Chaos Fiend

Chapter 306: Valkyrie Essence (2)

"Don't talk big, your words can scare and scare ordinary people, scare me, it's impossible!" Ye Chen said ironically, after all, Ye Feifan and other powerful men are still alive, although they do not know if they are hiding Nowhere, but as long as these strong are alive, no one dares to move the Phoenix continent. (((Catino Novel Network ))) And even if these are not available Strong, if the blue oceans really dared to move the Phoenix continent, they would have already done it, but still have to wait until now? Also used to let genius enter the Phoenix continent? The blue dome is here to scare and frighten some people who do not know the Phoenix continent. Those who really understand will not be intimidated by the blue dome.

"Huh!" Lan Qiong was very angry when he saw Ye Chen tearing through him, but he was right in one point. After carrying out the Lan Hai clan, many people did not dare to kill him.

However, Ye Chen is obviously not that kind of person. Last time Lan Yu overcast him last time. He had a very bad impression of the Blue Ocean people. In addition, the blue dome controlled the golden swordfish school to chase him down. How could Ye Chen pass the blue dome?

"Do you have any other hole cards, it is best to use them, otherwise, I'm afraid you have no chance." Ye Chen said.

"Do you really dare to kill me?" Lan Qiong heard Ye Chen's meaning, and seemed to kill him.

"The last time you controlled the swordfish chasing me, did you play with me?" Ye Chen asked.

"Hehe." Lan Qin controlled the golden swordfish school to chase and kill Ye Chen, which was not a joke. Now he was mentioned by Ye Chen, and he fully understood Ye Chen's meaning.

"Well, if you don't have a hole card, you'll just wait to die!" Ye Chen said that, but he was still very frightened, because the blue dome can control the entire swordfish school, and it must have a hole card. He doesn't know what kind of hole cards, but the hole cards that can control the entire swordfish school should be super strong.

"Then let you see and see!" Suddenly a drop of golden blood came out of Lan Qong's forehead. The thousands of gold swordfish still alive around him, just like seeing the king, suddenly shivered, and seemed to surrender to Blue Sky again.

"This is ?!" In addition, Ye Chen and others seemed to feel endless pressure when facing golden blood.

Ye Chen, who has absorbed the blood of the six-armed Demon Clan, is more clear about this feeling. Although not as good as the blood of the Six-armed Demon Clan, it is also very strong.

"This is my hole card! A drop of blood from the Valkyrie Strong." Lan Qiong is a little proud. This is the blood of Valkyrie. If it was not the suppression of the Phoenix continent, he would have no chance to refine and control the golden swordfish school. And after refining this drop of blood, he not only became the peak strongman, but also controlled the huge school of golden swordfish. Although the swordfish school is now destroyed, he himself has become the peak strongman, it does not matter.

"A drop of blood from Valkyrie!" Everyone revealed a burning look, especially the Emperor Tianming. He was just the former emperor peak on the Phoenix continent, and it was also extremely far away from Valkyrie. If he could get a drop of blood from Valkyrie In that case, he may not be able to find the opportunity to break through Wu Sheng.

There was a gleam of light in the eyes of Dongfang Batian. The Phoenix Emperor was only the peak of the emperor at that time. One hundred and eighty thousand miles away from Valkyrie, a drop of blood from Valkyrie was enough to raise him to a very high level.

As for the sea beasts, they have already gone crazy. The sword sword fish swallowed up the blood of the martial arts by mistake. This has changed from a small group to the sea beast overlord. If they can swallow a little bit, how strong are they?

"Oh, do you want all of them?" Lan Qiong noticed the hot eyes of the people around him, and dismissed him with a smile. "If you want, you can grab it by your ability!"

"Boy, arrogant, let me meet you!" Shouted the Emperor Tianming.

However, the Emperor Tianming just shouted, and the Great Sea Lion lord opened his mouth and rushed to the blue dome. He wanted to devour the blue dome and the Valkyrie blood. After all, the strongest and most corrosive place of the sea beasts was their abdomen.

"Do you dare to swallow him? How can I let you succeed." Tianming the Great suddenly became furious and extremely fast, forming a large cloth bag, ready to put the blue dome in.

Dongfang Batian is also very interested in the essence of Valkyrie, rushing over with a double hammer, and now he has also enhanced his strength through the Wuhuang formation, and rushed into it without falling into the wind.

In addition, Ye Chen didn't do it first. Lan Qiong was so confident that he could resist the four of them. I am afraid that the essence of Valkyrie is not so simple.

Just as he thought, the blood of the Valkyrie was transformed into a golden ghost image of the Valkyrie, enveloping the blue dome, and a sharp breath was uploaded from the shadow of the Valkyrie. This figure was a Valkyrie who had cultivated the power of gold. The strong, the breath of the sharp Jin Yuanyuan force is like a metal weapon, forming a metal storm next to the ghost of Wu Shen.

When the Emperor Tianming, the Lord of the Sea Lions and the Eastern Hegemon attacked, they attacked the metal storm as if they were caught in a tornado and destroyed by the metal storm into slag.

"Huh? What's going on?" Tianming the Great Frown. On the Phoenix continent, his strength can only reach the peak of silver, and his strength is already the strongest. In this case, it was directly destroyed by the metal storm, and still The crushing destruction made him unbelievable.

The same is true for the Sea Lion Grand Lord and the Oriental Dominator. They have the support of the Wuhuang Formation and their power has almost reached the peak of the Phoenix continent. Why does this happen?

"Hahaha, dumbfounded? Just because of your strength still want to fight me? I am now the strongest person in the Phoenix continent!" Lan Qiong laughed, and finally arrogantly said, "No, I was wrong, I Not only is the strongest person in the Phoenix continent, I am the first genius of the Blue Ocean, and I am the first genius of all continents! "

Facing the arrogant blue dome, everyone was silent.

Ye Chen's face also became serious. Others played against Blue Dome and didn't notice, but he noticed that after the formation of the metal storm, it had been running at a high speed. When everyone's attacks hit here, the metal storm was almost instantaneous. Ten times, which means that the crowd's attacks were cut ten times by the metal storm.

Originally, the metal storm was the golden power of Valkyrie's ghost. The power is comparable to the silver peak. Even if it is too fast, it is weak by one point, but it is not weak there. In addition, the attack of the people was cut ten times in an instant. , Resulting in a rolling attack effect.

Now Ye Chen is thinking about how the gold elemental power of the Wushen Phantom is controlled, and why the attack speed can be increased ten times in an instant. If he can also increase the attack speed ten times in such an instant, Wouldn't that kill any opponent? But Ye Chen knew that even in the sea boat, he couldn't do this step.

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