Chaos Fiend

Chapter 214: Meet the deceased

..Fastest updated chapter of Chaos Demon!

"Master, I woke up. What happened after Wu Han was killed last time ?!" After Xiao He woke up, he saw the two swords of the demon god, which was strange, but now the devil is in the demon sword, Xiao Hei Not seen. --- End of the story, romance between Hong Kong and Taiwan )))

Ye Chen naturally knew what happened last time, and immediately said, "Xiao Hei, didn't you say that the devil is dead? He is still alive, right in those two swords!"

"What? The former owner is alive? How is that possible?" Xiao Hei was also a little surprised.

And now the devil has sensed it, showing a sloppy face in the devil's double sword, "Magic beast spirit, are you awake? Not yet obedient to come and recognize the Lord! What do you recognize such a waste? Quickly destroy his consciousness ! "

After seeing the devil, Xiao Hei didn't care about the demon's clamor, and said, "So, master, I understand."

"Huh? Xiaohei, what do you understand?" Ye Chen wondered.

"He is my former master, neither is my former master." Xiao Hei sighed. "So, I see."

"Hurry up and say ..." Ye Chen was anxious.

"In fact, this demon was divided by the evil thoughts of the former master, and the former master used his sword to suppress it in the double swords of the devil, but after all, it was divided by the former master himself, and he soon controlled the sword. , Even now control the two swords of the demon god. "Little Underworld.

"What is the evil thought?" Ye Chen said.

"Evil thoughts are the excessive use of Devouring the Heavens, the former master went into the devil for a period of time, completely lost consciousness, only knowing that the killing machine swallowed by instinct, then the former master consciously returned to normal before becoming a god, and sealed the evil thoughts." Xiao Hei "And I, at that time, just had a little consciousness, and then slowly developed into what I am now."

"Look ?!" Ye Chen heard what the demon God suddenly thought about using ghosts and tricks. If he was like before the demon, he completely lost his consciousness. When he lost his consciousness last time, I was taken over. If I was n’t stimulated, I would n’t wake up. If I lose consciousness now, I'm afraid that I will be completely occupied by the devil. Ye Chen is also afraid.

"What's wrong with the master?" Xiao Hei wondered. "What's your reaction?"

Ye Chen talked about the demon **** that had engulfed him to devour sea beasts and cultivated Tian Tian Jue, and also told his feelings to Xiao Hei.

"It turned out that this is the way to swallow the sky." Xiao Hei suddenly realized, "You have not lost your mind to improve your strength. Master you are amazing!"

"What a terrible thing, there is a great enemy hiding in the chaos beads now, I am very worried!" Ye Chen said.

"It's okay, what are you afraid of!" Xiao Gangdao, "When I have no power, Chaos Orb will automatically choose the master and suppress the former master's evil thoughts. Now that I am awake, it can't even jump."

"Well, you're right!" Ye Chen relaxed, Chaos' Orb had already made a choice, and Xiao Hei had also awakened. What was he afraid of? And this is just the evil thoughts of the devil before he became a god. As long as he is powerful, and even has complete control of the chaotic magic bead, let it go to dust and earth directly.

"But in the future, when I give up my power to suppress it, I can't help the host." Xiao Gangdao.

"It doesn't matter, I am very strong now, at least no one in the Phoenix continent is forcing us to that step!" Ye Chen is very confident, of course, he still has no words to say, encountering those top players, there must be no chance He is not afraid of the ordinary strong man.

"Hehe, the two of you actually ignored me?" The evil thoughts of the gods were even more angry, and unexpectedly Ye Chen and Xiao Hei ignored them.

"What about ignoring you?" Ye Chen glared, telling the truth, "You look down on me, can I give you a good look? I'll definitely kill you if I have a chance."

"You are really ungrateful. If I hadn't taught you how to cultivate Devouring the Heavens, would you be able to cultivate as fast as you do now?" Said the evil god.

"Don't say that you're so tall, you have no intention, you want me to be like the devil, and then take the opportunity to occupy my body!"

