Chaos Fiend

Chapter 283: not here

"What? What's going on?" Everyone was surprised at a moment, how Lieyang and Ye Chen were blown away as soon as they came into contact. Some of them did not believe that Ye Chen was strong, but Lieyang should be the first guard of the Dark City. It ’s better to be stronger!

"I killed you!" Hearing the opinions of people around him, the fierce sun was red with red ears, and he killed Ye Chen again. Now he only felt that his face was sweeping away. Only killing Ye Chen could make him feel good. --- End of the story, romance between Hong Kong and Taiwan )))

"Huh, the eagle worm trick!" Seeing Lie Yang rushing in anger and shame, Ye Chen hummed softly, and continued to knock Lie Yang to the ground with a wave. "Okay, you are not my opponent, you just lie on your back and let it go. Come and talk to me! "

Ye Chen saw Lieyang and wanted to get up and use Yuanli to condense into a one-size palm, suppressing Lieyang on the ground.

Lie Yang was suppressed by Ye Chen, and he couldn't help it. He seemed to see the ridicule and ridicule of the people around him, and he couldn't help imagining that kind of picture. He couldn't help spit out blood and passed out.

"Psychological quality is really poor." Seeing Lie Yang fainted, Ye Chen was not repressed.

And the guard at the door hurriedly rushed to help Lieyang up. If something happened to Lieyang, they would all be unlucky.

"Did you just greet the guests like this?" After Ye Chen defeated the fierce sun, he was magnificent, sweeping around, and loudly, "I came to propose a family with sincerity, is there no one in the entire Dark City to welcome me?"

"Crazies from the Holy Empire, you must be mad! If it weren't for the top geniuses in the Dark City, what are you doing!" After hearing Ye Chen's words, a middle-aged man was finally upset and glared at Ye Chen, now it represents the affairs of two hostile countries. The fierce sun is defeated, but the top genius of Dark City is not here.

"Oh? What other geniuses do you have in the Dark City? Didn't you just say that Lieyang is a genius who knows the roots?" Ye Chen was surprised. Lieyang was the first guard of the Dark City before, plus a silver star. Strength, should be the genius of the younger generation of Dark City, how can there be?

"Huh! We also said that Lieyang is a genius with a surname who knows everything!" Said the middle-aged man. "But the top geniuses in our dark city are all princes. Do you want to marry their little sister, have you asked them?"

"Oh, this is the case." Ye Chen nodded and understood the meaning of the middle-aged man. The original was the prince of the Eastern family. The genius in the surname was the strongest in the sun, plus the city of Darkness. So, if you want to choose a horse for Dongfang Tianqin, Lieyang is basically the only candidate.

"Just know, so boy, don't be arrogant!"

"Then where did these princes go? And Tian Qin? She's not here?" If Dongfang Qin was here, Ye Chen believed that she would definitely hear it. It hasn't come out yet, it should be out of here. .

"Why should I tell you?" The middle-aged man complained.

"Haha, why don't you tell me?" Ye Chen laughed. "You see I'm hitting the entire face of the Dark City now, and no one of the royal family has come to me to trouble me, do you still not understand their minds? So Now if you want to find your face, then tell me their location, I just can't find them? "

"How is this possible!" Everyone else also heard Ye Chen's words. When they saw the tragic situation of Lieyang, some of them understood it. I'm afraid Ye Chen is telling the truth. What exactly is Ye Chen's origin? Not dare to act lightly?

Finally, the middle-aged man said, "They went to the eastern coast. It is said that recently a group of bloodthirsty demon is playing tricks. It is said that all living things have been swallowed up by them. Now they have threatened the humans in the East China Sea. In our dark empire, the lord sent the prince and princess out. Whoever can solve this trouble will become the next lord of the dark empire. "

"Do you mean Tianqin wants to be the next national?"

"Of course." The middle-aged man said, "A woman can also become a lord, as long as she has the strength. But, hey, if Princess Tianqin becomes a lord, her horse can only add to our darkness. Empire! Her children can only be named East! "

Speaking of which, the middle-aged man looked at Ye Chen stunned, and the family name on the mainland of Phoenix is ​​also very important. If his child ca n’t follow his last name, that would be the biggest insult to the man.

"Well, you don't need to worry about this!" Ye Chen understood the middle-aged man's mind instantly, but he didn't matter. Since he knew the middle and higher continents, the disputes on the Phoenix continent have not caused his interest. But the grudges with the barbarians naturally need to be resolved.

"Hehe." The middle-aged man was also extremely disdainful, thinking that Ye Chen said it for the sake of the man. But whether it's for the sake of face or not, if Ye Chen can really soak away Princess Tianqin, it will be a happy thing.

