Chaos Fiend

Chapter 260: Yuanshi vein

..Fastest updated chapter of Chaos Demon!

"What are they doing? It looks like they're looking for something. Do you need to be so nervous? It seems that they are afraid that the other party will find us. We are still far away from them. --- End of the United States, Hong Kong and Taiwan romance ))) "Ye Chen didn't care.

"Huh, what do you know!" Catwoman hummed and ignored Ye Chen, her eyes shot around, she seemed to be looking for something.

"If you don't say, I don't understand." Ye Chen shrugged his shoulders and said, "Yes, what's your name? How did you get here? Did you get lost?"

"You are really @ 隆!

"Hey, there's no way. When I first arrived, I didn't understand anything, and I met you as a 'good man'. I must first ask for it." Ye Chen smiled indifferently, and at the same time issued a good card to Catwoman.

Of course Catwoman didn't understand the meaning of the good guy card, saying, "My name is Mu Linger. When I came out to hunt and kill sea beasts, I saw an island here and wanted to enter here to rest. I didn't expect it to be an island of death. As for They are looking for non-attribute boulder veins. "

"Yuanshi mine veins?" Ye Chen wondered, "Isn't it some monsters who only know about killing and have no consciousness? How can I find mine veins? And there are actually veins here? How is that possible?"

Ye Chen was really surprised. The unconscious praying mantis demon was looking for the veins on the island. If there were any, it should have been occupied by humans.

Also, he just lacks a stone now. There are actually veins here, and someone really sends a pillow when he is dozed off, but he still feels a little weird. Think of the seacraft artifact. Is this Ye Yefan's stay? Did he count everything? This is too terrible?

Just as Ye Chen was thinking, Mu Linger said, "Yes, they are a group of demons who only know about killing, but they also have a leader who has the mind, that is, their leader lets them look for veins. As for Yuan Shi The veins have only recently been revealed, not more than a month, I am fast, so I came here to scout. Also, the mantis demon below you must not be underestimated, although they do not look strong, but they will still Send a signal. As long as there is a battle or a vein is found, they will send a signal to assemble all the large forces of the mantis demon. "

"It's so powerful? So what have I encountered before and I haven't seen them looking for help?" Ye Chen said.

"Those are some scattered forces on the periphery, dedicated to hunting people, demon or sea beasts who have strayed into the island of death by accident. Only those who survive will be eligible to accept the invitation of the six-armed demons."

"That's it." Ye Chen nodded. If he died, the six-armed Demon youth would not appear.

"Well, these are the core strengths. Although the strength is not strong, after all, they were sent by the praying mantis demon leader to find the stone veins, and they can directly contact the praying mantis demon leader." Mu Linger said, "Oh, By the way, three quarters of the area here is occupied by the mantis demon. If they are getting these boulder ore veins, their strength will increase greatly, and the number will increase. We will be completely destroyed by them. It will be a real island of death. "

"I want to ask, what is going on here? I think these mantis demon are somewhat related to the six-armed demon tribe." Ye Chen said.

"You still have to ask the patriarch of the six-armed demon clan for these things, and he will tell you in detail." Mu Linger finally said, "Of course, sometimes, some words may not be true."

Ye Chen nodded and heard Mu Linger's intentions. When he turned back and saw the chief of the six-armed Demon clan, he understood everything.

Ye Chen said, "When will we go back?"

"Wait for me." Mu Linger kept looking down. "You shouldn't find the Yuanshi Ore veins for a while and a half. You should go back with me now to understand the situation and we will come back."

"Okay, I'm not familiar here anyway, everything is up to you." Ye Chen said.

"Hey, it's so easy to believe in someone." Mu Linger said.

"Who scores that, at least seeing you, I feel very confident." Ye Chen said.

"Forget it, let's go." Mu Linger shook his head, didn't tell Ye Chenduo, and backed up slowly as before.

Ye Chen had just learned Mu Linger's appearance, and after retreating to a safe position, the two got up.

Mu Linger walked forward and took Ye Chen.

Ye Chen just realized that she didn't seem to find her tail on Mu Linger's hips and shook her head. Perhaps because Mu Linger's strength is only one step away, she can reach the silver level. If she reaches the silver level, she can completely illusion. Adult class look.

Mu Linger noticed Ye Chen's gaze on her butt, a little displeased, and decided to teach Ye Chen a lesson. The original speed gradually became faster.

At the beginning, Mu Linger was not the fastest, and she could look back and see if Ye Chen could keep up with her. If Ye Chen could get rid of this speed, she would use this Speed, but after waiting for a while, I found that I could not shake Ye Chen, and I used all my strength, leaving her phantoms in place.

After exerting all his strength, Mu Linger had no chance to carry Ye Chen backwards, only to know that he rushed forward all the way.

After rushing for a long distance, I found that I had not left a mark on Ye Chen. What if I lost it?

Thinking of Mu Ling'er a little bit annoyed in this way, if this color human died here, I would really blame myself!

When she was upset, Mu Linger also glanced back. This eye almost scared her of a heart attack, because Ye Chen hung behind her and followed her closely.

However, Mu Linger calmed down and her speed slowed down. It seemed that Ye Chen's speed was above her, so she didn't need to move at full speed.

Seeing Mu Linger slow down, Ye Chen smiled, and the speed also slowed down. The speed of Mu Linger was really fast before. Even at the last full speed, she had reached the silver two star. As a cat, she was extremely sensitive. I am afraid that even the silver Samsung people could not catch up with Mu Linger. Linger's strength is indeed the same as he thought. In the purple nine stars, he has not completely transformed.

Although Mu Linger is fast, Ye Chen is faster. When Phoenix wings and Phoenix soar in blue, they are comparable to purple. Now purple Yuanli, silver flesh, Phoenix wings and Phoenix soar are comparable to silver. Five or six stars, so he can easily follow Mu Linger behind.

The way Mu Linger took was also extremely safe, and he did not encounter a mantis monster.

Soon, Ye Chen saw a village built entirely of trees, and even from a distance, he could see figures in the village. There were humans, demons, shrinking sea beasts, and six-armed demons.

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