Chaos Fiend

Chapter 268: Back again

..Fastest updated chapter of Chaos Demon!

The reason for Ye Chen's discoloration was that he did not expect that at the last moment, he was pitted by Mu Linger. --- End of the story, romance between Hong Kong and Taiwan

Of course, what surprised him most was that Mu Linger was right next to him. He did n’t know when he disappeared. The obese old man, the Emperor Tianming, did not even notice the disappearance of Mu Linger, and even let Mu Linger disappear. Steal the blood of the six-armed Demon Clan.

"Junior! Damn, it's cheap to pick me up at this juncture! Death!" Although the Emperor Tianming knew that it was not Ye Chen who stole the hard-earned blood of the six-armed Demon Clan, but only saw Ye Chen at this time, he could only let Ye Chen died and came to vent his inner anger. As for the thief who stole the blood of the six-armed Demon Clan, he believed he could be found.

However, when Emperor Tianming was about to make a shot, a red light flashed in the eyes of the mantis demon leader he occupied, and the killing consciousness prevailed, assimilating his consciousness.

The Emperor Tianming was even more angry, but this time was not the time to fight against the intention of killing. The Emperor Tianming quickly left the body of the praying mantis and demon, revealing the spiritual body, and was a little fainter than before.

If it was very strong before, it has become eight points.

"Give me death!" Emperor Tianming killed Ye Chen with a spiritual spear.

But on the other side, the leader of the praying mantis demon has been turned into a kind of machine that only knows about killing. In addition, the Emperor Tianming controlled it for a long time, making it born hostile to the Emperor Tianming, and directly attacked the Emperor Tianming.

The silver top-level mantis demon leader shoots, fast as lightning, and under the sickle-like forearm waving, even the space must be cut, while carrying the mantis demon leader's infinite killing intention, the destruction of the spiritual body is even more powerful.

The Emperor Tianming changed color, and the spirit spear turned to kill the mantis demon leader. Now even the existence of the silver peak can bully him, he is really angry!

The Emperor Tianming was physically dead, but because of his strong mental strength, he has always survived.

With the great changes in the Phoenix continent, the strongest strength of the praying mantis demon is only the silver peak. There is also an upper limit to the meaning of killing, and he can resist it.

But after a long time, the corruption of the meaning of killing has not stopped, and his resistance has become increasingly difficult. He does not want to give up such an excellent body, or he does not want to continue to cultivate from scratch.

The Emperor Tianming began to find another way to resist the meaning of killing, and finally made him want to understand. Using the blood of the six-armed demon, the mantis blood in the mantis demon was completely refined, and the body was completely transformed into a six-armed demon. At that time, the meaning of killing will disappear, and the body will become an unconscious body, and it is most appropriate to occupy it again.

Of course, at the beginning, Motian would not agree with the Emperor Tianming at all, let alone give up his life, so he has been fighting with the Emperor Tianming.

With the emergence of the Yuanshi veins, as long as the Yuanshi veins are obtained, the mantis demon army will be stronger. It will be a matter of time to destroy them. The devil is under pressure and finally agrees with the request of the Emperor Tianming instead of waiting here to die. It is better that he and some of the young geniuses of the six-armed demon race escaped. In this way, the tinder of their six-armed demon race was preserved.

The Emperor Tianming calculated for such a long time that he would succeed in the sight, but was cut off by others at the most critical moment. The inner anger can be imagined, plus the leader of the praying mantis demon is also chaos at this time. Assaulted him, he became even more angry, hating to kill everyone he saw.

Unfortunately, the leader of the praying mantis demon was too hostile to him and kept chasing him.

If he was able to suppress before, unfortunately for the six-armed demon blood, he has already consumed a point of power, resulting in an imbalance in the balance. If he feels relieved, he can still control this body, but because the six-armed demon blood is Robbing, he couldn't calm down, and when fighting against the body, he consumed one more strength. He had no way to occupy the body of the mantis demon leader, and even said that he was already the body of the mantis demon leader. After chasing, there was no force to fight back.

Ye Chen would not let go of such a good opportunity, and immediately left the place and flew towards the distance, while at the same time, "Xiao Hei, do you know where Mu Linger is? Can you find her?"

"You can't find her master. You can also see her fine net, the level is not low, and the function is strong. If the Chaos Bead is in its heyday, you can find her where it is in minutes. Unfortunately, there is no way now." Xiao Hei helplessly said .

"It's awful! Don't let me catch her!" Although Ye Chen has some thoughts on the blood of the six-armed Demon Clan, but if Mu Linger really needs it, Ye Chen can also give it to her, after all, he took Mu Linger has become a friend, but Mu Linger has put him together so that he can face the Emperor Tianming. Isn't this the temptation to kill him? Fortunately, there was a problem with the Emperor Tianming. Otherwise, in the Island of Death, facing a peak powerhouse, the chance of survival is too low, even zero.

"What are you doing now, master?" Xiaogangdao.

"You'll know in a while, I have my own ideas." Ye Chen sold a pass.

Ye Chen fled, and the Emperor Tianming, who had fallen into the wind, did not entangle with the leader of the praying mantis demon, and began to escape.

