Chaos Fiend

Chapter 290: Who do you think you are

Soon the two took Ye Chen back to the inner city of Haicheng. While on the road, some people still looked at Ye Chen, but this time because they were next to Dongfang Batian and Dongfang Tianqin, no one dared to give pointers. --- End of the story, romance between Hong Kong and Taiwan )))

Waiting for the residence of Dongfang Batian and Dongfang Tianqin.

After seeing Ye Chen, the people of Dongfang Batian and Dongfang Lyra forces were a little overwhelmed. They did not expect that their master would risk the world and be so good with Ye Chen, that is not to say that they want to cooperate with the Lord of the Kingdom. Do you say goodbye? But this is the opinion of Dongfang Batian and Dongfang Tianqin, and they can't say anything.

Ye Chen also noticed, but didn't ask.

After waiting in the lobby of the mansion, the three of them sat down. You look at me, I look at you, no one has spoken first.

But in the end, Oriental Batian spoke first.

"Ye Chen, have you offended my father emperor?"

"Ah? What does this mean?" Ye Chen said inexplicably. "I just killed some of the great prince Dongfang Zhige, and then I didn't offend your family?"

"That's weird!" Dongfang Batiandao, "Our father ordered us to suppress you. Whoever suppresses you will be able to add five points. Oh, yes, the main purpose of our visit this time is to solve the East China Sea. The trouble is based on how much you contribute. The perfect score is one hundred points. There are ten groups. Proportionally, even if one person is ten, your extra five points are very important. "

"Oh? Suppress me? That's weird." Ye Chen touched his head. "Is it because I was too arrogant at the gate of the dark city before? Shouldn't it? Your father and the emperor haven't seen me at all, is it so mean? Or did I teach you a gale named Dark City? "

"What? Did you learn from Marshal Gale? Are you kidding me? Are you so strong?" Eastern Oriental exaggerated.

"Huh, of course." Ye Chen hummed softly. "Don't talk about this first, won't I offend your lord because I defeated your strong wind?"

"No, my father emperor is not so stingy. If you really defeat Grand Marshal Gale, my father emperor will only agree with us." Dongfang Tianqin said.

"Then I don't know." Ye Chen shrugged.

"Okay, please pay attention to it anyway. Tianqin and I have negotiated with others. During this time, they will not be allowed to deal with you, and we will not do the task assigned to us by our father until the task. It's over. "Eastern Orientation.

"Actually, you don't need to do this," Ye Chen said indifferently. "If they don't agree, I can fight until they are completely satisfied."

"Well, don't stop talking!" Dongfang Batian turned his eyes blankly. "I don't know anyone else, but this time the great prince Dongfang Zhige came here with a high-level emperor in order to win the final victory. Isn't it easy to deal with you? Moreover, the great prince Dongfang Zhige himself is very talented, plus 20 years older than me and Tianqin, and very powerful, Tianqin and I do not know the depth of his strength. "

"Let's stop talking about this. You talk about the specific situation here. What's your mission? I heard what the devouring demon is?" He has dealt with several of the top Wuhuang strong men, and he is afraid of advanced martial arts. Emperor? As for Dongfang Zhige, even if they are twenty years older than them, they are only forty years old. Can they still be the top powerhouse? Anyway, Ye Chen is not afraid. Of course, these Ye Chen didn't say it. After all, they didn't believe it. As for the task, although Ye Chen had speculations, he still had to listen to Oriental Batian and Oriental Tianqin.

"It's not a devouring demon." Eastern domination, "It's a group of golden swordfish. I heard that it is the overlord in the deep ocean of the East China Sea. I don't know why it came to the shallow waters near the mainland. The most important thing is that this golden swordfish school Things are not swallowed. As long as the living things we see are swallowed by them, we can't count how many people or sea beasts they have swallowed. "

"It really is the swordfish school." Ye Chen said, "As far as I know, these swordfish schools are equivalent to the peak. In addition, they have absorbed fish that do not know how much. The strength may be even stronger, you people. How did you fight it? "

"It's definitely not just us." Oriental Domineer, "One of the strongest forces in the East China Sea originally was also our partner. Their leader, His Holiness the Dead, is also a peak power, and has been fighting against the swordfish school. There is also Gao Ming, the strong second elder of Baibaoxing, who is also a silver eight-star strong, leading the strong of Baibaoxing to resist the swordfish school at sea. "

“If you did n’t show up, we ’ve already gone to the sea to fight against the swordfish school. Now that you have appeared, we are here to wait for you for a while. Others originally wanted to suppress you before going against the swordfish school, then Having an agreement with the two of us, they decide not to deal with you. "

"Actually, you really don't have to do this." Ye Chen said, "If you really want to compete for the position of the Lord of the Dark Empire, you go ahead. Don't worry about me!"

