Chaos Fiend

Chapter 314: Invincible Qian Qian

When Chen Qianyue said so, Ye Chen knew it was not good, and fled into the sea boat for the first time. --- End of the story, romance between Hong Kong and Taiwan )))

At the same time, seven huge images of the sky demon emerged from the void, and each of the sky demon had a different expression, which is the emotions, sorrows, sorrows, and terrors of the seven emotions.

Similarly, various notes are spit out from the magic mouth of the Seven Days, and the notes are staggered with each other. They actually combine to form the sound of killing. The people who hear it will be infected by the killing and become a lunatic who only knows the killing.

In addition, the Emperor Tianming also defended for the first time. Ye Chen hid in the sea boat, and he could not participate. He managed himself, after all, this time the demon killing sound was twice as high as the seven emotions. The strength is already equivalent to six or seven times the strength of the extreme peak, and the power of the master who does not prepare the formation in advance can only be the silver peak. Fortunately, Qian Qian's main target is Ye Chen. Otherwise, I don't know if Emperor Tianming can resist.

Ye Chen hid in the sea boat, but the sound of the magical chaos that day followed, and entered the sea boat.

Now Ye Chen finally understands the horror of the spiritual strong. Yuan Li warriors want to improve their strength only seems to improve the quality of Yuan Li, even if using moves can not break through the limits of the mainland, unless using the martial arts, martial arts domain, such as Valor vanity should be Val field.

But the spiritual master can actually exert his power several times beyond the peak of the mainland. Although I don't understand what is going on, it is really too strong.

And he is invincible in the sea boat, but also depends on the endless endless power, relying on the quantity to win, against the powerful man who has the emperor-level domain is okay. What if he meets the strong man in the martial arts field? I'm afraid I can't beat it.

But now it's okay. I have reduced the quality of Yuanli and further improved my strength. Don't be afraid to meet such a strong person.

Of course, there are few such poor people who are pitiful. Perhaps the phoenix emperor, who had been jealous of everyone, could not have taken the killing gatekeeper to kill Cangtian. Similarly, the Qian Qianyue who wants to destroy the Phoenix empire is also one.

Ye Chen wanted to understand all of this in an instant. After thinking about it, he began to resist the killing sounds of Qian Qianyue's demon chaos. In the face of spiritual attacks, he had nothing but consciousness.

The strength that is promoted in the sea boat is the enhancement of the power of the element and the physical power, but not the spiritual power, but because the increase of the power of the power and the physical power strengthens Ye Chen's willpower, so Ye Chen is in the boat The mental strength is still the silver Samsung, the quality is comparable to the silver nine stars, but the defense is the silver peak.

Of course, because of the lessons learned, his heart has been guarded to the extreme, and all his mental strength has shrunk into a ball, all defending like a hedgehog.

At this moment, the magical killing sound of the demon finally reached Ye Chen's eyes. Although the power was twice as high as that of the Qiqing magical sound, but because Ye Chen had already been defensive, coupled with increased will, mental defense increased, and the most The key is that Ye Chen once resisted the killing of the six-armed essence blood. After combining various conditions, Ye Chen this time relatively easily resisted the stronger killing sound of the demon.

Seeing Ye Chen actually blocked it this time, and frowning Qian Qianyue, it seems that Ye Chen's artifact does have its own uniqueness. If I rush in, I'm afraid I will really suffer.

But Qian Qianyue was already angry and would not stop attacking because of this obstruction. "Qiqing Tianyin!"

This time the Seven-day Demon will spit notes again, but it is different from the killing sounds combined previously. There are various music sounds, beautiful music sounds, ruthless love feelings, killing decisive sounds, charming sounds and temptation sounds. After that, the music was ever-changing and strange. And the power also increased again, reaching ten times the ultimate strength of the Phoenix continent that Ye Chen thought before.

The power this time seemed to have truly reached the limit of the Phoenix continent. The Emperor Tianming was horrified. His mental body was also twisted and seemed to be destroyed, but he insisted on defending. At the same time, his mind flashed countless thoughts. If this thousand months were placed in his era, it would definitely be the kind of truly invincible existence, even without the help of matrix formation, it would be possible to kill him in seconds. I really do n’t know these. What kind of evils are the younger generations.

