Chaos Fiend

Chapter 234: The Wild Card

◇ OM, wonderful free! "Boom!" Barbara's powerful power still exploded on Ye Chen. (((Catino Novel Network )))

Although Ye Chen defended with all his strength, he was still hit by a flying blow.

Followed by countless rain-like fists.

Each punch is equivalent to a blow from a silver four-star powerhouse.

If it wasn't for the swallowing of Tiantianjue, I am afraid that Xingxingtian would directly upgrade to the silver five-star in this battle.

It is a pity that because of the strength of swallowing the sky, the strength of the barbarous sky is slowly decreasing. Before that, each punch was equivalent to a silver four-star. Over time, the power of each punch was decreasing.

On the other side, Ye Chen became stronger and stronger after the first difficult defense.

Although it is not possible to immediately refine the power of the barbaric sky, it can barely urge some.

However, the sequelae of Ye Chen's use of swallowing the heavens appeared again. He always had a black Ye Chen in his mind, always shouting in his mind, devouring the world, swallowing the world, and can swallow all things when he encounters it. Invincible.

On the other side, there is also a white Ye Chen who has been hindering Ye Chen. You ca n’t go on like this. In this way, you will develop into a second evil demon. The evil demon teaches you to use Devouring Heavens. There must be a reason for it. Maybe You have fallen into its trap.

In this noisy room between two black and white villains, Ye Chen felt that his head was about to explode, and finally his inner evil thoughts sprang up, and the little black man prevailed.

"Swallow, swallow, swallow. Regardless, it is now revenge for Honglian! Swallowing it is justified!"

It was in this thought that Ye Chen exerted his strength and swallowed Tianjue to urge him more frequently.

"What the **** is this! What a trick! Damn, hateful!" Bruce Xingtian's strength is weak and weak, at the same time, he finds that Ye Chen's eyes are already red, and he looks like he will not swallow his strength.

"Fuck, hasn't this kid lost his consciousness?" Seeing Ye Chen didn't respond to himself, neither was he hurt, nor was he hurt, and Xing Xingtian had to admit that he seemed to have failed.

With this devouring power, no one can defeat him when dealing with people of the same level or stronger than Ye Chen.

However, it is impossible to sacrifice and die in this way. Fortunately, before coming again, the ancestor gave himself a fist. Otherwise, he might die here.

But in the wild line, the heart is also deciding whether to use this fist to kill Ye Chen or to use this fist to escape.

If Ye Chen is killed, then he will have no hole cards at all. The ancestral ancestor did not know the specific situation here, so he just came here to see if there were any special opportunities. I found that it is more like a conspiracy. Even if Ye Chen is killed, he still fights with the manipulator behind the plot. Without his fist, how can he fight with the manipulator behind him?

And he didn't say much about his strength this time, but he also realized that the combination of cold and fire is of great benefit to the improvement of strength, so there is no loss even if he leaves now.

Brute finally decided, that is to break the space here and escape.

"Huh, huh, huh." He began to gasp, and his forehead was even more cramped, showing that it was extremely difficult for him to control the fist of his ancestors.

But also because he used the fist of his ancestors, Ye Chen felt the crisis instinctively, and his swallowing of the sky stopped abruptly, his red eyes slowly returned to normal, and he looked at the wild line with a little fear. .

Seeing Ye Chen finally returned to normal, Xiao Hei was relieved. Since Ye Chen turned Tian Tian Jue in a direction it didn't understand, Ye Chen seemed to lose his mind when he used Tian Tian Jue. Maybe this is also deliberately guided by the evil demon.

Of course, Ye Chen himself was relieved. This time he completely understood that he could no longer use Devouring Heaven. This time his own greed and evil thoughts had gained the upper hand. If he had not encountered a crisis of instinct, I am afraid he would fall into it. Already.

Ye Chen found that Xing Xingtian didn't seem to make a shot at himself, but his eyes were still very guarded.

Ye Xingtian also found that Ye Chen's eyes seemed to return to normal, but at this time he had fully controlled the ancestral fist of the ancestors and would not control Ye Chen.

Finally, one minute later, Barbarian Sky seemed to be transformed into another person. The breath was magnificent. More importantly, Ye Chen was deterred by Barbara's momentum and stayed away from Barbara.

"I'll spare you this time today! I've seen all of your hole cards, and I'm ready to accept my sanctions next time I meet!" Bruce Xing breathed a bit while talking, and seemed to be extremely in control of his ancestral fist. difficult.

Ye Chen didn't say a word, still staring at Brute Sky.

"The fist is all over the sky!" Ye Xingtian ignored Ye Chen and punched him to the sky of the hall. The majestic fist even crushed Ye Chen.

"Is this the fist of the mainland's top powerhouse?" Last time, the demon controlled Ye Chen's body. Ye Chen didn't have an intuitive experience. Now he finally has an intuitive experience. It's terrible. Feeling a stress.

"Boom!" A large hole was opened directly above the hall, revealing the appearance of the sky above the surrounding islands.

Barbaric sky said nothing, rushed into the sky, after the breach, the fangs were revealed, "Ye Chen, I didn't expect to break this place is not as expensive as I imagined, I hope you can survive, I don't want you, the enemy How fast you die! "

During the talk, the fist that had just been condensed by Ye Xingtian turned back to Ye Chen. Although it seemed to be only one tenth of what he had just before, he was very powerful and rushed to Ye Chen.

"Liuhe marksmanship!" Facing the slightest punch of this peak strong man, Ye Chen shot all out.

However, at the moment when he fought with Fist, Fist intended to scream through the mountains, directly hit Ye Chen's ice dragon gun, blasted into Ye Chen's body, wantonly destroyed Ye Chen's body, and destroyed Ye Chen's internal organs.

Is this the gap with the peak of the Phoenix continent? Ye Chen couldn't believe it. He is now comparable to a silver four-star, and still can't stop a tenth of the power of the peak strongman, especially this crushing strength.

Ye Chen runs Yuanli, runs vigorously, and recovers his body madly, but far less than the speed of fist destruction.

In the end, Ye Chen had to run Swallow Tianjue, but the fist intention was still terrible. Even if swallowing the sky swallowing speed was not as fast as the fist intention destruction. Of course, in this passive defense situation, swallowing Tianjue didn't let Ye Chen go into trouble.

"Master, I'll help you suppress." Xiao Hei said now.

"No, I still insist! Unless you wait until the moment I die, otherwise you can't shoot!" Ye Chen did not dare to suppress Xiao Hei, and Xiao He's suppression of this fist will give the devil a little more strength.

"But the master ..." Just in Xiao Hei's worry, suddenly a force condensed from the artifact hall and entered Ye Chen's body, helping Ye Chen to suppress all the ancestral fist intentions, and this power stayed in Ye Chen's body. Helped Ye Chen to rise to the silver four stars.

"Qi Ling?" Ye Chen frowned.

"This guy is so abominable." Qi Ling sounded with some resentment. "It actually broke my artifact with the help of external forces. He did this, and I will naturally help you."

"Thank you, then." Ye Chen was terrified, but he still said thank you.

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