Wenyong also hurriedly got up and thanked Xiang Chong and Lu Fang.

The two hurried forward and helped the four of them up.

Xiang Chong said with a smile: "Wu Wenyong, the person you want to thank is not us, but our son."

Wu Wenyong's eyes were moist, and he said: "I, Wu Wenyong, owe Brother Ye Hao too much. I'm afraid I won't be able to repay it in this lifetime."

Lu Fang helped Wu Wenyong up, and said with a smile: "Brother Wenyong, don't say that, after all, without your plan, the son's plan would not go smoothly, and our saving you and your family is not only from the son's instruction, but also The brotherhood between us."

"But the young master is really good at predicting things." Xiang Chong said with some admiration: "The young master has long expected that Yuwenshu will not let you and your family go, so he put the two of us in the dark early, secretly protect you."

As they said that, Lu Fang and Xiang Chong recalled Ye Hao's instructions to them that night.

"Okay, don't just stand around here, this Qingluo area is still Yuwen's territory after all, if you don't want to be exposed, just follow me."

At this time, a stout figure appeared at the entrance of the ruined temple. The person who came was holding a water-green gun and looked at everyone with a smile.

Qingyu District, inn.

Ye Hao took out a piece of silver-white paper and studied it carefully.

Suddenly, the long light in the room flickered, and Ye Hao looked at a black shadow in front of the bed and asked: "What's the matter, are Wu Wenyong and his family safe?"

The visitor was dressed in black, and his figure was a little thin. He cleared his voice and said, "Return to Young Emperor, Zhou Tong has brought them back to the stronghold, and everything is fine now."

"That's good." Ye Hao paused for a moment and continued: "Tell Wu Wenyong not to come back these two days. He is now a dead person, and he is not suitable to show his face. We should also clean up the scene."


Ye Hao asked: "By the way, Zhang Qing, what cultivation level do you guys have now?"

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