Chaos Fiend

Chapter 236: Demon Evil Thoughts Appear

◇ OM, wonderful free! After the instrument spirit entered Ye Chen's body, he did not rush into Ye Chen's knowledge of the sea, but first entered Ye Chen's limbs and meridians. --- End of the story, romance between Hong Kong and Taiwan )))

All the forces in Ye Chen's body are sent to Ye Chen's body. At this time, it is controlling these forces to fuse the power of Ye Chen. At that time, it is 'Ye Chen', and the power of Ye Chen cannot come. Suppress it.

Moreover, after taking control of Ye Chen's body, there will not be any discomfort, and you can take full control of Ye Chen's body, which is all in its calculation.

When Qi Ling mobilized these forces to merge with Ye Chen's power, Xiao Hei also started to remind Ye Chen.

"Master, it ’s not good, Qi Ling really has an attempt on you. It has now begun to control the power that entered you before, and it can be completely integrated with your own power! I'm afraid it wants to know Haiyi directly. Lord. Fortunately, I can also control the Chaos Orb. Otherwise, the Chaos Orb will mistakenly think that it is the owner yourself. I'm afraid I can't take it. "

"What?" Ye Chen was refining the core of the artifact, and Xiao Hei's voice penetrated his soul, which made Ye Chen come back to God, a little shocked. He refined the core of the artifact himself for a while, for fear that his body would be destroyed. occupied.

He withdrew from the core state of the refining artifact, and knew that he had fallen into the trap of the opponent. No wonder the refining was very fast before, and he could n’t refine his experience in the future.

After Ye Chen withdrew, he found that two-thirds of the power in his body had been fused by the instrumental spirit. If it was later, his power would be completely occupied by the instrumental spirit.

However, Qi Ling found that Ye Chen was awake and no longer merged with Ye Chen ’s power, because it had already been almost merged. Even if he now seized Ye Chen ’s sea of ​​knowledge, Ye Chen ’s body would not appear instinctual rejection.

Of course, at this time, the spirits of the instrumental spirit all gathered in Ye Chen's mind, forming a huge black shadow, standing there silently, looking at Ye Chen, as if looking at a fat man in his hand.

"Why do you do this?" Ye Chen said to Qi Ling.

"Don't you keep guarding me?" Qi Ling smiled. "How do you still ask why?"

"At least I have to know why you want to lose me." Ye Chen said, "So many Tianjiao people, why did you choose me?"

"Haha." Qi Ling laughed, "This is much more than the Phoenix Emperor of that year. If it were not for him, maybe I could only be an instrument in my life. But because of him, I have Opportunity can occupy the flesh and reborn. Of course, you are my first choice, and you should be proud. "

"Why is it because of him?" Ye Chen wondered.

"They were too strong at that time, so powerful that they didn't even bother to have one more artifact." Qi Ling sighed. "And I really did that to tell the people of Phoenix Continent that there is a powerful continent above them, far beyond them. My responsibility is to teach the people of the Phoenix Continent to guard the Phoenix Continent. At that time, every few decades, people from the higher continents would come to the Phoenix Continent from time to time to take over the genius of the Phoenix Continent. "

"But in the generation of the Phoenix Emperor, they were too powerful to drive away those who came from the higher continent to the Phoenix continent. Later, the Phoenix Emperor and others took away the heart of the Phoenix continent to protect the Phoenix continent. The Phoenix Continent, the heart of the Phoenix, instantly fell a grade, and the strength of all the strongest will be stuck at the silver peak. "

"Similarly, without Phoenix's heart, people from higher continents will lose their strength when they come to Phoenix. No matter how strong they are. This will cause those people to lose the invincible strength of Phoenix. They have stayed away from the Phoenix continent since then. The Phoenix continent has also become a continent. "

"Of course I said a few, anyway, you are going to be dead." Qi Ling smiled.

"Oh, you're right, I'm going to be dead soon. In this case, let me die clearly." Ye Chen said, "I have two doubts, why do people from the first higher continent come to Phoenix? The mainland conquered geniuses? I don't believe they have no genius in the higher continent! Second, the Phoenix Emperor and others should be the strongest emperor. How can they defend the people living in the higher continent? I don't believe that the people in the higher continent will even be holy It ’s useless. Third, what about those people before the Phoenix Emperor, you appeared once every 1,000 years, and I do n’t believe that geniuses ca n’t subdue you. ”

"Haha, you know quite a lot!" Qi Lingdao said, "But you're right, you're going to die soon, and I'll let you be an understanding ghost."

