Chaos Fiend

Chapter 262: Wait for me

◇ OM, wonderful free! "You have met the mantis demon before, and you should also see that they look similar to us. --- End of the United States, Hong Kong and Taiwan romance )))" said Mo Tian waving his six arms.

"Yes, it is indeed similar," Ye Chen said, "but I have a strange place, the demon should also be considered a race, it should be conscious. But here only knows killing."

Ye Chen was able to practice strong bull magic tricks and was able to create exercises, indicating that the demon is still conscious, but the praying mantis demon here is not conscious. Perhaps the leader Mu Linger said is conscious, but other mantis demon are obviously not. awareness.

"I didn't expect that you know quite a lot, even the demon is clear." Mo Tiangao looked at Ye Chen and continued, "You are right, normal demon are conscious, because they are the demon and us The offspring of the Demon Clan's normal combination, but these mantis demon are different. "

"Oh? What's different?" Ye Chen was surprised.

"These mantis demon are a mistake made by our ancestors." Mo Tiandao said, "Let's start from the beginning. In fact, we did not come here voluntarily, but were sealed here."

"Seal?" Ye Chen wondered.

"Yes, our ancestors offended the strong and were sealed here. But after many years, our ancestors found the core of the seal and were ready to break the seal, but in the end they did not break the seal because of lack of strength. Later, they struck The attention of the praying mantis on those islands. "

"Our ancestors grabbed them all, and then carried out a blood test, incorporating the blood of our six-armed demon tribe into the mantis demon tribe."

"Of course, in the end, the Mantis Demon Clan successfully merged our essence and blood, and our strength increased greatly. But our essence and blood are too powerful, they can't bear it, and they become unconscious monsters like Mantis Demon."

"In the beginning, although the mantis demon was strong, it was not our ancestor's opponent, and it was also controlled by our ancestors because of its essence and blood."

"Unfortunately, despite the increase of these powers, we still ca n’t open the seal. In the end, our ancestors had to make a lot of mantis demon, but they were turned back. These mantis demon gave birth to strong people, which can resist our ancestors, and at the same time, we are not in control , Which slowly caused the current situation and made us have to protect ourselves. "

Motian continued, "Of course, there have been humans, sea beasts, and demons who have entered here by mistake for so many years, which has also eased us. Otherwise, it is estimated that the mantis demon has already been destroyed now. But even so, We are not opponents of the Mantis Demon, and the site has been shrinking. "

"Fortunately, thousands of years ago, I don't know what has changed. The most powerful strengths can only be stuck at the silver peak. This slowed the mantis demon's offensive, and we also saved one-half of the site."

"But the praying mantis demon did not know when a strong and conscious leader was born, integrating all the praying mantis demon, plus the characteristics of the praying mantis demon who was not afraid of death, and dealt with us step by step. Now our site has only A quarter. "

"And in the past month, I don't know what happened. There are orestone veins revealed. These mantis demon are looking for veins like chicken blood. If they are found, we will probably be completely destroyed."

"This is the basic situation." Mo Tian looked at Ye Chen after he said, "What else do you have?"

"It turned out that the patriarch said that you ca n’t open the core seal because of lack of strength. I want to ask where is the core seal? I think the patriarch has been trying to open the seal for so long. , Leave here? "

"Ha, you're right, as long as you break the seal, the trap will be lifted automatically. But the problem lies in the position of the seal, and the position of the seal is in the base of the mantis demon." Motiandao.

"Mantis demon's base camp?" Ye Chen froze slightly. "I'm afraid that trying to enter the mantis demon's base camp is difficult to break the seal? Otherwise, the patriarch may not have been here for so many years."

"Yeah, you're right! It's too difficult!" Mo Tian sighed. "Even if we all dispatch, there are not as many praying mantis and demons. And the strength of the seal is also very strong. Once we fight against the praying mantis and demons, If we consume it, we will not be able to break the seal, so now our top priority is to find the Yuanshi Ore first, and strive for a short period of time to improve the strength, and then consider leaving. "

Ye Chen nodded. He didn't fully believe the words of Mo Tian, ​​after all, Mu Linger had reminded him before.

At last Ye Chen said, "Master Clan, don't know how Mu Linger recognized the way? I wonder if you can teach me to identify the direction?"

"This is simple." Motian took out a black leaf. "There is my breath here. As long as you hold it, you will not be affected by the formation here."

"Yes." Ye Chen took the black leaves and said, "Can I go directly to Mu Linger?"

"Okay, we are not restraining you. As long as we come here, we are all one family." Motian said, "Anyway, we are all preparing for the stone veins recently, you and Linger stare together."

