Chaos Fiend

Chapter 293: Choose a leader

Above the East China Sea, there are three giant sea ships, a skeleton with a skeleton robber, a phoenix with a treasure treasure, and a black dragon with a dark empire. These are the three most powerful forces. Sea boat. +++ Girls must go to the website

Similarly, there are hundreds of sea vessels around the three Big Macs, all of which are powerful soldiers ready to go.

This kind of strength, if it was before, can work together to destroy the golden swordfish school, even if it pays a heavy price, it will destroy the golden swordfish school. Unfortunately, different hearts and different forces have made the golden swordfish school grow a lot. Now they want to defeat the swordfish school extremely difficult. They had to contact the sea beast forces.

The sea beast forces are also threatened by the swordfish school. Although they have hatred with humans, they are not destructive hatred. They are only hunting and being killed. However, the swordfish school directly destroys and devours them, so they also Choose to cooperate with humans.

On the Skeleton Stealth Big Ship, the top forces in the East China Sea and the sea beast forces have all gathered, divided into five forces.

One is the skeleton thief headed by Lord Deadwood.

The second is the Treasure of Baibao, headed by Gao Ming, the second elder of Baibao.

The third is the dark empire forces headed by Dongfang Zhige. Several princesses and princesses have reached a short-term cooperation agreement, which also includes all the original Haicheng forces and the Beast Squad.

The fourth party is the sea beast power, but the sea beast overlords are all in the deep sea, so the strongest sea beast power is only the silver lord, the top power is not, but the sea beast power is the largest.

The fifth party is the Oriental Tianqin who has just arrived here and the Tianyin Gate behind her, and this time there are three people appearing on behalf of Tianyin Gate, two are Xuan Yin and Early Summer that Ye Chen knows, and one is ten years old Old man.

The protagonist of this conference is naturally the dead wood lord, otherwise it would not be possible to convene the conference on the seaboard where the skeleton stole.

"We failed in the last battle, and I think everyone understands what happened." His Holiness first spoke.

"Of course I know, it is because our forces do not work together and work for each other." Gao Ming also followed.

"Yes, it is true." Dongfang Zhige is now forty or fifty years old, but looks similar to Ye Chen in his twenties. Of course, he inherited the excellent genes of Oriental Wuji, and he is also very handsome like Dongfang Batian. Well, it can be said that the family has a small white face temperament. However, the only difference is that the ambitions of Dongfang Zhige are revealed directly, and they do not hide them.

"You still talk about your purpose!" The most powerful sea lion lord elected from the sea beasts was a little impatient. They were already hostile to humans. Otherwise, the swordfish would be too strong, and they would not agree with humans. Alliance request.

"Well, the main purpose of my meeting this time is to choose a leader that everyone agrees with! Everyone must listen to this leader." His Holiness of the Woods said the key points of the meeting, which can be guessed by humans. No, although they are wise, they are still far from human beings.

"That won't work!" The Lord Sea Lion objected for the first time. "If we want to choose this way, our sea beasts are the strongest and should be commanded by our sea beasts."

"Hey, you are the strongest, but your wisdom is still a bit different from our human beings, so it is best to obey our human beings' commands."

"Then our alliance is not necessary," said the Great Lord of the Sea Lions. "It is a dream to want our sea beasts to obey your human command!"

"Then we humans can completely avoid the East China Sea and return to the mainland at that time. I think the school of golden swordfish will never follow us to the mainland? Or are you sea beasts willing to follow our humans to go to the mainland to live?" If there is a reason, talking at this time is also a laughing matter. If it is not because of the practice of Wanmu Evergreen, people might be attracted to a lot of fans, but now it is a bit scary.

"This." The Lord Sea Lion thought for a while, knowing that Lord Deadwood was right, but finally said, "But I said ugly, we can obey the command of your humans, but if it is explicitly let us die Order, we will not obey! "

"Be assured, this time we will fight with the sea beast friends!" Lord Deadwood saw immediately the consent of the Lord Sea Lion.

"Yes, then you can choose one," said the High Lion Lord.

"Well, let's talk a few, Gaoming, eldest prince, who do you think is the most suitable to be the leader?" His Holiness withered smile stared at the two with a smile.