"Since that is the case, then I'm leaving here!" After that, Ye Chen turned and left. As for the demon thing that the middle-aged man said before, Ye Chen guessed it at once, it must be the swordfish school, gold. He has taught the strength of the swordfish school, he is a bit worried about the safety of the Oriental Tianqin, so let's go and see.

And after Ye Chen left, Lie Yang just sobered up, regardless of the people around him, quickly left.

On the other side, inside the palace of the Dark Empire.

A handsome, middle-aged man in his forties sitting on the throne can also be said to be a handsome white man with a fair face. Standing under the middle-aged man, there are two old men who look like sixties, one Left to right.

After Ye Chen left, an old man with a look similar to the fierce sun on the right face didn't sullenly, "National Lord, why don't you let me go out and teach the madman!"

"Greek wind, you have a bad temper!" Said the Eastern Empire's leader, Dongfang Wuji, "I didn't let you do it just now, it doesn't mean that you won't let you do it. You go and teach that Ye Chen, who was on the mainland before But it ’s furious, but it's well-known. But this time it's time to learn less than to lose face to us. But you remember, you can't kill, you can only fight, because he is very useful to us. "

"Yes, the lord." Lie Feng is naturally the father of Lie Yang, but the Marshal of the Dark Empire. He only got Lie Yang's son in the last 30 years. He naturally loved him, but he did not expect to be so embarrassed. If it wasn't for the host, he would have dealt with Ye Chen long ago. Now that he has the order from the host, he will definitely teach Ye Chen a hard meal. He will not be killed, but he will be seriously injured.

And after the gale left, there were some curious old men on the left hand side saying, "Master, why do you want to send this reckless husband to the past? Don't you be afraid that he will not succeed or fail? He is brave, but it is easy to do wrong."

"Are you worried that the gale will accidentally kill Ye Chen?" Dongfang Wuji laughed. "You may not know yet, this kid named Ye Chen killed Bai Han's three elders Wu Han. Wu Han is a silver four star The strength to about five stars is similar to the gale. It is impossible for the gale to kill Ye Chen. "

"What? Ye Chen killed Wu Han? Isn't the landlord worried that Ye Chen will kill the gale? Although he is a reckless husband, he is absolutely loyal to the landlord and the empire."

"You can rest assured that an old guy in our empire couldn't sit still when Ye Chen appeared. It seemed that Ye Chen had something that attracted him. He was going to figure it out and he would definitely not let Ye Chen kill the gale. . Of course, if Ye Chen is good, there is nothing wrong with Qin marrying him that day, and after he returned from Phoenix Empire last time, he told me that Tian Qin and this little guy named Ye Chen seemed a little unclear. Relationship. If he can defeat the gale and Tian Qin himself will, I will naturally not object. "

"If the princess agrees, then we naturally have no problem. But the old guy you said is the oldest one?" Wen Wencree's old man was surprised and asked carefully.

"That's right, he is the ancestor of the same period as the Emperor Puming, and the founder of our dark empire." The Eastern Wuji walked slowly.

"I didn't expect his old man to have been there all the time." The old man showed respect and respect, but he didn't expect Ye Chen to be fancy and didn't know what was special about him.

"Yeah, he's always been." Dongfang Wuji said, "Of course, Ye Chen's relationship is more than that. He also has some relationship with the killer Mr. Cangsheng."

"Killing the Valley to kill the Cangsheng?" Wen Chuicre said to the old man, "What is the relationship between them? I remember the long ago the Lord of the Kingdom told me that Killing Valley is a force that must not be provoked on the mainland. Why?"

"Ye Chen has a cousin Ye Qifeng, a close disciple who killed Cangsheng. It is said that the relationship between Ye Chen and Ye Qifeng is extremely complicated, like an enemy and a friend. If Ye Chen is anti-orthogonal, it is equivalent to making good friends. Killing the valley is only good for us. "Dongfang Wuji also said," As for why you can't provoke the killing valley to kill the Cangsheng, hey, because the Cangsheng was the only one on the mainland that was not taken away by the Phoenix Emperor. The emperor level exists, who say you don't dare to beat him ?! "

The old man was shocked, and finally understood why everyone was afraid of killing Cang Sheng. Even the Phoenix Emperor could not forcefully take away Cang Sheng. It can be seen how strong the killing Cang Sheng was in the year, maybe it was only one point weaker than the Phoenix King ... ...

However, the old man still had doubts, saying, "I don't know why the landlord said that killing Cangsheng is an emperor class who walks on the mainland in a bright and upright manner. Does it mean that there are still many emperor classes hidden on the mainland?"

"You guessed right! The Phoenix Continent is not as simple as we see it." Dongfang Wuji laughed. "But it doesn't matter. The Phoenix Continent that has lost the heart of the Phoenix, even if there is a hidden emperor level, it is very powerful. Limited, we need not fear these people. "

"I see, the lord."


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