Chaos Emperor System

Chapter 945 Silver Dragon Order

Chapter 945: Silver Dragon Order

"Send me someone to kill that kid, and investigate by the way, what did the father say to that kid, and why did you give that kid the pill!" The second princess squinted her eyes and ordered in a deep voice.

"Your Highness, how many people do we need to line up to kill that kid?" the guard asked.

"Many people are easy to cause bad things. Send two Demon Lords to deal with that kid." The second princess thought for a moment and said.

"Yes, Your Royal Highness, I'm going to do it now!" the guard said to the second princess, then turned and left.

"My good sister, you were so stable before, why are you suddenly active now? This is not a good thing for you!" The figure of Zhao Linger appeared in the mind of the second princess, whispering in her mouth, revealing in her tone Murderous.

"Who is it, stop!" Just as Ye Hao walked to the gate of the palace, some guards immediately stopped Ye Hao.

Ye Hao immediately took out a token, which was given to him by Emperor Tianyuan.

With this token, he can basically travel freely in the Tianyuan Kingdom.

"Silver Dragon Token!" When the guards saw the token in Ye Hao's hand, everyone's expressions changed.

"See my lord, please forgive me!" All the guards immediately knelt down on one knee and saluted Ye Hao.

Because in the Tianyuan Kingdom, there are three types of tokens, namely Bronze Dragon Token, Silver Dragon Token and Golden Dragon Token!

Among them, the Bronze Dragon Order is the lowest level, but seeing the Bronze and Silver Orders is like seeing a third-rank official, and can control the life and death power of some low-level officials.

And seeing the Silver Dragon Token is like seeing a prince or princess, possessing the rights of a first-rank official.

As for the highest Golden Dragon Token, seeing the token is like seeing the emperor himself. He has the power of life and death directly, the right to kill first and then play.

And no matter what level of Dragon Order it is, it's not something guards like them can afford.

And even the lowest-level Bronze Dragon Token can enter and leave the palace at will, let alone Ye Hao's Silver Dragon Token.

"Get up, prepare a rideable monster for me!" Ye Hao took back the Silver Dragon Order and ordered to the guard.

"Please wait a moment, my lord, I'll go get ready!" Hearing Ye Hao's order, the head of the guard immediately said to Ye Hao respectfully.

After a while, the guard rode over on a beast of the Demon Emperor level.

"My lord, this is tamed. The speed-type monster, the Black Wind Leopard, is not powerful, but the speed can be compared to the speed of a demon-level monster." The guard introduced to Ye Hao.

"Yeah!" Ye Hao looked at Heifengbao, quite satisfied.

According to his own strength and his own speed, he can completely reach the speed of the demon king, but he is too lazy to walk.

And owning a Warcraft instead of transportation can naturally save a lot of energy.

"This is the beast card of the Black Wind Leopard, please take it away!" The guard handed a jade card in his hand to Ye Hao.

Ye Hao took the beast card and put it in his arms.

Ye Hao rode directly on the body of the Black Wind Leopard.

"Roar!" Black Wind Leopard roared directly.

"Let's go!" Ye Hao slapped Hei Fengbao with a slap,

The Black Wind Leopard galloped out like a bolt of black lightning.

"Respectfully, sir." The guards behind him hurriedly said respectfully.

"Who is this person? How can he have the Silver Dragon Token?"

"I don't know, I heard that it seems that the third princess brought it into the palace."

"Third princess? Could it be that this person might be a son-in-law?"

"I can't. Didn't you mean the competition for the son-in-law? There's still one month left?"

After seeing Ye Hao leave, many guards discussed one by one.

Hearing the guards' comments, the guard leader immediately said: "Okay, don't worry about it so much, it's better to be on duty."

call out! call out!

At this moment, two figures appeared in front of them.

After seeing the two of them, the guard commander immediately stepped forward: "What's the matter, my lords, it's curfew at the moment, and you can't leave the palace without a decree."

"We are ordered to go out, we have important matters to deal with!" The two said, taking out a copper dragon order from their bosoms.

"My lords, please go ahead!" Seeing the tokens in the hands of the two, the guard leader immediately moved out of the way.

And the two left quickly.

"It's strange, what happened today? Why is it a Silver Dragon Order for a while, and a Bronze Dragon Order for a while!" the guard leader wondered.

You know, in the past, this kind of thing has never happened.

But immediately, the guard leader shook his head!

Because he has the Dragon Order in his hand, it is beyond his control.

After all, the issuance of dragon orders is very rare, and there are less than ten copper dragon orders issued in total.

Each of the princesses has one in their hands, which is for their subordinates to use.

The rest of the Bronze Dragon Orders were given to some heroes who made great contributions.

As for the Silver Dragon Token, there are only four in total, and each of the three princesses has one.

The remaining one was still in the hands of the First Prince, but after the First Prince passed away, Emperor Tian Yuan took it back.

Countless people want to get this Silver Dragon Token, after all, it is a symbol of status and power.

But Emperor Tianyuan never gave it to anyone.

But I don't know why, but it was given to Ye Hao. You must know that he can obviously give Ye Hao the Bronze Dragon Order, after all, Ye Hao is just leaving the palace.

If the Eldest Princess, the Second Princess, and even some ministers knew that Ye Hao had obtained the Silver Dragon Order just after meeting Emperor Tianyuan, he would be pissed off.

As for the Golden Dragon Token, there is only one, and it has been controlled by Emperor Tianyuan himself, and one has not been given to anyone.

So whether it is the Bronze Dragon Token or the Silver Dragon Token, it is beyond his control, unless he wants to make things difficult for him.

"I want to see how long you can follow!" Just after leaving the palace, before Ye Hao left Tianyuan City, Ye Hao noticed that someone was following him.

He didn't need to think about it at all, and he knew that these people were appointed by the second princess.

"This second princess is really haunted!" Ye Hao couldn't help sighing.

Seeing the people behind him, they just followed him all the time, but never made a move.

Ye Hao knew that the people behind him must be still in Tianyuan City, so they were still worried about something.

So for a while, Ye Hao was not in a hurry, and wanted to play with the two of them.

"Come on, speed up, let us circle the city twice more!" Ye Hao said to Hei Fengbao who was sitting down.

With the IQ of Hei Fengbao, he can already hear human speech.

Therefore, the Black Wind Leopard immediately waved around and began to run in Tianyuan City.

Fortunately, it was late at night, and there was no one on the street, otherwise it would inevitably cause panic.

"Don't let that kid slip away, let's chase after him!" Seeing Hei Fengbao speeding up, the two behind him immediately chased after him.

"It's strange how I feel, we are following that kid, going around in circles!"

"Damn it, it looks like we were tricked by that kid."

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