The national fortune represents the destiny of the country.

In other words, the stronger the Tianyuan Kingdom, the stronger the national destiny contained in the jade seal.

And the weaker the Tianyuan Kingdom, the thinner the national fortune it contains.

Of course, the fate of the country in this jade seal can also be used as a means of attack.

But most people basically don't do that.

Because national luck is very precious, the more it is consumed, the greater the impact on the country.

Moreover, it is easy to consume national luck, but it is extremely difficult to accumulate national luck.

And the fortune of the country in this jade seal is not available to anyone!

To use this jade seal, one must become the new owner of the jade seal.

If you want to become the new owner of Yuxi, you must have Yuxi, and you must have the recognized blood!

Just like the jade seal of the Tianyuan Kingdom, it was left by the ancestors of the Tianyuan royal family. This jade seal must be owned, and the blood of the ancestors of the Tianyuan royal family can use the jade seal.

So that is to say, if an outsider snatches the jade seal, what he gets is just the jade seal, which symbolizes his right to own the Tianyuan Kingdom.

But if you want to use the jade seal to mobilize the fortunes of the Tianyuan Kingdom, it is simply impossible.

But there is also a way to let an outsider become the new owner of Yuxi.

That is the controller of Yuxi, who took the initiative to cut off the blood connection in Yuxi.

The jade seal has completely become a thing without an owner. Whoever gets the jade seal can own the jade seal and become its owner as long as he injects his own blood into it.

Obviously, if Emperor Tianyuan wanted to completely hand over the Tianyuan Kingdom to Ye Hao, he had to take the initiative to cut off the blood in Yuxi.

Emperor Tianyuan looked at the jade seal in his hand, as if looking at an old partner, he stroked the jade seal affectionately.

"Soon, you will have a new master, and you will be wronged in my hands!" Emperor Tianyuan said, looking at the jade seal in his hand.

Because the Tianyuan Kingdom was becoming more and more lonely, the originally strong national fortune in the jade seal had become extremely thin.

So in other words,

Even if Emperor Tianyuan desperately mobilized the national fortune to attack, it might not cause much damage.

This also proved how weak the Tianyuan Kingdom had become.

After Emperor Tianyuan finished speaking, he wanted to sever the blood connection in Yuxi.

But at this moment, there was a shout: "Stop!"

Hearing this coquettish shout, everyone immediately looked in the direction of the sound.

"Who are they, dare to make trouble, don't they want to live!"

"Looking at this group of people, it seems that the visitors are not kind!"

"If you dare to stand up at this time, you are obviously looking for trouble."

Everyone looked at the second princess and her party, and couldn't help talking.

I saw the second princess, Hong Qingyun and others walking out of the crowd and walking towards the altar.

"Who is it, stop!" Seeing that the Second Princess and her party dared to set foot on the altar, a group of guards immediately blocked their way.

"Looking for death!" Hong Yuhe said contemptuously.

Before Hong Yuhe could give orders, the tenth-rank Demon Emperor powerhouses behind him made their moves immediately!

Boom! Boom! Boom...

After a few breaths, all the guards who surrounded him were blown away, and they didn't know if they were dead or alive!


Seeing this scene, everyone gasped.

Because in their opinion, people like the second princess are really too bold.

Even at this time, they came to make a big fuss about the Zen position ceremony.

"Who are they?"

"I think that woman seems to be the second princess!"

"Second princess, she is not rebelling, why did she appear here?"

"And the person behind the second princess is so powerful!"

Everyone, looking at the Second Princess, Hong Qingyun and others, couldn't help talking.

Everyone had a look of shock on their faces, obviously frightened by the actions of those tenth-rank Demon Emperor powerhouses.

"You scoundrel, you dare to come back!" Emperor Tian Yuan did not expect that the second princess would appear at this critical moment.

It's okay to see the second princess appearing, but the group of people following behind are obviously not good people!

Especially seeing that Hong Yuhe's people injured the guards indiscriminately.

At such a time, to do so would be to lose face to him at all.

At this moment, Emperor Tianyuan couldn't help being angry, and looked at the second princess angrily.

In the crowd, there are many other forces, or people from other countries.

Looking at the scene in front of them at this moment, they all sneered!

After all, at the Zen Throne Ceremony, Emperor Tianyuan's daughter actually came to disturb Emperor Tianyuan's place, and it would definitely become a joke if it spread.

"This is the sacrificial altar, and I am also of the blood of the Tianyuan royal family. Why should I not come here!" With the support of Hongyunhe, all the second princesses are not afraid of the Tianyuan emperor.

"Presumptuous, how did you talk to me!" Hearing the tone of the second princess, Emperor Tianyuan was even more furious!

"Father, please don't be angry, there is only one thing I don't understand!" The second princess looked at Emperor Tianyuan.

"What's the matter?" Emperor Tianyuan looked at the second princess with dissatisfaction!

"I just want to know, what's wrong with the father, would he think of passing the throne to an outsider, or is it said that the father was given some kind of ecstasy soup by this dog, or that this kid is the father? The emperor's illegitimate son!"

The second princess sneered, looked at Emperor Tianyuan and asked.

Regarding the words of the second princess, Emperor Tianyuan became more and more angry as he listened to it, his face turned ashen from anger.

"It's nonsense, it's nonsense! Cough..." Emperor Tian Yuan was so angry that he started to cough violently.

"Father wants me to stop talking nonsense, so please ask father to pass the throne to my son. My son will definitely let me go, and the Tianyuan Kingdom will prosper!" The second princess looked at Emperor Tianyuan. A flash of greed flashed across.

If it weren't for the large population here, she couldn't help it, and wanted to snatch it.

But at this moment, it is imperative for her to obtain the Yuxi, after all, only by obtaining the Yuxi can she become the real emperor.

"You want the throne too, it's just a dream!" Emperor Tian Yuan yelled angrily.

"This matter is beyond your control, father!" The second princess smiled coldly.

"Why, you still want to kill me!" Tian Yuan glared at the second princess.

"Killing the emperor, it's not easy for my son to do this. It's a shame, but this bastard must die!" The second princess suddenly looked at Ye Hao, her eyes filled with murderous intent.

The second princess can't forget that her own cultivation was destroyed by Ye Hao.

So she hated Ye Hao to the core.

The second princess dreamed that one day, she could make Ye Hao kneel at her feet, beg her for mercy, and let her show mercy.

It's just that she didn't expect that this day would come so soon.

The second princess knew that she was no match for Ye Hao, so she couldn't help looking at Hong Yuhe: "Second uncle, please help take down this dog!" To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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