"Okay, thank you, Master Patriarch, then I'll go to Mu Linger." Ye Chen nodded, without saying a word, and walked out of Motian's wooden house.

Mo Tian looked at Ye Chen's back, and his corner of his mouth raised an inexplicable smile. He was also about to leave here, but unfortunately, most people here would die here. If they could all be pulled out, they would be qualified. Help.

"Xiaohei, do you know what's special about this leaf?" After Ye Chen went out, he asked the black leaf he was playing with.

"Nothing special. Like the six-armed demon patriarch said, there is his breath on it, which can ensure that you do not get lost. Of course, this leaf also allows the six-armed demon patriarch to monitor you, no matter where you are, He knows what you are doing. "Little Underworld.

"So it is. But if I find the Yuanshi ore vein, I must dig it myself. I wonder if you can shield the breath of this black leaf?" Ye Chen also had his own mind to go back to Mu Linger, his sea boat A huge amount of Yuanshi is needed, and even if he finds the Yuanshi ore vein, he will have to get enough Yuanshi before talking.

"Relax, master. This is left to me. As long as it is placed in the Chaos Bead, the six-armed Demon patriarch will not feel your breath." Xiaogangdao, "But you master, too, to He must know that you have a way to evade his surveillance, maybe he will do it for you. "

"Hey, know if you know, who doesn't have a secret." Ye Chen smiled and didn't care, and when Haizhou got enough Yuanshi, he didn't have to be afraid of the strongest peak.

"Since you have counted, I won't say much again." Xiao Hei said silently.

And Ye Chen was stopped by Mo Ji just a few steps away, "boy, our patriarch finished talking to you?"

"Yeah, that's it. What happened, what's the matter?" Ye Chen said.

"What's the matter? It's nothing, tell me where are you going?"

"What do you mean? Where does I go have anything to do with you?" Ye Chen was a little upset.

"It really has nothing to do with me! But if you go to Linger, you will have a relationship with me." Moji was stopped just now when he came out and said Ye Chen had a relationship with Mu Linger, otherwise Mu Linger He wouldn't help Ye Chen to speak, and Mo Ji was a little upset when he heard it, but Mu Linger was his personal belongings.

Although he also thought that he might have been shot by someone, in order to keep Ye Chen away from Mu Linger, he made the shot. Of course, the premise is that Ye Chen is now looking for Mu Linger. If he doesn't go to Mu Linger, he doesn't matter. Regardless of where Ye Chen goes, as long as he doesn't soak his spirit.

"Oh, I just want to find Mu Linger, what's wrong?" Ye Chen didn't want to hide it either, as if he was afraid of Mo Ji. He also has his own ideas, so he can take the opportunity to teach Maggie a meal, so that all those who have ideas about him know that he is not a mess!

"Really looking for spirits? Then you're looking for crickets!" Moji was furious, six-armed dancing, like madness, boxing Ye Chen, and roared, "You remember to me, leave my spirit later Stay away. "

"Oh, I can't stay away from her, has nothing to do with you !!" Ye Chen also waved his fist and hit Moji, just to try the six-armed Demon fighting method.

"Boom!" As both hands fisted together, they made a loud noise.

However, Moji used six hands, and the remaining four fists, hitting Ye Chen's head with the howling wind.

In the past, I often heard that two fists are difficult to fight with four hands. Today, Ye Chen is six hands with two fists.

Seeing that the remaining four punches were about to hit Ye Chen, Ye Chen didn't panic. He was preparing to transform his limbs and arms into fighting with Jiji. He felt that this fighting method had a great advantage in hand-to-hand combat.

"Okay, don't fight." At this moment, Mo Tian's voice suddenly came out, and Mo Ji's fist was locked in mid-air with a force, "I asked him to find Mu Linger."

"But, patriarch. Then you are waiting for us to finish talking!" Moji saw that he was about to violent Ye Chen. At this time, he was interrupted by Motian, with some uncomfortable expressions.

"Shut up! I'm the patriarch!" Motian was a little angry, Moji didn't listen to him, and Wei Ya pressed against Moji, Moji's face was a bit distorted and speechless.

"Thank you, patriarch." Ye Chen also only played against Mo Ji roughly. The arm that had wanted to be transfigured was not transfigured. At this time, he was interrupted by the magical sky.

After speaking, Ye Chen walked out of the sea village.

But as soon as Ye Chen went out, Mo Ji's unconvinced voice came out, "boy, you're in luck. But you wait for me, see you again, I'm gonna give you a meal in front of Linger!"

"Huh." Ye Chen snorted softly, and he was too lazy to care about it, and left directly. I don't know who to slap next time when I meet again!

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