Chaos Fiend

Chapter 270: Threatening Ye Chen (1)

The ice dragon dragon spirit revived, standing in the void, and the movement was extremely great. The two people, Tianming Emperor and Motian who were fighting the mantis demon leader, also felt the movement here. +++ Girls must go to the website

The two looked at each other, Tianming the Great said, "Devil, there is something that can be done quickly and help me suppress it, otherwise I'm afraid there will be a big change."


Although Motian has been reluctant to help Tianming the Emperor, at this moment, he also felt the threat from the ice dragon dragon soul. In order to avoid accidents, this time he went all out to help the Emperor Tianming to suppress the leader of the praying mantis demon. Under the suppression of the mantis demon leader, the mantis was finally beaten, and the Emperor Tianming took the opportunity to enter the mantis demon leader again and occupy the flesh of the mantis demon leader.

"You guys are waiting for me here." Motian waited for Moji.

"I know the patriarch." Moji and others didn't know anything at first, but when they saw the Emperor Tianming occupying the flesh of the mantis demon leader, and then thought of those who were fighting, they almost wanted to understand everything, and they knew everything now. No one can get started, and at this point can only wait here.

Devil and Emperor Tianming, as peak powers, almost came and went freely on the island of death, reaching Ye Chen's place within seven or eight seconds.

At this time, Ye Chen got out of the ground.

The ice dragon dragon spirit stared at Ye Chen, as Ye Fei's companion at that time, he somewhat defied Ye Chen's current strength and didn't want to communicate with Ye Chen. Then he turned into an ice dragon gun and floated quietly in the air. in.

And Ye Chen excitedly re-looked at the ice dragon gun. Now the ice dragon gun is not just white before. It is somewhat like a white jade pillar. It is carved with the ice dragon dragon pattern flying in the air. The gun head is the dragon head and the gun is Dragon beard, originally there was no shotgun on the ice dragon gun, but now it is available. The entire ice dragon gun can now be said to be not a gun. It used to be able to shoot a dragon, but now it is a living ice dragon!

Just when the ice dragon dragon soul was transformed into an ice dragon gun, the magic sky and the emperor Tianming also arrived here.

The two men saw the ice dragon gun suspended in mid-air suddenly showing a greedy look.

They have been here for so long that they did not know that there was an artifact appearing here.

But the two didn't make a shot, Mo Tiandao said, "Where are the people here? And your army of mantis and demon?"

While talking, Motian also looked at the entire island of death and found that everyone seemed to disappear.

"It doesn't matter what you do." Tianming Emperor said.

"Oh, it really doesn't matter to me." Motian originally thought that Emperor Tianming would let the Mantis Demon Army assist them out. Now it seems that Emperor Tianming is alone, but after all, Emperor Tianming is a master of matrix formation. When solving the seal, It's still very useful. Although he tried his best, at least he couldn't deal with Emperor Tianming before going out.

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