Chaos Fiend

Chapter 265: Meeting of the two parties

..Fastest updated chapter of Chaos Demon!

As soon as Ye Chen came back, Mu Linger stared at Ye Chen with a different eye, and said, "You really surprised me. (((Catino Novel Network )))"

"Ah?" Ye Chen knew that Mu Linger would surely guess something, but still pretended to be confused, "What are you talking about? How can I not understand?"

"Well, just don't understand." Mu Linger nodded, regardless of Ye Chen, and stared at the mantis demon below.

The praying mantis demon did not stop the excavation, but did not mine the Yuanshi mine. As the mining area became larger and larger, the Yuanshi revealed more and more dense, and the light began to go straight into the sky.

Generally, the mining veins are secretly carried out underground, but these mantis demon did not understand it, and they dug it out. This exposure also exposed the light of Yuan Shi, and the number of Yuan Shi was increasing, with a little light, like star light. Extremely gorgeous.

"Booming", soon came the sound of earth shaking, Ye Chen looked around, and found that the mantis and the monster were shrouded in all directions.

All the mantis demon here are purple, with a body size of about three meters to four meters, but the mantis demon who is now at the moment is already six or seven meters tall, so Ye Chen can see that the other is surrounded by him .

And these mantis demon sickle-like forearms are sharper and slender, and their four arms are also equipped with weapons, including spears and stone tools. At a glance, it is known that the minimum is also silver level or above, and even the two are the largest. The mantis demon reached ten meters in height.

"When will the patriarch of the demon come?" Ye Chen frowned, and for a few more seconds, he and Mu Linger were bound to be found. By that time, in the presence of so many mantis and demon, Ye Chen could only use the boat to save his life. Haizhou has no energy, and now he can only use it for the last time. His own strength can not persist for a few seconds, so Ye Chen has decided to retreat first, but Mu Linger is here, and he will ask Mu Linger before leaving. If Mu Linger had no choice, he would take Mu Linger away.

"It's okay." Mu Linger knew the situation around her, and said, "Look at me."

During the speech, when Mu Linger waved his hand, Ye Chen saw a colorless and transparent tulle wrapping him and Mu Linger, and then their body and breath completely disappeared. If not, Ye Chen could see with his naked eyes. Mu Linger's words, even he could not see anyone beside him.

Although he was surprised by Linger's methods, Ye Chen didn't say much. He quietly lay down with Mulinger.

Ten seconds later, the giant mantis demon rushed over one by one.

And the huge praying mantis demon passed by the two of them, not only did he not find him and Mu Linger, but no mantis demon stepped on the two, which made Ye Chen really surprised and more curious about Mu Linger. Means it.

"What do you mean? Why is it so great?"

"Hey, this is my family's secret means, how can I tell you." Mu Linger laughed.

"Don't tell, don't tell."

Ye Chen shrugged his shoulders, Mu Linger didn't say, wouldn't he see it, he carefully observed the colorless and transparent tulle covering him and Mu Linger.

Ye Chen looked closely, and found that the tulle was actually made of countless white crystal threads. It should be said that it was woven into a fine net, but the gap between the fine nets was too small. If you do n’t look closely, Just thought it was a piece of tulle.

Such a fine net is not only the best materials, but it also takes a lot of time to prepare. It is indeed a secret method of the Mulinger family. The most important thing is that mesh weapons are generally used to catch people. It's easy to use. Once trapped by this thing, I'm afraid no one can escape. It seems that Mu Linger also has a status in her ethnic group. I don't know how to come to the island of death.

Ye Chen also wanted to try the defense of the transparent fine net with his hands, but Mu Linger was on the side, and he couldn't test it. He only thought that if he conflicted with Mu Linger, he must beware of this. Fine net.

However, Ye Chen also felt that he had some kind of villain, and Mu Linger generously took out her hole card, apparently not looking at Ye Chen as an enemy.

During this time of Ye Chen's thinking, the movement of the mantis and demon just disappeared.

Ye Chen looked down, and found that the rows of praying mantis demon stood up side by side. At the same time, the size of the praying mantis demon became higher as they got inside, and the two praying mantis demon who reached ten meters stood in the most central position.

Although the praying mantis demon did not rank before when searching for the Yuanshi mineral veins, when the entire army of mantis demon arrived, the ranks were indeed clear.

At the same time, a cloud of murderous gas formed above the heads of many mantis demon, seemingly connecting them into a whole. And they stood silently like the army, waiting for their king to come!

Ye Chen didn't count the numbers, but at a glance, there are at least thousands of mantis demon, and even the weakest mantis demon's power is in purple seven or eight stars, even the two ten-meter-high mantis demon. Chen is estimated to have at least the power of the silver star. Such a huge force can even compete with the swordfish school.

Last time the Swordfish School fought against five sea beast overlords, all of which are equivalent to the silver peak. Although the blue ocean tribe was added, their strength was also equivalent to three sea beast overlords.

The leader of the praying mantis demon has not yet arrived, but it already has this power!

If the mantis demon leader comes down, I am afraid that he can fight against five sea beast overlords, that is, five silver peak strongmen.

Such a powerful force, but still did not kill Mo Tian and others, we can see that the power of Mo Tian and others can not be underestimated.

Ye Chen did come here by chance. After all, he was attacked by the dragon, whale, and sea beast overlords. He actually participated in the war between the two parties, and did not know if it was a blessing or a blessing.

The previous murderous cloud that united the praying mantis demon into a whole is slowly condensing into a substance, and then spreads to the surroundings. The skylark, seabirds flying in the sky, the trees and shrubs on the ground, all touch the substance The killing clouds were all killed, or the living plants and animals were killed and turned into ashes.

Although the speed of murderous clouds is slow, it is also close to the hiding place of Ye Chen and Mu Linger.

Whether Murder Cloud can destroy Mu Linger's fine net, I am afraid that both will be exposed to this powerful praying mantis demon army.

However, Mu Linger has been very calm. Ye Chen saw this, even if he had doubts, he became calm. Is he not as good as Mu Linger?

Seeing that the killer cloud would spread to the place where Mu Linger and Ye Chen were located, a series of silhouettes flew from a distance, and in the blink of an eye, they stood in the void in an orderly manner, opposing the killer cloud.

Of course, this figure is not only human, there are six-armed demons, humans, demons and even sea beasts.

Standing at the forefront are the two six-armed Demon Clan powers, whose breath is not weaker than the two ten-meter-high mantis demon, which is also the main force against the killing cloud.

However, the number here is only about two hundred, which is about one-fifth of the praying mantis demon.

The six-armed Demon Clan appeared, and the praying mantis demon turned around. The two ten-meter-high mantis demon led the army with the mantis demon's army.

The battle is about to start!

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