"How is that? You're my brother-in-law I approve." Dongfang Batiandao, "Actually, Tian Qin only accompanied me to help me. She didn't care about the position of the lord. And you are my brother-in-law. You are much more important than the position of the founder! So as long as you are safe I can give up the position of the founder. "

Ye Chen didn't know what to say when he heard what he said. He understood that Oriental Domineering was a good intention, and even the position of the head of the country was no longer needed, but he was not really afraid of those people in Dongfang Zhige. This is the most distressed time.

"Okay, I've arranged a place for you, you can rest well." Eastern domineering, "Well, don't worry, you and my sister haven't seen each other for so long, don't talk about it anymore. It ’s the best thing for men and women to fall in love with each other. I ’m optimistic about you. ”

Speaking of the last Oriental domineering tone, it was all cricket, but left first.

When there were only two people left, Ye Chen didn't know what to say.

Eastern Lyra said, "Aren't you happy seeing me?"

"Happy, very happy! I especially want to see you!" Ye Chen said.

"Then you don't say a word," Dongfang Tianqin pretended to be unhappy.

"I'm so excited to see you, so I don't know what to say." Ye Chen touched her head, a little embarrassed, and changed the subject instantly. "Do you know anything about He Jiaqi, she seems to have left the Phoenix continent with the Blue Ocean. do you know?"

"I know all this, my brother told me." Dongfang Tianqin said, "I really looked away at the beginning, I did not expect to receive such an apprentice!"

"I'm curious, how did you find the Holy Empire that year, we are ten thousand miles away from you, and you seem to be fighting with others in order to compete for He Jiaqi." Ye Chen wondered.

"Are you? Anyway, you know that you have a relationship with our martial arts. I ca n’t tell you about the secrets of our martial arts. But He Jiaqi is a rare cultivating wizard in a thousand years. Even some places may be better than me. We have to be strong, so that we can fight for it. "Dongfang Tianqin said.

"But you seemed to be very weak at the time." Ye Chen said, "I was still injured by the sacred Wu King Situ Feng. Now he is definitely not your opponent. Why not send a strong one at that time?"

"Hey, you still need to ask, isn't it that the strong ones are very dynamic? In addition, I have a special identity. If it was not the other party's failure, Situ Feng would not have shot, and ordinary people would not dare to move me." Dongfang Tianqin With a smile, "Forget it, don't mention the past, I'm still saying that before, if you want to marry me, you must win me! This is our previous agreement!"

"Would we like to try it now?" Ye Chen shook his fist, eager to try it out.

"Oh? Are you really coming?" Dongfang Tianqin laughed, smelling of a little witch.

"Of course it is true." Ye Chen said firmly.

"Okay, but don't fight with each other," Dongfang Tianqin said. "Actually, my brother has nothing to say. He should be waiting for me."

"what's up?"

"Even my father's emperor had orders, forbid me to deal with you, let alone mention anything about marrying you." Dongfang Tianqin said, "but my brother and I have resisted my father's order for you, So if you want to marry me, you must first defeat my father, as long as you defeat him, I believe no one will object. Of course, defeating my father will also defeat me! "

"Hey, do you mean that you are better than your father-in-law? Then I want to know what strength your father-in-law is?" Ye Chen said.

"Nature is the silver peak. My father emperor was even better than me in his youth." Dongfang Tianqin said, "Will it be better than my father emperor, waiting for you to defeat my father emperor that day!"

"Okay! Then you wait for me to defeat your father!" Ye Chen said to himself.

"You're confident!" Dongfang Tianqin said just now, and two women went directly into the lobby where he and Ye Chen were talking.

The two women Ye Chen also knew that it was the young woman Xuan Yin and Xuan Yin's disciple early summer.

"Sister, our Xuanyin Gate supports you because I want you to be in the position of Lord of the Dark Empire, not to make you behave like this! Children's personal affairs are not worth mentioning in my opinion. You can abandon this relationship, especially if everyone is against it. How can you go alone ?! Xuan Yin automatically ignored Ye Chen and angered at Oriental Tianqin.

Ye Chen was unhappy immediately when he heard the words. In addition, he was already hostile to Xuan Yin. He immediately said, "What is the reason for a martial art to give up a relationship, what about everyone's objection? And you tell me, this person Who is it? I fight until they no longer object! "

Xuan Yin originally ignored Ye Chen, the culprit, but did not expect Ye Chen to dare to take the initiative to talk, and immediately mocked, "What kind of thing are you so arrogant ?!"

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