On the other hand, Ye Chen could have easily resisted the killing sound of the demon. After all, he also had a hand to resist the killing, but this time, once the Qiqing Tianyin came out, Ye Chen's defense also appeared a loophole, although it was not like the first The same time was brought into the seven love magic sounds, but the defense of mental strength is also declining. If this continues, it is only a matter of time before being brought into the seven love heaven sounds.

However, Ye Chen also has a method, that is, refining and destroying the spiritual fragments left over from the evil thoughts of the deities, refining the spiritual fragments to enhance their spiritual power, and then used to resist the Qiqing Tianyin.

In fact, before annoying Qian Qianyue at the beginning, Ye Chen was also thinking. If he encounters the peak of the strong mental force like Qian Qianyue and he has not entered the sea boat, how can he resist? In the end, he wanted to understand. Now that he has the mental strength, all that remains is to increase the amount of mental strength. There are a lot of spiritual fragments left in the chaotic bead after destroying the evil thoughts of the demon. What do I keep? Naturally, it is left to improve his mental strength.

Before, there was no time to refine, but now it is oppressed, passive refinement, and the speed of refinery is also extremely fast. It can also be said that the greater the pressure, the more tenacious Ye Chen is, and his willpower is also more firm. Fragments of mental power, enhanced mental power, and stronger defense, finally unknowingly, Ye Chen's mental power also broke through to the silver four stars.

Don't look at breaking the silver four stars from silver Samsung, but this also means that Ye Chen has been upgraded from silver primary to silver intermediate, a huge improvement. Previously, it was equivalent to the defense of the silver peak in the sea boat. Now the strength is increased, and the defense is about the limit The attack power is six or seven times. Although it is a little bit worse than Qiqing Tianyin's attack, Ye Chen is purely defensive. Coupled with his main battlefield, he finally resists it.

And if this continues, Ye Chen's mental strength will become stronger and stronger, and resistance to Qian Qianyue will become more and more relaxed.

And Qian Qianyue also found this out. She was very annoyed now. Seeing herself as Ye Chen's sparring now, she helped Ye Chen to improve her strength. She lost her mood instantly. Her eyes flickered and she seemed to be thinking about what she wanted. Do not continue to attack Ye Chen, or in fact she has more powerful moves that have not been released.

In the end, Qian Qianyue recovered the Qiqing Tianyin, and the seven big demons disappeared instantly. He Qianyi lost the blood of the Valkyrie captured before, "Boy, you can, I recognize you, I will not force you to go The Phoenix Empire has been destroyed, and we can continue to discuss such things. Of course, Tianyinmen will be your backing in the future. If you have any trouble, come to Tianyinmen to find me! "

After saying that, Qian Qianyue disappeared instantly, regardless of Ye Chen's agreement or disagreement, just like she had come and gone.

Qian Qianyue left, Ye Chen's pressure disappeared, and he also stopped practicing.

Although his mental strength improved to the silver four stars, he was not happy. He began to think about the gains and losses this time. He found that he still has shortcomings. He is not really invincible in the sea boat. This kind of top mental strength still has a chance to destroy him, so he can protect himself only by improving his mental strength, and be truly invincible in the sea boat.

However, she is invincible in the sea boat, and she only relies on foreign objects and artifacts, but Qian Qianyue does not. She relies on her own strength, so the pursuit of the roots is still too weak.

Ye Chen clenched his fists. Although he wanted to be the top powerhouse immediately, he also understood that he could not eat hot tofu in anxiety, and it was impossible for him to make a qualitative leap in his strength.

And maybe there is a stronger move that Qian Qianyue has not released, this is the most terrible, because you never know the enemy's hole card, but your hole card is almost exposed.

"Ah." Ye Chen finally sighed, and then Ye Chen threw the blood of Wushen to Emperor Tianming, "Don't you want it? Here you are."

"Huh? What do you mean?" Emperor Tianming asked a question.

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