Chaos Fiend

Chapter 285: Gale

"Master, I'm afraid I won't be able to use the Orb of Chaos in the next period of time. (((Catino Novel Network ))) "little underworld.

"I see." Ye Chen knew Xiao Hei's meaning, not that he could not use it, but once he used the Chaos Orb, I'm afraid he would absorb his vitality again. This time he did not absorb it because Chaos Orb originally absorbed a large amount of yuan. Shi's power, it seems that he is going to study the dusty Wanmu Evergreen Gong. After the last time he dried up the dry dust on the island, he got the space of the dry dust, and the wood was in the ring. Ye Chen has also studied the cultivation methods of Changqing Gong, but he is not good at training because of the strength of the wood.

"Yes, master, you can now study more about the sea boat."

"Why?" Ye Chen asked.

"The sea boat contains the rules of space. You do n’t have to think about the rule master now. But if you want to thoroughly refine the chaos, the power of space must be cultivated." Xiao Hei explained, "If you have not been in control of space If you use the power, you will never be able to completely refine the chaotic magic beads. You ca n’t use many of the abilities of the chaotic magic beads. If you can completely control the chaotic magic beads this time, it will be easier to destroy the evil demon. "

"I will." Ye Chen nodded. Although he refined the sea boat, it was because of Ye ’s extraordinary blood, the rules of space contained in the sea boat, and he did not understand at all. Of course, Xiao Hei just let him It is enough to be able to cultivate the power of space, and the power of training space is roughly equivalent to getting started, and you can refine the core space of the chaotic magic bead.

Then Ye Chen's spirit body returned to the body, and he felt his weakness instantly. His mental power, elemental power, and physical power were all consumed in the chaotic magic beads just now.

But just when Ye Chen wanted to recover, an old man blocked Ye Chen.

"Who are you? Why are you stopping me?" Ye Chen looked at the people who were somewhat familiar, as if he had seen them, but he was sure he didn't know the people who were blocking him. Of course, although he has no strength now, he is not worried. It is just a matter of hiding in the sea boat and running. He can even restore his strength in the sea boat.

"I am a strong wind. When I was at the gate of the dark city, the strong sun you insulted was my son!" Yes, the person who blocked the road was the strong wind. He chose to stop Ye Chen in a relatively remote place in the center of the dark city and the sea city. He He has been following Ye Chen. If Ye Chen had not stopped, he would still not be able to catch up with Ye Chen, which also surprised him at Ye Chen ’s strength, especially now that he saw Ye Chen ’s strength suddenly absent, he It ’s even more amazing. What secret technique did Ye Chen use to burn the elemental power? This caused the speed to be extremely fast, but it also consumed a lot of money?

"Oh, hit the little one, come old? Then find me in this remote location." Ye Chen could not help laughing at it.

The gale heard the old face blush. Although he did have that meaning, he couldn't admit it. He could only change the subject and said, "You don't care what hits the old and the young, you hit my son, can't you let me Lesson from you? What makes sense? "

"You're right, you're right! Your son is not as good as anyone, and you should come out to help him with revenge." Ye Chen nodded, "But I don't have time to play with you now."

Speaking of this, Ye Chen wanted to take out the sea boat and ran directly. He just happened to fight the evil demon, and now he has no desire to fight.

However, the words of the gale stopped him, "I won't take advantage of you, I won't take a shot now, but when your strength recovers, I will teach you a good meal for my son!"

"Oh, you are still a person." Ye Chen snorted softly, and his original desire to run away was gone. Since the gale wanted to fight him, he satisfied the gale once and took out dozens of top-quality goods from the space ring. Yuan Shi, fully absorbed.

Seeing Ye Chen recovering in situ, the gale also stood by, waiting quietly for Ye Chen to recover.

Ye Chen naturally absorbed the top-grade Yuanshi very quickly. Of course, he also used it with one heart and one heart. On the other side, he absorbed the power, and on the other side kept absorbing the spirits left by the evil spirits.

Now that his strength has arrived, as long as he absorbs it, he can continuously improve his strength.

However, Ye Chen stopped when the mental force absorbed the silver two stars. The gale was still waiting here. The Oriental lyre was still in Haicheng and he had to go to Haicheng. Obviously, it was not a time to improve his strength on the road. The silver nine stars, even if the light absorbs mental energy, it will not be able to absorb successfully for a while.

And his vitality and physical strength were all restored under the nourishment of Yuanshi Yuanli.

When Ye Chen recovered, a powerful power was released uncontrollably, but only half a second, Ye Chen recovered the power.

"Boy? Recovered?" Lie Feng waited for so long, seeing Ye Chen finally recovered, and became energetic, but his heart also played a twelve-point spirit, Ye Chen seemed very strong.

"Yes, it's restored!" Ye Chen said.

"Well, there should be a solution between us." Lie Feng said with a fist, "boy, you have bullied my son, don't blame me for bullying you!"

"Hey, for the sake of your recovery, I'll give you some face, let's go!" Ye Chen said.

"Boy, it's crazy! But it's a little worse than me !!!" Gale is also holding two big knives, and the power of the silver four-star peak is all erupted, "Furious fire!"

"Do you use all your strength against me?" Ye Chen said.

"Huh, I always feel a little strange to you, you must use all your strength!" Although the strong wind has always despised Ye Chen, but just felt the pressure just now, it seems that Ye Chen is not as simple as the surface, although he is reckless, but not It might be too stupid, otherwise you won't be able to live till now.

"Hey, you have to use all your strength, otherwise you will not be bullied!" Ye Chen laughed.

"Go to death, you!" Ye Feng was so angry with Ye Chen that he was so angry.

"Virtual magic skills, double swords of the demon god!" Having just fought with the double swords of the demon god, Ye Chen at this time had a better understanding of the double swords of the demon god, and directly simulated two double devil swords with the virtual demon technique, even the carved ones above. Ye Chen, the fierce beast, can also be simulated.

"Yeah!" Knife and Jian Xie collided, making a squeaking sound, and then Ye Chen was repelled two or three steps.

Although his overall strength is between the silver four stars and the silver five stars, that is also his own inference. Now he is hard and tough with the gale, still half a point weak, that is, the strength he is showing should be the peak of the silver four stars. A little bit.

However, Ye Chen is not good at swordsmanship, especially since he has not studied systematically. It is also considered to be his weakest. If it is not for his mental strength that has just been raised to two silver stars, it is estimated that it will be two or three points weaker than the gale.

Of course, if you change to the ice dragon gun and use the heaven and earth dragon gun, Liuhe marksmanship, you can definitely defeat the strong wind. But the ice dragon gun is a bit inconsistent, and Ye Chen doesn't want to use the ice dragon gun.

"Boy, good strength!" Gale saw Ye Chen stubbornly block his first blow, praised, Ye Chen was still a bit of strength.

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