Chaos Emperor System

Chapter 1487 You know what to do

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This is not the first time for him to participate in the ancestor worship conference. The last time he participated in the ancestor worship conference was with his long-dead father.

That time, their Hao family was also the first family to arrive. They wanted to enter the spirit formation first, but they were also stopped by these golden armored guards, so Hao Gui is no stranger to it.

He glanced at the guards he had brought with him. The lowest level of cultivation was the eighth level of the Linghuang, and there were a few of the ninth level of the Linghuang. All the elites of the Hao family were here, so this time, they could only succeed. Can't fail.

Hao Gui originally wanted to take his son with him, but finally gave up on the idea.

This trip is extremely dangerous, if anything happens, it's better to leave a queen for the Hao family.

Not long after, Huangfu Yunzhi also came.

The lineup he brought was similar to that of Hao Gui, they were all from the best of the best, and they also had no heirs.

The two old friends who had known each other for many years glanced at each other, and they both saw the ambition and helplessness in each other's eyes.

They want to be ministers of the dragon, but they also know that ministers of the dragon are not so easy to do. If they are not careful, the whole family will fall into the abyss.

The helpless thing is that the Qing family is already in the same boat, and it is impossible to think about it any longer.

Immediately afterwards, three figures appeared on the square.

They are the father and son of the Yu family and Han Xi, the head of the Han family.

Han Xi looked at the huge team behind Hao Gui and said with a smile: "Hao Gui, Huangfu Yunzhi, are you two going to worship your ancestors? Those who don't know think you are going to kill people."

Hao Gui was taken aback for a moment, looked behind the three of them, and was stunned when he found that there was indeed no one there.

Huangfu Yunzhi replied with a smile: "Han Xi, you don't know something. The two of us have too many enemies, so we still have to be careful."

Yu Yingluan snorted coldly: "The place for worshiping ancestors, but only people from our seven big families can enter. Could it be that your enemies are people from my seven big families?"

Hao Gui, Huangfu Yunzhi's mouth twitched, but he suppressed his anger.

A familiar voice faintly passed into everyone's ears.

"You two don't need to act any more. Who are we bringing so many people to see? The two patriarchs must know better than us. If the two patriarchs don't mind, they can stand in the same camp as us. The three of us must Hands down."

Everyone turned around and looked around.

I saw that Qing Yunzhi, who was dressed in white, walked over mightily with more than fifty guards.

Yu Yingluan and Han Xi frowned slightly, it seemed that the Qing family also came out in full force.

"Haha, brother Qing, you openly poached the corner of my Yuwen family, this is not very authentic."

Just when Qing Yunzhi was standing with Hao Gui and others, Yu Wenshu appeared with Ying Yi.

Qing Yunzhi narrowed his eyes, staring coldly at Yu Wenshu and Ying Yi beside him, with a serious expression on his face.

Yu Wenshu looked at the team of one hundred people behind Qing Yunzhi, and said with a smile: "I heard what brother Qing said just now, these one hundred people were brought to Yu Wenshu to see."

Qing Yunzhi sneered: "Everyone knows that you Yuwenshu is a master who never wants to suffer, but I didn't expect that you only brought so few people to this ancestor worship meeting. I guess you still have a back hand."

Yu Wenshu smiled lightly, and said, "Since you already know everything, there's still so much nonsense."

Qing Yunzhi ignored it, looked at Yu Sanjiang who was beside him and said, "Hey, isn't this the remaining waste of one of Qingyu's two wastes? What's the matter, healed?"

Yu Sanjiang replied neither humble nor overbearing: "I don't care about Patriarch Qing's concern. If I have the opportunity in the future, I will definitely ask Patriarch Qing for advice."

Qing Yunzhi snorted coldly, and said, "You're overestimating your capabilities."

So far, the six major families have come from the seven major families, and only the royal family and Ye Hao have not yet arrived.

Not long after, all the golden-armored guards standing around the spirit array suddenly faced east, lowered their heads, knelt down on one knee, and said in a deep voice, "Welcome Princess Ling, Ye Zhuguo!"

As for the members of the six major families, they stood there very calmly, looking coldly at the two figures of a man and a woman walking slowly from the east.

The woman among them was wearing a golden neon dress today. She came to the crowd, glanced at them, and said loudly: "Since everyone is here, let's go."


The golden-armored guard got up and stuck all the long spears in his hands on the ground. Suddenly, the huge spiritual formation on the ground lit up, and there was a creaking sound.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Hao, dressed in black, walked into the center of the spirit formation, took out a jade pendant engraved with the word "Spirit" and threw it into the air.

All of a sudden, all the aura of heaven and earth around the square turned into a white line and shot on the jade pendant.

Boom boom boom!

Around the square seemed to be ringing bells from temples, and white mist rose from the spiritual array, and soon the entire square was covered by white mist.

Ling Junyun looked at the white mist, hesitated for a moment, and finally stepped into the spirit formation.

Two golden beams of light shot up into the sky, and Ye Hao and Ling Junyun in the spiritual formation also disappeared.

Seeing this, people from the other six major families followed, and then one after another golden beams of light shone.

After all the members of the six major families were transported away by the huge beam of light, another golden and silver figure followed in.

Behind them, five figures followed quietly.

Finally, the golden armored guard drew out his spear, and the white mist gradually dissipated.

The dazzling light from that huge spiritual array also dimmed again, and gradually disappeared, as if this huge spiritual array had never appeared in the square.

Those golden armored guards also left here with spears in their hands, and went to guard other palaces in the palace.

Qingluo District, Yuwen Mansion.

The Banished Immortal dressed in white stood in Yuwenmu's courtyard with four black guards behind him.

Mu Tao looked at the unkind Immortal, and said angrily: "Immortal, what do you want to do, my son is on lunch break, you are not allowed to go in!"

The exiled immortal smiled indifferently, and said, "It's not what I want to do, it should be what Mr. Shu wants to do."

"I don't care what you want to do, anyway, you are not allowed to go in!"

"You are courting death."


In the room, Yu Wenmu frowned.

But the reason for his frowning was not because of the exiled immortal outside the room, but because of what the bronze masked man had just said.

"What did you say? That person's mount is pressed under Qingshan's spiritual vein?"

The man wearing the bronze door mask said in a heavy voice, "That's right, I just got the news."

"How did you get this news?"

"He passed it on."

Yu Wenmu took the case and said angrily: "Why didn't you spread it earlier?"

"Because Yu Wenshu is watching closely, there is no time."

Yu Wenmu got up, paced the room continuously, and finally decided: "No, I have to go there myself, otherwise I don't feel relieved."

"Then what should we do here?"

"Fang Yue, I leave this to you, you know what to do."

Fang Yue hesitated for a moment, finally nodded and said: "Yes."

Afterwards, bursts of white light lit up under Yu Wenmu's feet, and he disappeared into the room directly.

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