Chaos Fiend

Chapter 249: Dragon Leaf House

..Fastest updated chapter of Chaos Demon!

"Boy, do you seem very unconvinced?" Ye Feifan saw Ye Chen's rather unconcerned appearance, and immediately became unhappy. How could he be Ye Chen's ancestor? Didn't Ye Chen meet himself and kneel and lick ? Will he give him some more benefits by that time? This kid doesn't play cards according to common sense, and still pretends against him, which is too much. --- End of the story, romance between Hong Kong and Taiwan )))

"There is no dissatisfaction, this ancestor, you think too much."

Of course, Ye Chen will not argue with Ye Feifan. Now the benefit is the key. After all, I have also gone through many hardships to stand here. The benefit is the right one! Thinking, Ye Chen said, "I have passed the test you set here, shouldn't it be my last reward?"

Ye Feifan heard a black line, shit, even if I didn't respect me, I knew that there were benefits, and how my offspring looked like this.

However, Ye Feifan said, "You passed the test, and the reward is naturally there. The biggest reward is that you can fully refine the artifact boat. But the boat is only a semi-finished product. I refined half of that year, and I encountered a strong enemy. To ensure that the flames of the Phoenix continent are not extinguished, this semi-finished product will be passed down from generation to generation. After refining, you are equivalent to having a hiding place of your own. You can even use it to cross the sea and reach continents you ca n’t imagine. How about such benefits, is there a sudden sense of happiness? "

Alas, Ye Chen really wanted to spit Ye Feifan with a spit, what is the sudden sense of happiness? There is no sense of happiness.

Ye Chen didn't feel good at all, "Leave me a semi-finished product, which is useful for hair, and I'm so weak now. What continent I can't imagine? Go to death or torture?"

"Since it is a semi-finished product, it can definitely be upgraded to the full version. At that time, you will hold the artifact invincible," Ye Feifan laughed.

"Let the dream of the invincible world be yours!" Ye Chen rolled his eyes, "If the world is truly invincible, I don't think you will be like this now!"

"Huh! Will your kid speak?" Ye Feifan seemed to be angry when he was mentioned about the scar.

"Well, let's talk, ancestor, what do you want me to do. I have passed through all layers of danger and came to this point. I didn't come here to joke with you, you have to say anything you want to say." Ye Chen Road.

"Hey, your kid is really direct, but let me say, I do n’t know where to start, or you ask me to ask, if you have any doubts, ask what, what I say." Ye Feifan Laughed again.

This makes Ye Chen wonder if Ye Feifan is a woman, and her face changes faster than turning a book.

But Ye Chen nodded and said, "If that's the case, then I will ask. What happened to the instrumental spirit that I was killed before, since you are still alive, what is that instrumental spirit?"

"Haha, although I am alive, I am not in a good condition. This is only a small part of my consciousness, and it will dissipate at any time." Ye Feifan said, "That's why he left me a boat to wait for the key. At that time, I will wake up, like now, so his role is still very great. "

"So you know what he did?" Ye Chen said.

"Of course I know everything, and everything is under my control." Ye Feifan said, "Of course, although he had made mistakes before, he was punished by me, but if he can win to the end and successfully rob you Physically, he is the last winner, and he can come to me. As long as he can come to me, all are the last winners, and history is written by the winners! "

"Yes, you answered me." Ye Chen nodded, Phoenix Continent is like this, weak meat and strong food, in Ye Feifan's eyes, anyone can go to the end, Ye Chen continued, "Then I ask you again, before How can the two sea clan members walk freely in the sea boat? Is n’t this your artifact? "

"These two are the descendants of a friend of mine. Many years ago, a Blue Ocean tribe also entered here. I read my friend's old feelings and left a mark. They have my mark. Naturally, they can pass freely here, even if they were before. No instrumental spirit can control them. "Ye Feifan said.

"Oh, then Qi Ling said that the higher continent came to seize the genius of our Phoenix continent. Did n’t you defend the Phoenix continent, how can you allow the Hai people to capture the genius? Even your friends ca n’t do it, do you become It's a traitor! "Ye Chen screamed loudly.

"Haha, do n’t you kid with your ancestor's beard and stare. I can't help this." Ye Feifan saw Ye Chen's appearance, and felt like an infant and then wield a knife with himself, and continued. "" Qi Ling is basically right about what he said. Of course, he doesn't know. To fully refining here, I need my blood. This is also so many years. Many Tianjiao have been here, but no one can. The reason to take the sea boat. "

"Of course, I'm also surprised that for so many years, only you and the junior named Ye Qifeng have come here, and I don't know why only the two of you have come here for so many years."

"Well, the Dragon's Ye Family?" Ye Chen glared, "What the hell? Our Ye family is so cattle? Return the Dragon's Ye Family?"

"Fuck, pay attention to your attitude! Our Dragon's Ye family is especially good, OK!" Ye Feifan was unhappy.

"Now shit! Our Ye family is just too weak to be weak on the Phoenix Continent. If it weren't for me, the Ye family would be destroyed!" Ye Chen said.

"How is that possible?" Ye Feifan screamed. "The Ye family, who has my blood, can still be destroyed? Shouldn't they gallop on the Phoenix continent?"

"Well, don't be narcissistic." Ye Chen rolled his eyes and broke Ye Feifang's unrealistic thoughts. "Our Ye family is now only a small family in the third-level main city of the Holy Empire, and the third-level main city is the same. The weakest main city is a little stronger than the town. "

"Impossible! Why did you move to the Holy Empire, as long as you are in the Arctic Icefield, the Ye family's blood will not be cut off, and it will eventually rise. And you have cultivated the Xuanbing Jue, which I inherited!"

"Then I don't know, maybe I encountered difficulties at that time!" Ye Chen shrugged.

"Then I continue to talk about the problem just now!" Ye Feifan took a deep breath, knowing that the Ye family was really weak, and continued the topic just now. "I said that Qi Ling was right. People from the higher continent did a thousand years ago. Also came to the Phoenix mainland to capture geniuses, but the Phoenix Emperor and others in that period were too strong, all of them repelled the enemies, and then took away the heart of the Phoenix, causing the overall strength of the Phoenix mainland to decline, slowly higher People from the mainland will not come. "

"The Blue Ocean is a medium-continental force, similar to the previous Phoenix continent. People from the higher continents came to arrest the genius of the Phoenix continent. The Blue Ocean must have the same mind. Although they had a good relationship with the Phoenix continent before, Now when I see Phoenix mainland weak, people from higher continents do n’t come, so they come, so never trust outsiders except yourself. Of course, I ’m just the first stop here. Blue Maple and Blue Rain are just here to try Phoenix Continent heritage. In the near future, their true genius will enter the Phoenix continent. "

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