In my mind, I suddenly remembered the system's notification sound. Ye Hao was taken aback, and immediately opened the system to check, only then remembered that this is the exclusive skill of the eight chefs.


And this Li Dandan is the ordinary person he summoned, and he should be one of the ten people who were asked to help in the kitchen just now. Unexpectedly, I learned to cook by mistake.

Li Dandan

Age: 23

Occupation: Junior Sichuan chef

Armed Forces: Common People

Loyalty: 100

"Ding, summon the character, Li Yangdan triggers the chef profession and becomes a junior chef of Cantonese cuisine."

"Congratulations to the host for gaining 10 reputation points."

"Ding, summon the character, Li Zhudan triggers the chef profession and becomes a junior chef of Hunan cuisine."

"Congratulations to the host for gaining 10 reputation points."


All of a sudden, the system beeped endlessly. When I checked the system, all ten people had learned cooking skills and became junior chefs, and one became an intermediate chef, which allowed him to gain 15 reputation points.

"This teaching skill is too powerful?" Ye Hao was surprised and full of excitement. How long has it been! Everyone has learned to cook, Ye Hao realized that this is a good way to increase his reputation! But it's more of a worry.

These ten people were all summoned by themselves, and Ye Hao was very happy to learn cooking skills, but if outsiders saw them, wouldn't the cooking skills be stolen away?

"The host doesn't have to worry. You must teach the skills if you are willing to teach them. If you don't want to teach them, it is still difficult to learn cooking. And because they are all from the Chaos Realm, they can learn so quickly. If they are In this world, we still need to learn one dish and one dish." The system seemed to know what Ye Hao was worried about, so he came out and explained.

Only then did Ye Hao feel relieved, this kind of cooking can only be controlled by himself, after all, this is a cornucopia, which can make him a steady stream of money, let alone in the future, what he lacks most at present is money.

Ye Hao wanted to have a taste of the cooking skills of the junior chefs, so he asked the eight chefs to rest and let the ordinary people cook a few dishes.

Everyone looked at Ye Hao blankly, why did he suddenly let these servants cook, could it be that they ate too much and made His Highness unhappy.

Everyone was full of puzzlement, and Ye Hao didn't explain it. After a while, some of his subordinates had already brought the dishes to the table. Everyone was shocked, and the way they looked at Ye Hao changed.

This Highness is too powerful, where did he find so many cooks, and they are not sloppy. In the beginning, he really treated these people as his buddies. Who knew that they could cook good food.

The few dishes on the table are fragrant. Although they are not as good as the chefs, they are still outstanding. As far as this skill is concerned, if you take out any one, they are all chefs who are vying for it, and Ye Hao unexpectedly It's too willful to let them be buddies!

The most surprising thing here is that there are more than a dozen painters and Jiuhongling, and Jiuhongling is better. Ye Hao has changed too much in the past two days, which has made her a little numb, but Ye Hao has a large number of talents. She has been with His Highness all these years, and Jiu Hongling really suspects that His Highness has been playing dumb all these years.

And the painters all had doubts about the rumors in their hearts, saying that the Eighteenth Prince was a fool, but where did this group of talents come from? Either the rumors were wrong, or the Eighteenth Prince was too forbearing. The painters looked at Ye Hao's eyes have changed, with a little more admiration.

Moreover, Ye Hao's behavior is not like a nine-year-old child, he is even more calm than an adult, but Liu Xiaofeng and Zhao Zilong don't care about this, they only know that they must obey His Highness, and nothing else matters.

"You all have a taste and see how it tastes." Ye Hao looked at a group of hot eyes staring at him, which was very unnatural, and Ye Hao didn't bother to care about what they were thinking, because there was no way to explain it.

Just save trouble.

Although these dishes look good, and Ye Hao believes in the power of the system, the level of these junior chefs should be good, so he still can't help but want to try it.

"Ye Hao tasted every dish and frowned slightly, because he was far behind those super chefs, but the taste was very good, even better than anything he had eaten in his previous life."

After Ye Hao finished tasting, Zhao Zilong was the first to move his chopsticks, followed by Jiuhongling, Liu Xiaofeng, and the painters.

"Master, although the taste is not as good as the Eight Great Master Chefs, it is already the best dish I have ever eaten." Zhao Zilong was the first to comment.

"Sister Ling, what do you think?" Ye Hao nodded and continued to ask Jiuhong Ling.

"Well~ I also feel that it is much better than the food in the palace." Jiu Hongling didn't expect Ye Hao to ask herself, her face flushed, and she said the answer in her heart.

Hearing what Jiuhong Ling said, Ye Hao was slightly relieved. After all, he didn't open a restaurant, and that would be too hopeless. He wanted to spread Chinese food all over the continent, and he would be reluctant to use all the special chefs.

Since these junior chefs can already cook such delicious dishes, the business should not be bad if they are asked to cook. The most important thing is that these dishes are unheard of in this world.

Ye Hao feels that he has made a lot of money this time. Each of these eight super chefs has teaching skills, so wouldn't it be possible to have countless junior and intermediate chefs.

"The taste is not bad. Although it's not as good as Jiutianlou's, it's not too bad." An old painter slowly savored the dishes in front of him, muttering in a low voice.

"Mr. Li, what is the Jiutianlou you are talking about?" This painter is the oldest among the dozen or so painters. Ye Hao is very curious about the Jiutianlou he is talking about.

When Mr. Li heard Ye Hao's question, he was taken aback for a moment. In this capital, from the elderly to the children, there is no one who doesn't know about Jiutianlou.

"The Jiutian Building only appeared in the past two years. Your Highness has been ill for the past two years. It's normal not to know." Jiu Hongling carefully reminded.

Only then did Mr. Li suddenly realize, and hurriedly got up to apologize: "I'm really sorry, please make amends, Your Highness, the grassroots forgot all at once."

"It's okay, Mr. Li quickly tell me about the Jiutian Building." Ye Hao waved his small hand, motioning for Mr. Li to sit down and talk.

Ye Hao wants to open a restaurant, which will definitely have an impact on the catering in this world. From Li Lao's tone, this Jiutianlou should not be simple. Ye Hao can't wait to learn more

"Thank you, Your Highness." Elder Li sat down, sorted out his thoughts, and said slowly: "This Jiutianlou is not a restaurant belonging to Ye Guo. It is said that it seems to be opened by a powerful force above. Your Majesty should respect it."

"Caomin has been fortunate to have been there a few times. The dishes there are very good, but they are far behind our eight famous chefs, but they are slightly higher than these little brothers." Of course, the little brothers in Li Lao's mouth are these junior chefs. chef.

"Even the father has to be respected three points, it seems that he is another potential enemy." Ye Hao frowned secretly, but now, there is no need to give up, and that is not his character.

If you want to develop and make money, you have to face many enemies!

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