Chaos Fiend

Chapter 311: Valkyrie Blood

Of course, the Emperor Tianming didn't know that Ye Chen's mental strength had already been compressed when he opposed the intention of killing with the blood of the six-armed demon clan, and the quality was equivalent to the silver nine stars.

"Well? I don't see you for a while, but you have become purple?" Lan Qiong stared at Ye Chen strangely. When Ye Chen dealt with his swordfish school before, although he didn't make a shot, he had strong organizational ability and was able to control his next player. Playing three peak strong players has made him extremely surprised. Now that his strength has shrunk to a purple level, he is even more surprised. (((Catino Novel Network ))) But it's not right, Ye Chen killed the dead wood before His Holiness seemed to have sacrificed the island, not knowing what secrets were hidden above it.

"What about the purple level? It's enough to deal with your purple level." Ye Chen said.

"Haha, it's not bad! Even if we are standing still, you can't hurt us unless you attack us with your men." Lan Qiong laughed.

"Oh, right? Would you like to make a bet?" Ye Chen chuckled.

"Who made a bet with you ?!" Lan Qiong refused decisively. "At first glance, you are not at ease. Do you want to drag me into your island? Although I don't know what secrets there are, the fool knows whether or not Good thing. "

"Oh, are you afraid? You are a genius who controls the blood of Valkyrie and is comparable to the strongest peak, afraid of me as a purple star?" Ye Chen did think so, leaving the blue sky standing still, he used to attack At that time, just pull the blue dome into the sea boat, everything will be easily resolved, I did not expect that the blue dome was not fooled at all.

He now has only seven purple stars. Although the quality is very high, comparable to silver five or six stars, but because of a small amount, Yuanli's strength is similar to the silver one before. If he wants to drag the blue dome into it, it must be a crazy dream. Unless sneak attack.

"Hum, anyway, I won't be fooled." Lan Qiong snorted, but his eyes were on guard, it looked like Ye Chen must have something weird.

Seeing that the blue dome was not available, Ye Chen shrugged his shoulders, and then he looked at the emperor-level sea monster overlord.

In the past, Ye Chen did not have a chance to deal with the sea beast overlord, because the sea beast overlord had thick skin and sufficient strength, and he could fight for several months if he worked hard. Ye Chen did not want to do this useless work.

But now that his strength has improved, he can hurt Tianming Emperor in one move, with six arms out, it is estimated that it can seriously damage Tianming Emperor, and even if the sea monster overlord is ten times more resistant than Tianming Emperor, it will only make Ye Chen beat ten times Therefore, Ye Chen wanted to try if he could re-create the emperor-level sea monster overlord.

"Boy, you are so arrogant!" Lan Cang didn't know the details of Ye Chen. Now that Ye Chen looks at his sea pet, and then sees that Ye Chen is just pretending to be his younger brother with purple seven stars. At the same time, I felt that my brother Lan Qiong was a little too irritated.

"Brother, this boy is weird. Let's go first." Lan Qin didn't want Lan Cang to test the water. After all, it was his brother. If he fell into the island and died with His Holiness, then Suffered.

"What? You let me go?" Lan Cang was furious instantly, and he had been abandoning his brother for counseling, and now he persuaded him to go, even more angry, especially now that the scene clearly shows that he has the advantage. Why should he let him run? He controlled the emperor-level sea monster overlord, and fled in the face of a purple seven-star Ye Chen. If this was passed back to the Blue Ocean, what else would he be a blue ocean genius? Afraid to be laughed to death.

"But he's really weird!" Lan Qiong also wanted to persuade, Lan Cang had controlled the emperor-level sea monster overlord and rushed past.

Lan Cang wants the emperor-level sea monster overlord to smash Ye Chen into a pile of mud, and this is the pretend end.

"Ha." Ye Chen didn't expect the blue dome to cooperate so that the island was enlarged to its original size. The previous island was larger than the sea monster overlord, and the sea monster overlord could completely hold it.

Under the control of Lan Cang, the sea monster overlord plunged into the island.

Lan Qiong frowned, hoping his brother Lan Cang was fine.

"Well, boy, even if I come in, how can you help me?" Facing Ye Chen, the purple seven star, Lan Cang is naturally fearless, even if he enters the sea boat, how can the purple seven star treat him? Of course he has been in the stomach space of the sea beast.

"You will know immediately how I can treat you!" Ye Chen is also welcome. The six-armed Demon blood is used directly, the figure is tall, and four arms emerge from the abdomen. It is an ice dragon gun with virtual magic skills, and at the bottom is the **** lion elephant fist, all hitting the emperor-level sea monster overlord.

However, the reality is still a little different from Ye Chen's expectation, because the ice dragon gun is synthesized by virtual magic skills, which is spiritual power, and lacks some strength, but even so, the demon double sword and **** lion elephant after compressing the power The fist still broke the skin of the emperor-level sea monster overlord, and stabbed it to leave blood on the beach. However, compared to the body size of the emperor-level sea monster, it was still a waste of money.

The emperor-level sea monster overlord was attacked by Ye Chen in this way, and it was already extremely painful. The huge Yuanli water column should not be sprayed wildly, the water column raged on the island and destroyed everything on the island.

Regardless of Ye Chen's disregard, he still attacked the emperor-level sea monster overlord. This time Ye Chen directly attacked its vital parts, such as his head. As long as his head was destroyed, the emperor-level sea monster overlord had to finish playing.

"Boom boom!" The powerful attacks kept hitting the forehead of the emperor-level sea beast overlord, and the sound of a collision with the skull sounded, and the forehead of it became blurred and blood dripping.

Lan Cang was startled, "Why? Why is this? How could you be so strong? How could you be so strong? Don't fight, don't fight, keep fighting, it's going to die!"

"Why is it impossible for me? Why not? Besides, what does it have to do with me?" Ye Chen asked.

"You obviously only have purple seven stars, and it is already the highest peak strength of the Phoenix continent. How did you hurt it?" Lan Cang kept asking, "It is my sea pet and my partner. Hope you Be merciful. "

"It's yours, not mine!" Ye Chen prepared to continue his shot.

"Wait a minute!" The blue dome outside shouted suddenly.

"What?" Ye Chen looked at the Blue Dome.

"I agree to surrender the blood of Valkyrie, and you will release my brother and its sea pet." The battle with the dead wooden prince was in a sea boat, and everyone could not see it. It is now on the island. Chu, if this continues, the emperor-level sea monster overlord and his brother will die. Since Ye Chen wanted the blood of the martial arts, he gave it to him. Of course, the reason why he wanted to hand it over was because he wanted to understand. After all, external forces are external forces, and it is the key to being strong.

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