Originally, he wanted to chase Ye Chen, but thought that the blood of the six-armed Demon Clan had been stolen, and chasing Ye Chen had no meaning. It is better to stop the magic sky from opening the seal now. As long as the seal is still there, the thief who stole the six-armed Demon Blood will definitely not escape. But once the seal was broken and the thief ran away, he really made a wedding dress for others.

If he now meets Ye Chen, he will not directly think about killing Ye Chen as he did just now. He will also ask Ye Chen, who stole the blood of the six-armed Demon Clan, and he must treat that person. Tugging! If Ye Chen is killed, he doesn't even know who has taken the blood of the six-armed Demon Clan.

But the Emperor Tianming was going to run, but the leader of the praying mantis demon did not let him leave, and kept chasing him.

Soon the Emperor Tianming arrived at the original base of the Mantis Demon, which was also the core of the Seal Formation.

At this moment, Motian and several six-armed genius disciples are attacking the core of the formation.

Because the magical sky has come before and attacked the core of the formation, this time he is very confident in breaking the seal here. Of course, if he used to, he would not break the core of the formation here. After all, in the past, he The ancestor of the six-armed Demon family can not break the seal, but now he has the silver peak strength, and it can't be broken at all, but because of the change of the Phoenix continent, the formation has also weakened, plus the mantis demon Retreating all gave him a chance.

Just as Motian and others attacked the core of the formation, the spirit body of the Emperor Tianming had already come here, "Magic, stop attacking the core of the formation."

"Huh? Emperor Tianming? Why are you here to ask me now? We have an agreement between us." Those who gave up are still very reluctant, after all, there are so many geniuses, so when they speak There is a bit of ambiguity in Tian's speech, and there is also a bit of doubt. I don't know how the Emperor Tianming appeared at this time.

But the next second he understood it, because the mantis demon leader also chased him and attacked the Emperor Tianming directly.

"No chance to explain now, as long as you don't attack the core of the Seal Array first." In fact, what the Emperor Tianming has to do has never told Motian. The agreement between them is only that Emperor Tianming will kill so many people. If you let Motian know that he does n’t have the Mantis and Demon Army, I am afraid Motian will turn his face immediately.

"I can't attack the core of the formation, but you?" Motian saw the situation of the Emperor Tianming momentarily moved his mind, and even wondered if he would take the opportunity to work with the mantis demon leader to kill this old opponent?

"Help me to suppress it. I can teach you how to control this seal formation, and then this place can even become your base camp." Emperor Tianming said as he opposed the mantis demon leader.

Motian's eyes flashed for a moment. I didn't expect that this old guy had already cracked the seal formation, but now they are brute-forced. I knew that the Emperor Tianming had cracked the seal formation. They still have so much trouble to do. It seems Emperor Tianming caught his mentality of eager to escape, coupled with the mantis and demon army he controlled, he had completely lost to this old guy in the previous battle.

"If you want me to help you," Motian said, "but you have to tell me how to crack the seal array first?"

Motian admits that he lost before, but now Emperor Tianming begged him. I wanted to pass him on such a condition. Is he too sorry for the people he gave up?

"You have to go in!" Tianming the Great said, "But I can tell you one thing and let you help me suppress the news it deserves."

"what news?"

"This seal formation is alive! Once it is about to be broken, it will appear, and its strength is very strong. Even if I break the seal formation, it will still come out to obstruct it." The power to control the entire island of death! "

"You bastard!" Motian instantly understood the mind of Emperor Tianming. "It turned out that you were not at ease before!"

"Don't say it, help me suppress it, we will go out together!" Of course, the Emperor Tianming has always been uncomfortable, waiting for him to refine the blood of the six-armed Demon Clan, which is the death of Devil and others, but now he plans to keep up Can only let Motian help.

"Our account will be counted in a while!" Motian had rushed away in his speech, holding weapons, swords, halberds, and spears on the six arms, and attacking the mantis demon leader.

"That's right, it should be so!" The Emperor Tianming was relieved to see Mo Tian's help.

"If it can't be separated from here, I will be with you all!" After that, Motian went to help Tianming the Great to suppress the mantis demon leader.

On the other side, Ye Chen, who had already left the Yuanshi mine veins, is back. So many polystones, especially the lowest ones, are top-grade Yuanshi. How could he give up?

When Ye Chen came back, Xiao Hei also understood the key that Ye Chen had previously sold, and it turned out that he had come back to engage in these stones.

Fortunately, the Emperor Tianming killed all the living people. Now the only living geniuses on the island of death are Ye Chen, Mu Linger, and Mo Tian and the six-armed demons.

Ye Chen came here again. Naturally, there was no one. Ye Chen was not polite. He stared at the veins of Yuanshi and started mining.

All the mined stones that were mined were thrown into the sea boat. This was the source of strength when he ran the sea boat. The more Yuan stone, the better.

Soon Ye Chen collected the top-grade Yuanshi scattered around, there were about a thousand pieces, Ye Chen only felt that he was developed, and as he went further, the number of Yuanshi was less, but the quality became higher and higher, even There are already one or two pieces of top-grade stone in the top-grade stone.

Ye Chen was also not polite, madly charged Yuan Shi, and in the end all the Need Yuan Shi was actually there.

"It's really developed now." Ye Chen was also excited. There are so many Needy Yuanshi here, and the innermost must be more than Needy Yuanshi. This is the most important thing.

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