Chaos Fiend

Chapter 204: New insights

..Fastest updated chapter of Chaos Demon!

"Hey!" Ye Chen talked with laughter when he saw Sun Guangxin's huge blade. "Brother Sun, I said, let you go together, but you have to go by yourself, but don't blame my brother for being merciless!"

Sun Guangxin's face was darker, and the whole person wrapped in Feng Yuanli, like a small whirlwind, followed the giant wind blade and rushed to Ye Chen. --- End of the story, romance with Hong Kong and Taiwan

"That being the case, brother Sun, please be the first one to get down!"

Seeing Sun Guangxin's shot, Ye Chen took out the ice dragon gun.

Before the ice dragon gun was taken over by Ye Chen, he was already excited. Now Ye Chen took out the ice dragon gun, and it could not hold it back.

Ye Chen held the ice dragon gun and even felt the roar of the ice dragon.

"Virtual magic skills, powerful cattle magic tricks, heaven and earth dragon gun!"

This shot is to strike Ye Chen's momentum. Ye Chen's virtual magic skill simulates the ice dragon with the ice dragon gun, plus he is far more powerful than the same level, and hits it all!

One shot comes out, the wind draws clouds, one shot comes out, the sky and the ground are fired, one shot comes out, sweeping the wasteland!

In Sun Guangxin's eyes, he seems to have entered a silent world. There is only one shot left in the world, and it seems that God is coming.

Similarly, Sun Guangxin's attack was broken under the gun of Heaven and Earth, and it was fragmented instantly, and then the ice dragon roared past. A gun passed through the head of Sun Guangxin, and the world fell into peace.

Then, the sound of the dragon howl 'Whu Hu Hu' sounded.

Ye Chen retracted the ice dragon gun and stood in place, with a slightly weaker breath, but the momentum was even better, and the world was swept away.

While Sun Guangxin stood still, he really didn't know what to say, and there was still disbelief in his eyes. If it wasn't for Ye Chen to keep his hand, now he is dead.

Of course, Ye Chen also learned something in the previous blow, but he couldn't catch it. He also kept thinking. The combination of three types of attacks was like the combination of spirit and elementary power, the combination of elementary force and physical force, and the combination of spirit and physical force. The three types complemented each other. Unrivaled strength, although he can't grasp what he has learned, he should be right along this direction.

"This, hehe hehe, I quit, I quit, this 'Mr. Chen', I was blind-eyed before, and I will leave. As for the matter just now, if you want any compensation, despite saying, I will It can be done. "Just as Ye Chen was thinking, the voice of Ling Dan was heard.

Ling Dan's real strength is the weakest. Even if he finds two purple seven-star warriors, seeing that Ye Chen is so strong, he is afraid to continue to provoke him, and retreats in the first time.

As for the two purple kings he was looking for, he was already afraid of Ye Chen. Hearing that Ling Dan really spoke like this, she was relieved at once, and it was best not to oppose Ye Chen.

"Well, I will go to Haicheng to find you." Ye Chen nodded when he heard that.

When Ling Chen heard Ye Chen's words, she breathed a sigh of relief, as long as she left now, as for compensation, if Ye Chen could really leave from here and go to Haicheng to find him, then compensation would be fine.

Ling Dan lived, and the other two purple seven-star Wu King naturally left Ling Dan.

But Ye Chen said, "The two of you are waiting for a while, the real person said, give compensation, I let him go, but what about you two? Want to go like this?"

The two purple seven-star kings of war suddenly looked back in tears, "I don't know what‘ Chen Gongzi ’wants, as long as we have it, I will give it to you.”

"I lack two men." Ye Chen thought of the importance of power and said directly.

The two were a little angry for the first time, but they were the purple seven star warriors, but when they thought of Ye Chen's domineering, what if they were Ye Chen's men? They can work hard for the real Ling Dan because the real Ling Dan can make the elixir for two people. Ye Chen's strength is not loss to Ye Chen's men. Both of them are quite interested.

Ye Chen also read it out, and affixed two spiritual marks to the two, which is also his latest insight. He added the spiritual mark of Yuanli. I believe that even the strong one of the treasures who opened his own space to accept the ring also took it. There is no other way around this imprint, "You will wait for me in Haicheng and I will find you."