"The first point is that most of the geniuses of the Phoenix continent have the blood of the ancient times and have a high degree of growth. In the ancient times, there were many peerless strongmen who stirred the wind and the rain on the higher continents. Although the people on the higher continents were born, The top players, but their growth is not enough, so many forces and the mainland have come to subdue the genius of the Phoenix continent, and used it as guards and men. "

"With regard to the second point, this is very simple. Only geniuses of high influence who came to the Phoenix continent, and only geniuses can conquer geniuses, but they were all defeated a thousand years ago. As for the strong men above the sacred level, no Because the Phoenix continent also has holy-level and even god-level powers in the higher continents, my master was a god-level power then, which also guarantees the security of the Phoenix continent to a certain extent. Of course, because of the compromise of these top powers, the higher level Mainland geniuses can enter the Phoenix continent to subdue geniuses at will. "

"And the third point, hey, I wasn't an artifact, but because I made a mistake, my consciousness was turned into an artifact by my master's artifact. It appeared once every millennium, and I've been waiting for an opportunity to win. I ca n’t take it away from other people, but I did n’t expect the Phoenix Emperor to take away Phoenix ’s heart, and my opportunity came. I ’m afraid my master did n’t expect it, and it really helped me. ”

"Since I have said so much, I will tell you one more thing. In fact, you are the bloodline left by my master, and the other is Ye Qifeng. I wanted to be in the two of you before. There is one between them, but his sword is too strong. It is left by the Tianjiao people who have been here thousands of years ago. I am not good at winning. But you are different. Although there is hidden power, it is worse than him. A little bit, so you are my final choice. "

"And now I can defeat the master, and take away the blood of the master ’s descendants, my soul will also be sublimated, and my strength will be improved. The most important thing is that after you lose you, so many of your friends may be my younger brothers in the future, haha Haha, perfect! "

"Thank you for saying so much, it's good, I understand it all." Ye Chen laughed. "Since that's the case, you **** it."

"Huh?" Qi Ling suddenly became cyanotic, and then furiously said, "You are really looking for death! If so, then I will satisfy you!"

While speaking, Qi Ling's huge shadow enveloped Ye Chen's consciousness.

"Chaos magic beads, suppression!" Ye Chen waited so long, everything was asked, and he was afraid of what kind of spirit, and chaos magic beads directly suppressed.

"What?" As soon as Qi Ling rushed past, he was enveloped by a black ink-like bead, because in Ye Chen's consciousness space, Ye Chen's things can be infinitely enlarged. Chaos magic beads are like a black sun. Crackdown.

"Impossible, impossible, what kind of ghost is this ?!" After Qi Ling was suppressed, he couldn't resist, and all the power was dragged into the chaotic orb. He couldn't believe it. How could he be suppressed so easily? What power is it. Originally it thought it was its chance, but it did not expect to become its grave. Is it all in the master's calculations, his eyes showed a horrible color, if so, the god-level powerhouse is too terrible.

However, when Xiao Hei wanted to suppress the spirit of the Chaos Bead core space, an accident happened. The demon swords suppressed by the Chaos Bead moved. Under the control of the devil, the shadow of the spirit of the Beast was cut to seventy. Happily.

When Xiao Hei realized that the evil demon is about to devour the consciousness of the spirit of the device, it was too late, and the black shadow that was cut off was instantly devoured by the two swords of the demon god.

And the evil thoughts of the demon were also revealed, showing an evil sneer, "Haha, thank you very much. I did not expect that this is actually a consciousness of a servant, which is a great supplement. Although the strength of this servant is only holy, my original strength There is also only the peak of the Holy Level. It is entirely possible to restore my strength to the Holy Level. When my strength is restored, it will not be certain who will be the master! "

After speaking, the evil thoughts of the demon **** returned to the double swords of the demon **** again, trying to refine the consciousness of the spirit of the instrument.

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