Chaos Fiend

Chapter 258: Six-armed Demon Race

..Fastest updated chapter of Chaos Demon!

"What is this?" Ye Chen was a little dazed. Although he was hit by a water column before, and didn't notice the surroundings, these monsters, like mantises, could come to him without knowing it. It can prove that these monsters are terrible. --- End of the story, romance between Hong Kong and Taiwan )))

Of course, these mantis-like monsters look very strange, about four meters high. The mantis' triangular head has two forelimbs like sharp sickles, and the abdomen beneath the forelimbs is very weird. It has four human-like arms. Hind limbs are the same as mantises. Ye Chen saw seven such monsters at a glance.

"This seems to be the Demon Race," Xiao Hei wondered, "but a little different, like it was created by combining with the monsters on the island."

"Devil? What devil?" Ye Chen said.

"It seems to be a six-armed demon with six arms. But the monster here seems to be a unique race created by the combination of a six-armed demon and a praying mantis demon. By the way, remember the master you have cultivated the powerful bull magic trick, vigorous The ox demon is a race created by the combination of the ox demon and the strong demon clan. Then the mantis monster here should belong to the demon. "Xiao Hei said finally," but the situation of the demon clan in the Phoenix continent can only be guessed, maybe the master you You can learn more only by going to the magic city. "

"Okay, first solve the enemy in front of you." Ye Chen nodded, he can't go to Mocheng now, after all, Moqing and Mohong thought he was the demon so respectful to him, he is not real Demon God, once exposed, there are problems with escape from the two top peaks of the magic blue and magic red.

When Ye Chen communicated with Xiaohei, the praying mantis demon had approached Ye Chen slowly, and all of their pupils flashed red light, which was very strange and seemed completely irrational; while their sickle-like forearms flashed Bright silver, extremely sharp, a sharp attack weapon at first glance.

"Oh!" The mantis demon moved. Although it was huge, it was extremely agile. It could be described as the wind, two sickle-like forelegs, waving away, and the speed was so fast that it caused an explosive sound.

While the mantis demon was dispatched, Ye Chen also saw their strength. The overall strength was about purple eight stars, but the speed was equivalent to purple nine stars.

However, the attack speed of the mantis devil's sickle forelimbs has reached the silver level. If other people face this kind of mantis demon, in this case, it is estimated that it will be instantly spiked.

Of course, facing such a sharp scythe forelimb, Ye Chen didn't dare to use his body to try power easily.

"Phoenix spread its wings, the **** lion elephant fist !!" First, he avoided the attack of the praying mantis demon, and then punched him in the soft lower abdomen of the praying mantis demon. Ye Chen only felt a rebounding power, and almost sent his own The wrist was dislocated.

But with the same bang, the mantis demon was knocked out by Ye Chen and fell to the ground. The triangular head of the mantis demon revealed a painful look.

As for the other praying mantis, the demon didn't stop, and the attack had already arrived.

"Ice lance field!" Ye Chen took out the ice dragon gun, and when he absorbed the power of the water column with the swallowing tactics, Yuanli has recovered to the peak. After all, the power of the water column is still the water and power of the dragon and whale sea beast condensed. .

Although Ye Chen's Yuanli now has only seven purple stars, it is enough to deal with the mantis demon, especially when she unfolds the silver field, she can completely crush the purple-level mantis demon.

After the Ice Gun Realm was activated, the mantis demon's action was suppressed by the realm and slowed down.

In Ye Chen's eyes, this slowed down and turned into a snail-like speed. Ye Chen fired the ice dragon gun, seven shots per second, one shot per shot, plunged into the belly of the mantis demon, and put all the mantis demon in one. Instantly stunned.

After solving the mantis demon, Ye Chen picked up one of the corpses and touched the forelimb's forelimb with his finger. A bloodstain was scratched on his finger instantly, showing the sharpness of the mantis demon.

These are all good things. Ye Chen cannot be missed, and these purple-level praying mantis demon must be the best refining material. Although Ye Chen does not have the refining device, he does not know that such good things must be left.

However, the maximum space for his ring is less than 30 square meters, which was the last time he took Haibao Baibao. It is also the largest space he has ever received. Such a huge mantis and demon corpse cannot be taken away. I can cut down some of the materials that look good.

The forelimb like a mantis demon like a sickle, and the back shell like an armor on his body were all solved by Ye Chen. He now needs Yuanshi. These are wealth, which can be exchanged for Yuanshi. With Yuan Shi, by then the energy of the sea boat can be completely used.

And when Ye Chen was deconstructing the praying mantis demon, he stepped on grass and trees from afar, and the movement of falling branches reached his ears.

Ye Chen's expression remained unchanged, and her movement remained the same, pretending that she didn't know someone was approaching.

Of course, the other party didn't seem to intentionally conceal it, and Bright approached Ye Chen.

The other party did not conceal, Ye Chen no longer pretended to look at the direction of the coming person.

"This is the Six-armed Demon Race?" Ye Chen was surprised when he saw the man, and he spoke to Xiao Hei.

"Yes, it is the six-armed demon." Xiao Hei was also surprised when he saw it, and did not understand how so many demons were left on the Phoenix mainland.

Ye Chen and Xiaohei are talking about a two-meter-tall young male wearing a fur coat and a six-armed demon clan with six arms. His six arms are holding weapons, including wooden spears, and Stone hammer and stone drum.

With the exception of his six arms, he was like a normal human. His pupils were black, and his eyes on Ye Chen were extremely daunting.

But eventually he said, "You killed these monsters?"

"Yes, I killed them all." Ye Chen strangely said, "Why do they say they are monsters, and their stomachs have the same arms as you? I'm afraid they have something to do with you."

"Huh, don't compare them with us. They are just a group of unconscious killing machines!" Hearing Ye Chen's words, the young six-armed demon youth seemed a little angry and snorted, "Our clan has something to ask you, Come with me! "

"Hey? Who is your patriarch? Why should I go with you to see him? Will he come to see me and not come by myself?" Although Ye Chen is curious about this, it is not possible to say it because of the words of the six-armed youth Follow him to meet their patriarch.

"Haha, there are such killing monsters everywhere. Don't think you kill yourself after killing these few fish and shrimp. If you don't follow me, you will definitely die here." Six-armed youth saw Ye Chen seemed arrogant and laughed.

"Then I can't go with you anymore, I'd like to see, how could I die here!" Ye Chen laughed.

"You, wicked? I don't know how to lift up! No one cares about you when you die here." The six-armed young man didn't expect Ye Chen to be so ignorant.

After the six-armed demon youth left, Ye Chen didn't care. He originally thought that the other party would shoot, but the other party did not mean to fight, and he would not take the initiative to fight.

Because when impacted by the water column of the dragon whale and sea beast master, Ye Chen had already remembered the direction, and now along the place where he was rushed in by the water column, just leave here. As for the words of the six-armed Demon Clan, what's secret here is nothing to do with him, and he doesn't want to participate.

"Huh?" But when Ye Chen looked again, the place that had been washed away by the water column had completely returned to normal.

Ye Chen searched for a long time and found that it was indeed missing, and suddenly he was a little uncertain, because no matter how he looked, it seemed that he had been rushed in before.

"Little Black, what's the situation?"

"Master, your luck is really good." Xiao Hei also noticed, "This seems to be a natural sleepy array, especially sleepy people. It seems to be able to enter from the outside, but can't get out. Well, it's just like the current Phoenix There is a reason in the mainland. People inside ca n’t go out, and people outside can come in. It can be said that this is a small version of the Phoenix mainland. "

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