Chaos Emperor System

Chapter 911 Do Me A Favor

1. "It seems that the master of the three divisions has come to an end!" Emperor Tianyuan's voice became a little low.

It is conceivable that if the heads of the three devil emperors had not been given to the Lord of the Third Division respectively this time, the Lord of the Third Division would not have sent troops at all.

Apart from the power controlled by the Tianyuan Kingdom, the strongest power is in the hands of the Lord of the Three Divisions.

If the troops of the third division don't join him, then he will become a lone army.

It is estimated that the troops led by him are not enough to break the dynasty.

Although the three divisions are now sending troops to join him, Emperor Tianyuan knows that this has nothing to do with the loyalty of the leader of the three divisions to him.

It was entirely because the Lord of the Third Division saw the head of the Devil Emperor, and was afraid of his own methods.

Therefore, in his opinion, the masters of the three divisions must not stay, otherwise they may betray him at any time.

"Slow down, wait for the rendezvous with the army of the third division, and then meet the enemies of Duan Dynasty." Now that the troops of the third division moved, Emperor Tianyuan let go of his worries.

After all, with the addition of the members of the Third Division, and against the Duan Dynasty, they would still be able to fight.

Although relying on the strength of the Tianyuan Kingdom, it is very difficult to defeat the Duan Dynasty.

But the Tianyuan Kingdom went all out, and he believed that the end of the dynasty would not be easy.


And at this moment, in the direction of the dynasty, the Chaotang has already exploded!

"Damn it, why haven't the three demon emperors come back yet?" Duan Tianya patted the dragon chair angrily, all the ministers were almost out of breath with the imperial majesty of the emperor.

"There is news about the three devil emperors!" Duan Tianya asked with a frown.

As for the three devil emperors, that is also a huge power for Duan Tianya, he absolutely cannot afford to lose it.

"Your Majesty, the three devil emperors, nothing will happen!" A minister said with a worried face.

"Impossible, the three devil emperors have strong cultivation bases, how could something happen!"

"That's right,

As far as Tianyuan Kingdom is concerned, where can we get the strong ones who can deal with the three Demon Emperors. "

"Who doesn't know that the royal family of the Tianyuan Kingdom is lonely, and there is no longer a strong Demon Emperor."

As soon as the minister's words fell, there was a lot of opposition.

"Report Your Majesty, something is wrong!" At this moment, a spy ran into the hall anxiously.

"Say, what's the matter?" Duan Tianya asked in a deep voice seeing the spies' flustered appearance.

"The Longqi Division, Wunan Division, and Qiu Cheng Division of the Tianyuan Kingdom dispatched their entire armies and rushed towards the border of our country!" The spies replied panting.

"What? The three divisions of the Tianyuan Kingdom, haven't they been standing still?"

"Why did the three divisions suddenly dispatch the entire army!"

"The strength of the third division should not be underestimated, there are five or six million troops!"

"This is not the most important thing. The important thing is the master of the three divisions. Everyone's strength is the cultivation base of the devil emperor!"

"These three divisions are moving, and they will definitely bring some troubles to our army that broke the dynasty!"


Hearing what the spies said, the entire courtroom suddenly became noisy.

"That's enough, the court hall is noisy and noisy, what's the point!" Duan Tianya was already in a bad mood, and now he heard the news of the Tianyuan Kingdom's third division sending troops, and he was even more angry.

So looking at the noisy crowd, he couldn't help shouting angrily.

As soon as everyone heard Duan Tianya's angry shout, they immediately fell silent.

----- Netizens please remind: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. :

----This is a gorgeous dividing line---\u003c/i\u003e


"I have tens of millions of soldiers in Duan Tianya, even if he dispatches the entire army of Tianyuan Kingdom, so what." Duan Tianya's tone was full of domineering and confident.

Although he was upset when he heard the news that the entire army of the Tianyuan Kingdom was mobilized, he no longer took the Tianyuan Kingdom seriously.

"Give me an order, the army will move out, and directly attack the Tianyuan Kingdom." Duan Tianya didn't want to wait any longer.

He wanted to defeat the army of Tianyuan Kingdom one after another before the army of Tianyuan Kingdom assembled.

Following Duan Tianya's order, all the 10 million troops of the Duan Dynasty set out.

Like a roaring tsunami, it swept towards the Tianyuan Kingdom.

And under the strong siege of this tens of millions of troops, many cities in the Tianyuan Kingdom wanted to resist, but they were powerless.

After all, Duan Dynasty was also ruthless this time, and directly let the devil emperor sit in charge!

No matter which city in the Tianyuan Kingdom is attacked, the Devil Emperor powerhouse will definitely be the first to attack and directly suppress the Tianyuan Kingdom powerhouse.

Immediately, the army of the broken dynasty will directly pour into the city and start killing and looting!

As long as the army of the Duan Dynasty passes by, blood will flow like rivers, and the old people, women and children will be killed directly, and they will not let go.

And the young man was strong, so he was directly arrested and used as a slave.


"Damn it, Duan Tianya bullied people too much!" Emperor Tian Yuan's face was exhausted at the moment, and his eyes were red when he used it, full of anger.

Since yesterday, until now, he has received hundreds of urgent documents.

There is no good news in these official documents. It is roughly estimated that dozens of cities in the Tianyuan Kingdom have been breached.

Moreover, all the breached cities did not end well, and were almost bloodbathed.

You must know that the number of people slaughtered in those dozens of large and small cities has reached more than ten million.

This made Emperor Tianyuan's heart continuously bleed.

After all, these are his people no matter what.

At this moment, his people are being treated like this by the broken dynasty, how can he not be angry.

"Bring me Master Huang Zhong!" Emperor Tian Yuan thought for a moment, then ordered to the guards beside him.

After a while, Huang Zhong walked in: "I have seen Your Majesty, what is your Majesty looking for Huang Zhong?"

"Lord Huang Zhong, please sit down!" Emperor Tian Yuan said to Huang Zhong, and then a guard brought in his disciples.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Huang Zhong was not polite, and sat directly on the chair.

"Lord Huang Zhong, I have one thing to ask of you!" Emperor Tian Yuan looked at Huang Zhong with a perplexed expression on his face.

"Your Majesty, please tell me that my lord's order is to listen to His Majesty's command and protect His Majesty's safety." Huang Zhong said hastily when he heard Emperor Tianyuan's words.

"Lord Huang Zhong, look at these official documents and letters!" Emperor Tianyuan handed over all the official documents and letters on the seat to Huang Zhong.

Seeing the official document brought by Emperor Tianyuan, Huang Zhong glanced at Emperor Tianyuan, and then began to examine the official document in his hand.

Even Huang Zhong, who is not from the Tianyuan Kingdom, frowned when he saw the contents of the official document.

"It's disgusting!" When Huang Zhong saw the people who broke the dynasty, even the old and weak, women and children, he was furious.

"My lord has seen it, this broken dynasty is really deceiving!" Emperor Tianyuan said angrily: "So I want my lord to do me a favor!"

"What's the matter, please tell me!" Huang Zhong looked at Emperor Tianyuan and did not refuse.

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