"I don't care." Gao Ming shrugged his shoulders. "As long as the swordfish can be destroyed, everyone will be the same."

"What about the great prince?" Said His Holiness the Dead.

"Me? Hey." Dongfang Zhige laughed. "You ask my brothers and sisters, who they support."

"We definitely support the elder brother for the time being." Dongfang Zhige had just finished speaking, and other princes and princesses jumped up immediately. There were exactly eight of them, and each of them had a lot of power. In combination, in the human side It is also the most powerful.

"That's okay. The nine of your royal family now represent a force and can only represent one side." His Holiness the Dead.

"If you want to say this, then the nine of us will be divided into nine forces. Anyway, we will also discuss the merits of the scores. Originally, we have always felt inappropriate for nine in one. Now we can divide the nine forces into one ?! When Qing heard the words of His Holiness, he said immediately.

"Yes, we will be divided into nine forces!" Said the other princes. "Otherwise, if we count according to one force, we would not be able to distribute credit!"

"Well, you haven't played the swordfish before, so you're thinking of your credit? Is it possible?" His Holiness Leng hummed.

"Never mind whether we do credit or not, now that we have the strongest power, we should choose one of the nine to be the leader!" Dongfang Qingdao.

"Oh, then, tell me, who of the nine of you will be the leader. I don't believe that none of you want to be the leader?" Although His Holiness was very angry, on the surface, he seemed to be fine.

"Want me to say, naturally, my brother Dongfang Zhige. What about you?" Dongfang Qing didn't care.

"We also support Big Brother now!" Said the other princes. "But when the battle is over, you don't care about Big Brother. It's still about the previous merit and reward."

"Yes!" The others nodded.

His Holiness saw the princes of the Dark Empire so tacit, and his face gloomed. When he wanted to speak, one of the princes took the lead to say, "If you want to find from us, you seem to have forgotten one person. We should count ten people. "

After that, the man looked at the Eastern Lyra.

"Oriental jade? What do you mean?" Dongfang Qing unhappy.

"Hey, Qingmei, what do you mean? Do you not know yet? I naturally support Tianqin's sister. Yes, brother, what do you mean?" The prince named Dongfangyu looks gentle and elegant, but in words His words focused on the contradiction between Dongfang Zhige and Dongfang Qin. Although he verbally supported Dongfang Zhiqin, he intensified the contradiction between Dongfang Zhige and Dongfang Qin to the maximum. It seemed that he would not kill his bones.

The eyes of several princes and princesses were fixed on Dongfang Zhige, and they seemed to want to see what he said.

Dongfang Zhige laughed, "Don't ask me, you should ask His Holiness, who is the host here and the initiator of this meeting, he should have the best opinion."

"Brother, that's right." The others gathered their eyes on His Holiness the Dead.

Dongfang Jade saw Dongfang Zhige so easily resolved his attack and shook his head.

After Dongfang Zhige and other people's eyes have shifted to His Holiness the Dead Wood, there is a trace of unpleasantness, and Dongfang Jade is remembered in his heart.

On the other hand, the oriental lyre has never moved, sitting quietly on the seat like a stone man.

His Holiness saw nodded everyone's eyes when he saw everyone's eyes gathered, I was the main character, okay, I was the future leader.

Immediately pretending to say, "That's the case, then I said. If you want to choose a leader, at least his strength should be the strongest! If there is no strongest strength, how to convince the public?"

"Haha, it might be better to say that you want to be the leader yourself. It seems that you are the only strong one here?" Gao Ming laughed.

"Brother Gao, it's true that you understand that." His Holiness laughed. "Here, this is the strong, I am the peak strong, why can't I be the leader?"

While speaking, Lord Deadwood took the momentum of the peak strong, and shot at everyone, everything that was shot down with his head down, was deeply suppressed by the momentum of Lord Deadwood's peak strong.

Of course, Dongfang Zhige and others were not suppressed, but just looked coldly at His Holiness.

At this moment, the old man next to Dongfang Tianqin spoke, "Sir, have you asked if you are old?"

As he spoke, the momentum of the oldest peak strongman also exudes, deterring His Holiness.

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