"How is it? But I teach you to swallow the heavens is a fact!" Said the evil god.

"I have something to say to the enemy?" Ye Chen said just now, as if remembering something, and said, "But I have a question for you, if you can answer me, I can keep you all the time."

"Huh? You say it," said the demon.

"My Devastation of Heaven seems to have progressed according to your cultivation method, and then cultivated a space. I named it Consumption Space. I do n’t know how this happened?" After Ye Chen finished speaking, the consciousness was tightly locked. Devil.

"Hahaha, very good, very good, you are very talented, you are very talented!" The evil spirit laughed, but said nothing, and then automatically concealed in the two swords of the magic god.

This made Ye Chen extremely depressed. I did not expect that the demon did not answer his question. As for Xiao Hei, Ye Chen didn't ask, because Xiao Hei certainly didn't know, after all, Xiao Hei's understanding of Tian Tian Jue was not as deep as himself.

However, Ye Chen still had something to ask Xiaohei, "Xiaohei, do you know where this is?"

"Where? I don't know?" Xiao Heigang woke up, where do I know where this is?

"Oh, yes, let me tell you, my strength is completely suppressed here, and the rabbit is twice as fast as me, and the wild boar is stronger than me." Ye Chen said in detail that he came to the island What happened afterwards, also said that he had eaten wild pork to enhance his physical strength.

"What? There is still such a place in Phoenix mainland?" Xiao Hei was shocked.

"What's wrong? Anything strange?" Ye Chen said.

"This is the suppression of the lower continent by the higher continent. The owner's Phoenix continent is now the lowest continent. If you go to the higher continent, it will be suppressed." Xiaogangdao, "and I once said that the former master demon The birth of the Devil's Continent was the purple King of Warrior level, and the weakest beast living in the Devil's Land was also the King of the Warrior. The master's current level in the Devil's Land is no different from the baby and the beast. "

"Then this is the land of magic?" Ye Chen said.

"I don't know, but it must be part of the higher continent." Little Underworld.

"What about my physical and mental strength? It seems that it cannot be released, but physical strength is fine." Ye Chen said.

"Well, then this may be a small part of a higher continent dedicated to the cultivation of physical power." Little Underworld, "The other powers will be suppressed here, and only physical power can be used. Of course, if you find the right If you do, you can use other powers. "

"Okay." Ye Chen nodded and understood the environment he was in, but he is still satisfied with the current situation. Although he is weaker, he can improve his physical strength.

During the communication between Ye Chen and Xiao Hei, the sound of fighting came from the front. It seemed to be a battle between two humans?

Ye Chen quietly walked over, and after seeing one of the figures, Ye Chen's eyes changed, full of murderous intention.

Ye Chen's intention of killing immediately caught the attention of both sides of the war. After the two sides of the war, they retreated from each other and turned to look at Ye Chen.

"Brother Ye Chen, I didn't expect you to come." The speaker was Dian Qing.

And the other person, after seeing Ye Chen, flashed excitement in his expression, but then became cold again, just like the young man with the long head and double horns that I said before.

"I'm not your brother!" Ye Chen looked coldly. Before that, he had a good talk with Dian Qing. He even wanted to learn from Dian Qing how to strengthen the flesh. When a friend died, Ye Chen had no intention of killing Dian Qing.

Dian Qing didn't answer, but looked behind Ye Chen, "I didn't expect Brother Ye's physical body to be so powerful. I thought you were very strong at the beginning, but now I can kill a wild boar."

"Hehe." Ye Chen hesitated, and found that the atmosphere of Dianqing was stronger, and I believe that it was more beneficial here.

"I don't want to fight with you this time, you should leave soon, otherwise you can't get away if you want to come here." Dian Qing said.

"Barbaric sky!" Ye Chen shrank his pupils. He now knows that barbaric sky is cultivated to silver level. If he had the previous strength, he is not afraid, but now he only has physical power to face Barbaric sky seems to have only evaded.

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