"I see." The two left with the real Lingdan.

"I didn't expect you to be so strong." Su Yunzhe shook his head, feeling that he was really nosy, and what he said was an appetite for him, and he still needed to collect the corpse for others, and suddenly felt that he was being beaten.

Ye Chen did not return to Yun Zhe, but instead looked at Sun Guangxin, Ku Chen, Hai Rongwei, and Xuan Yin. "What? Do you want to continue!"

"I ..." Sun Guangxin opened his mouth, not knowing what to say, and finally said, "This time you spared my life, but you know the enmity between us, I will still hit you!"

"If you spare your life, you should offset what I did before. If you don't leave, there will be no eyes under the gun for a while!" Ye Chen said.

"Okay, I'm leaving now. But I will be back right away, and my teacher will be back!" Sun Guangxin left this sentence and left quickly.

Sun Guangxin left, and the other three also recovered from the shock. Just as Ye Chen and Sun Guangxin communicated, Ku Chen and Hai Rongwei communicated secretly.

"Xuan Chenxian, what do you think?" Chen Gongzi "is terribly powerful. Sun Guangxin is looking for his teacher. He is bound to be a top powerman. He may be arrested or killed by Baibaoxing. By then things will be all treasures. "

"Uncle Hai, let's do it now, we can't wait!" Ku Chen resolutely said.

"But you've seen the strength of" Gong Chen ", are you sure you can catch him? Once you can't hold it, I don't think that" Gong Chen "will keep it!"

"Uncle Hai, don't be afraid! First of all, how many times can 'Chen Gongzi' make such attacks? I can release at most once, and then he should weaken, and you know my defense and vitality, as long as I ca n’t drop my head, I ’m almost immortal. This is the Evergreen Gong! It ’s up to me to confront him. Uncle Hai ’s safety is not a problem. Can he attack despite the fact that he still has a senior Xuan Yin? Already in the silver level, the three of us can work together to completely drop off 'Chen Gongzi'! So I mean, go ahead and leave immediately! Don't give Baibao a chance. "

"Okay, I'll just dry with Xian Chen Xian!" Hai Rongwei finally made up his mind.

"That's good." Dust also laughed. "This is done. I will let my father help Uncle Hai forcibly break through this realm."

"Thank you Chen Chenxian!" Hai Rongwei was surprised.

"If you don't speak, I will be your enemies!" Ye Chen saw that several people had not spoken, and already wanted to do something. He had found a direction for cultivation. Only with a few more moves can he catch his own. Feelings.

"We are the enemy!" Bachen said, "Don't think that you can scare away Sun Guangxin. You can get Sun Guangxin to fight because I do n’t have enough attack power, but my defense power, this level, the younger generation, the world I am the first!"

At the same time, Dust Chen also transmitted to Xuan Yin, "Senior Xuan Yin, we all know who your Dark Demon Necklace is for, as long as you help us kill 'Chen Gongzi', the Black Demon Necklace will be given to you. At the same time, you have Whatever needs to be said, we can definitely do it. "

Although Xuanyin had contradictions with Ye Chen, seeing Ye Chen was so strong, and just like Ling Dan, she raised a retreat, but the persuasion of the dry dust made her see hope. Yes, ‘Chen Gongzi’ is strong, but Kuchen has absolute vitality and defense. As long as she can keep up with her attack, ‘Chen Gongzi’ will die! And the skeleton thief also gave her a promise, which she also valued.

"That being the case, I will shoot with you!" Xuan Yin finally spoke.

Ye Chen didn't know the communication between several people, and was a little bit strange, "To be honest, Lingdan, Xuan Yin, and Sun Guangxin bother me, I know the reason, but I and the dry dust and the Lord of the Seas, the three of us should be the first Meet once, I do n’t know where the conflict with you comes from? ”

Xuan Yin was also curious about this, and he raised his ears and was ready to listen.

Su Yunzhe and early summer were also curious. Like Xuan Yin, they were ready to listen carefully.

Seeing the crowd's response, Dust Chen said, "You are going to die soon. I think you should be a confused ghost."

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